Saturday, April 30, 2016

Justin Bieber

April 30, 2016

You're really only 22?  I had forgotten how young you were when all of this started.

I guess Zac Efron was about the age you are now when it did all start, and I thought he was too young for me then.  I'm sure you'll understand how much you are too young for me, considering that it's several years later.  

Kick the can.  It's a game I never played, because I grew up in rural places.  I heard about it. It seems an appropriate metaphor.  When a bunch of people create the parameters for their competition, and they decide what the thing is that they'll kick around and try to get through goals on either side, it's the competition that matters to them as soon as the game starts.  The object of their intense battling is only worth as much to them as how much they want to win against each other and in front of other people.

I would be really glad to have whatever competition is still happening about me to stop.  I never liked it, even before it got to be this ludicrous, people acting half the time like I'm the prize of the century and then suddenly remembering that I'm middle-aged and acting like I'm the one hopelessly pursing them and making yet another gross joke of it.

Tonight, I am tired and feel actually sick to my stomach.  That's all I'm able to write.  I'd like not to have to worry that you're worrying about whether I'm looking at your social media or am about to write about you.  I have a lot of stress all the time, and these are also my last weeks of the semester, so I have things I have to do.  Thanks to the conglomerate, I have no social life where I live and don't know what to do about it.  I am celebrity roadkill, thrashing around after the accident.

I think you have a concert scheduled in Boston after this week.  It would be nice if you didn't talk about me then.  I'm so unhappy about everything that's happened to me; everyone who tries to say that I like it is so vicious.

Copyright L. Kochman, April 30, 2016 @ 11:29 p.m.

Fame is approaching me, isn't it?

April 30, 2016

I don't know how it could be worse.

Copyright L. Kochman, April 30, 2016 @ 10:34 p.m.

Zac Efron

April 30, 2016

Didn't I just reject you last week or the week before?  You're also publicly hitting on Emma Watson, which the woman who was your girlfriend fewer than a couple of weeks ago seems to have decided not to notice, probably because, as usually happens in these situations, she knows she can attack me and that it would be much more difficult for her to be horrible about Emma Watson, because Ms. Watson is a much bigger star than she is, and I am the conglomerate's perpetual target.

You're also being horrible about me, not that you're not always being horrible about me anyway.

Are you all almost over acting like this?  You really have nothing better to do?

Do you really think that I'm so stupid and so desperate that I want to date you, when you have spent almost every day of the past six years showing me how little you think of me, how much you don't respect me, how much you don't care about the things that are important to me, and how totally loveless and emotionally abusive a relationship with you would be?  

Do I seem like I love you?  Does it even seem to you that I like you as a person?  If so, then my attempts to politely dissuade you seem to be something that you have misinterpreted.  

I don't want to be unkind to you, because you have had some serious problems and also because it doesn't seem to me that you're happy.  However, I am not interested in you deciding to focus your personal and professional  life on abusing me with all your friends, love interests, ex-girlfriends and colleagues.

I gave up on you almost 4 years ago.  It's not surprising that you never noticed that I did, since it never mattered to you one way or another when I did try to care about you.  I understand, and understood the entire time, that someone who was your age then was not able to appreciate me.  What I gave up on was thinking that you ever would.  I gave up on thinking that you would eventually be a nicer person, that you would understand how hard I was working at the things that matter to me and that you would at least respect that those things matter to me, even if you didn't care about the things for their own sake.  I stopped expecting that you would stop disrespecting me all the time.  I stopped thinking that anything that I said would ever be something that you would be able to think about without the distortions placed on it by the people and things that you are part of and that are so toxic.  I didn't totally stop caring, but even that is something that you prove every day it's not worth my time to do.

You have no idea how I feel or what I'm like.  It's impossible to know where the cycle of contempt for me and the forced familiarity into every part of my life begins and ends from you and everyone like you.  Your eyes are probably glazing over already reading this, while you think about which female person you'll be sending out your public call to next.

I don't know how many times I told you, that you were fraying my concern for you a little more with every awful thing you said and did.  I don't know how many times I told you that, once you got to the end of my fuse, you would know a side of me that's not indecisive at all.  

What do you all think it is that I did to you, instead of the other way around?  What is your PROBLEM?

Copyright L. Kochman, April 30, 2016 @ 10:28 p.m.


April 30, 2016

I'm also sick of being picked on by them all the time.

There's nothing that I do that is anywhere near as bad as what they're doing and that they don't think is bad.

What is the way out of the labyrinth?

They hack my phone.  They hack my email.  They invade every part of my life.  They pervert humanitarian and other causes into personal attacks on me.  While they're doing all of this, they never stop acting like I'm victimizing them instead of the other way around.

If I get angry, they act like it doesn't matter.  If I'm nice to them, they act like I'm trying to take advantage of them.  

It's not as if I can get away from them; there's no getting out of it.  I am surrounded by these evil people.  I am not remotely concerned about being "accepted" by them.  I want their tyranny over my life to end.

Copyright L. Kochman, April 30, 2016 @ 10:11 p.m.

Edward Snowden

April 30, 2016

Please do not romantically pursue me. 

I have a number of reasons why I think it's a bad idea.  Despite everything that the conglomerate says about me, I am not coy, so please listen:

The conglomerate hates me.

My government is against me and personally persecutes me about a lot of things.

I have criticized Russia for its theft of Crimea and its inhumane treatment of Ukraine.

I have had mixed, meaning sometimes fatal, results when I have tried to advocate for the lives of specific people. 

I am chronically overwhelmed by the abuses that the conglomerate has inflicted on me.  I can't shoulder the responsibility of reading and writing about you.  I know that a lot of people are trying to help you, and I hope they'll be successful.  

Copyright L. Kochman, April 30, 2016 @ 4:57 p.m.

The White House promotes sexual abuse, including child molestation, voyeurism and involuntary pornography, and probably hacks my phone, while Edward Snowden can't get pardoned?

April 30, 2016

My privacy is criminally violated 24 hours a day, by so many individuals and organizations that I'll never know who they all are.  The people who do it think it's HYSTERICALLY funny, and use what they say about those violations as excuses to never stop violating me.

The media has not stopped promoting sexual abuse, including child molestation, voyeurism and involuntary pornography, for years.  For its own amusement, and to make my life as painful, isolated and ostracized as possible, it criminally invades my privacy in every way to which it has access, and encourages others also to treat me as if I have no rights.  How many crime-promoting articles and stories have gotten published, at the front pages of the paper copies and the websites of major newspapers and during television broadcasts?  The media would rather do that than try to help Mr. Snowden end his exile?

Because of the conglomerate, all women and all students around the world are at risk of sexual abuse at and outside school, including sexual harassment, physical sexual abuse, voyeurism and involuntary pornography.  

Because of the conglomerate, harassment and stalking are perpetrated not only by individuals and corporations, but also by government employees.  

Because of the conglomerate, nobody is safe from voyeurism and involuntary pornography, anywhere in the world.  A person's protection from those human rights abuses is directly proportionate to his or her wealth.  Democracy is supposed to be a form of government which refutes the idea that people have to buy their rights.  

Since the conglomerate began to promote sexual abuse in 2010, sex offenders have gotten taken off sex offender registries in droves.  Rapists have gotten awarded millions of dollars.  Edward Snowden can't get pardoned for telling people that their government has jeopardized their rights?

Not everyone who would like to distribute classified information to the public has altruistic, patriotic motives; it seems that Mr. Snowden did. 

Why did all the people who have died to defend democracy die, so that criminal violations by the powerful of the privacy of law-abiding citizens could be a ceaseless, public, dirty joke that makes the targets' quality of life as low as possible and elevates their risk of rape and murder to a near-certainty for the rest of their lives?

Copyright L. Kochman, April 30, 2016 @ 4:47 p.m.

I don't want to date celebrities.

Copyright L. Kochman, April 30, 2016 @ 3:14 p.m.

The behavior of my relatives is not a reflection on me, whether that behavior is positive or negative.

April 30, 2016

It's also typical of the conglomerate that it consistently attacks those of my relatives who are the poorest, who have already had the most painful lives, and whose social and financial stability is the most likely to be devastated by the conglomerate's bullying.

Copyright L. Kochman, April 30, 2016 @ 1:38 p.m./edited @ 2:58 p.m.

Is anyone trying to stop the lawsuits against Rolling Stone?

April 30, 2016

If one of them gets won, it will be that much easier for the next one to be won, until Jackie's own rapists are extorting money.

Copyright L. Kochman, April 30, 2016 @ 1:21 p.m.

I don't know if there were some students coughing at me in the class that I had this morning.

April 30, 2016

It seems as if that might have happened.

I'm not doing anything to them.

Copyright L. Kochman, April 30, 2016 @ 12:26 p.m.

Some of the things that happened today

April 30, 2016

4322 C New Hampshire

822 XX1

Copyright L. Kochman, April 30, 2016 @ 1:33 p.m.

Professional athletes should have to get a college degree.

April 30, 2016

They end up being role models for so many young people that education should be a requirement for them.

If they had to spent at least one night per week at a library instead of a bacchanal, the world would be a better place.

Copyright L. Kochman, April 30, 2016 @ 11:30 a.m.

Leonardo DiCaprio

April 30, 2016

Your writing is getting a lot better.  You're much more articulate than you were 6 years ago.

That being said, I'm not the only person in the world who's a good writer and worth emulating for some things, which I'm assuming you've been doing in a grudging and competitive way.  There are thousands of people to read.

Maya Angelou wrote one sentence in a book that might be the reason that I got to be a good adult writer and not just a child prodigy.  She said "Real writers write every day."  Even if all a person writes is a page each day, a page of something, the practice of putting words on the paper is what separates writers from the merely verbally gifted.

Copyright L. Kochman, April 30, 2016 @ 9:11 a.m.

Cambridge Police car 222

April 30, 2016

That car just drove past me, on the street where my apartment building is.

Copyright L. Kochman, April 30, 2016 @ 8:28 a.m.

Education doesn't prevent or solve all evils.

April 30, 2016

There are all sorts of people who are educated and who are also bad people.

Being educated is not equivalent to being a good person, but it does help good people to be less at the mercy of bad people.

Copyright L. Kochman, April 30, 2016 @ 7:52 a.m.


April 30, 2016

I have never done anything to you.

Copyright L. Kochman, April 30, 2016 @ 7:20 a.m.

I don't want to be famous; I want the abuses to stop.

Copyright L. Kochman, April 30, 2016 @ 7:01 a.m.

Is there a celebrity who doesn't have my phone hacked?

Copyright L. Kochman, April 30, 2016 @ 6:33 a.m.

The Screwtape Letters

April 30, 2016

Everyone who's attacking me today about having mentioned that book yesterday has no idea what the book is about, do you?

Google, the Boston Globe; they're not the only sources of information for the world that seem to be managed or at least staffed by a high percentage of vicious and illiterate people.

Copyright L. Kochman, April 30, 2016 @ 6:16 a.m.

Emma Watson is not a feminist.

April 30, 2016

A feminist is not someone who attacks other women for her personal or professional gain, which not only has Emma Watson done for years, she does while claiming to be a proponent for women's rights.

Copyright L. Kochman, April 30, 2016 @ 6:06 a.m.

Preliminary pages

April 30, 2016

Please read them.

Copyright L. Kochman, April 30, 2016 @ 6:04 a.m.

Friday, April 29, 2016

This is upsetting.

April 29, 2016

Are a lot of people doing something like that?  Please stop.

It was something I didn't want to talk about, which I talked about SO THAT people would stop doing things like this.

I have no choice about what total strangers think of me; the conglomerate decides all of that for me and for them.  I think what most people are getting from what the conglomerate says about me is "Something very sexual, good or bad," and I don't want to be thought of that way, something superimposed on me that takes from me all control over the perception that people are getting of me and how they think about my having boundaries.  I'm being treated as if my body belongs to the public to ogle or disdain.  Whether the public likes what I look like or not doesn't matter to me; what I object to is the preemption of my control over my life.

Copyright, with noted exceptions, L. Kochman, April 29, 2016 @ 10:41 p.m.

"they need to put this women down"

April 29, 2016

That's one of the messages that someone sent to one of my past YouTube blogs, "Lena Kochman Boston,"  5 hours ago at the time that I'm writing this page.

There are 3 more messages, all from one other person.  They were all written one hour ago at the time that I'm writing this page.  They are:

"this bitch is so stupidly hysterical"

"stupid bitch"

"your so stupid, I hope you drink some bleach"

A few people have also written to say that I'm crazy; I erased those already.

Copyright, with noted exceptions, L. Kochman, April 29, 2016 @ 9:43 p.m.

Piers J. Sellers

April 29, 2016

For someone who'll be meeting G-d a lot sooner than you thought you would, you don't seem as worried as I think you should be.

If I were going to die soon, I'd be reading all my favorite books.  I'd definitely read The Screwtape Letters; it's funny.

Good luck.

Copyright L. Kochman, April 29, 2016 @ 5:39 p.m.

"VLD" is spray painted on my street.

Copyright L. Kochman, April 29, 2016 @ 3:42 p.m.

K91 CYD from New Jersey

April 29, 2016

That car was parked on the street near my apartment building today.

Copyright L. Kochman, April 29, 2016 @ 3:42 p.m.


April 29, 2016

That's the name of a cab that was parked in Central Square today.  

License plate 25900
Cab number 230

It could be that the name "O/O TWO BOYS CAB" has no nefarious meaning.  However, the conglomerate has promoted crime so much that nobody could know.

The license plate of the cab parked after it was 994 D.

Copyright L. Kochman, April 29, 2016 @ 3:36 p.m.


April 29, 2016

That's what a Jet Blue ad on a taxi that was in Central Square today said.  It was about "streaming Amazon."

The cafeteria at my school sells sweet potato fries.  In one way or another, Jet Blue has tracked and is publicizing the food that I buy.

Copyright L. Kochman, April 29, 2016 @ 3:33 p.m.

Cambridge Police cars 228 & 222

April 29, 2016

Those are the numbers of two Cambridge Police cars that drove past me at intersections, one at each intersection, within 15 minutes of each other this afternoon.

Copyright L. Kochman, April 29, 2016 @ 3:30 p.m.

VGD 3861 from Virginia

April 29, 2016

That's the license plate of a car from Virginia that drove past me at an intersection in Central Square today.

Copyright L. Kochman, April 29, 2016 @ 3:28 p.m.

Taxis that were parked on my street this afternoon

April 29, 2016

They were all parked together:

-license plate 992 D
Cab number 126
Name of taxi:  O/O FLINT CAB INC

-license plate 26757
Cab number 234
Name of taxi:  O/O GILL & GILL INC

-license plate 16341
Cab number 51
Name of taxi T.F. INC

When I was writing the information about the cabs, one of the cab drivers got out of his cab and walked over to me, asking "What happened to you?"  I think he was asking me what I was doing, although it seems to me that they probably already knew who I was.

I don't think that those cabs, and many other cabs around the Boston area, are safe for certain people to take, such as women and people who have children.  They might not be safe for men, either.

Copyright L. Kochman, April 29, 2016 @ 3:26 p.m. 

Policy for people who criminally invade my privacy

April 29, 2016

When you hack my phone or email or criminally invade my privacy in any other way, which you don't have the right to do and which I don't want anyone to do, if you see something that could possibly be construed as being for the conglomerate's agenda by someone who wants to construe it that way, you can know that I am against the conglomerate's agenda no matter what.

If, while invading my privacy to a sickening degree, you see something that you would like to interpret as being supportive of the conglomerate's agenda or contradictory to what I'm publicly saying about any subject, you can know that I don't mean it that way.

I'm not hacking your phones.  I don't want to hack phones, or email, or anything.  I don't want to invade people's privacy.

You're doing something to me that I can't stop you from doing.  I would stop you if I could.  I have no obligation to stop being who I am just because I can't have privacy.

Copyright L. Kochman, April 29, 2016 @ 3:00 p.m.

Journalistic failure

April 29, 2016

It is journalistic failure when the media distort a news story to be about something other than what the story is ostensibly about, or when the media promote crime.

Copyright L. Kochman, April 29, 2016 @ 2:55 p.m.

Please pass and respect the Equal Rights Amendment.

Copyright L. Kochman, April 29, 2016 @ 2:53 p.m.

No code, all policies operative, all the time.

Copyright L. Kochman, April 29, 2016 @ 2:50 p.m.

Thursday, April 28, 2016

The conglomerate hacks my phone for its own amusement, to exert tyrannical control over my life, to publicize lies about me, to threaten everyone around me except those who abuse me, and to promote its agenda of human rights abuses.

April 28, 2016

It also hacks my email, bank account, and every other electronic account that I have, and criminally invades my privacy in every other way to which it can gain access.

It has no warrant or cause for a warrant.  Most of the conglomerate is not part of a government agency that could obtain a warrant for anyone or anything.  Everything that it's doing to me is totally illegal, and it thinks that's funny, also.  It fears no repercussions or restrictions on its behavior.  I'm sure that it plans to treat me like this for the rest of my life.

Every public media discussion about privacy rights, technological and legal boundaries is a joke.

Every page written by corporations to their customers about what those corporations do to protect their customers' privacy is an insult to the public's intelligence.

Every public discussion of the privacy rights of Americans by the government has not included the obvious; nobody who has lost his or her privacy will ever have it again, and people who haven't lost it haven't only because they are part of the anonymous public crowd.  Privacy is not part of American life; it's over.

Copyright L. Kochman, April 28, 2016 @ 6:44 p.m.

Bunker Hill Community College is colluding in Governor Baker's attacks on human rights; every student at the school is at risk for voyeurism, involuntary pornography, stalking, harassment and worse.

April 28, 2016

Since I wrote about Governor Baker's attack on the rights of every female and student in the state of Massachusetts, "#MAComCom," for "Commonwealth Commitment," its advertisement at the first page of the Bunker Hill Community College, and the subsequent holes torn into the street near where I live as soon as I wrote about it, whoever manages the school's website has added a large picture of Caution cones around a bulldozer, dirt and rubble to the first page of the website.  

Clearly, I am not delusional and the school knows it, which doesn't mean that it's probable that people who harass me at the school will stop acting like they don't know what I'm talking about when I tell them to stop.  If other students are being harassed, do they feel like they have to ignore it because nobody at the school will help them to get it stopped?

Copyright L. Kochman, April 28, 2016 @ 6:09 p.m.

The conglomerate treats me as if I have no rights.

Copyright L. Kochman, April 28, 2016 @ 9:45 a.m.

Preliminary pages

April 28, 2016

Please read them.

Copyright L. Kochman, April 28, 2016 @ 9:44 a.m.

I don't publish pages that also have the addresses of videos at my YouTube blog every day.

April 27, 2016

That's why I often publish a page about YouTube addresses when I publish those pages, even if I don't also publish all my preliminary pages.

Copyright L. Kochman, April 27, 2016 @ 8:19 p.m.

Ethnic-and-gender based harassment and intimidation

April 27, 2016

The conglomerate is threatening some people from my support system because of their ethnicity and gender and because they are helping me.

Copyright L. Kochman, April 27, 2016 @ 7:39

I don't want to be famous; I want the abuses to stop.

Copyright L. Kochman, April 27, 2016 @ 3:19 p.m.

The plight of the genetically blessed

April 27, 2016

is that sometimes it can take a while to stop acting like you'll always be able to get someone to date you, even if it's true.

There's a reason that so many people are not sympathetic to Me & The Celebrities and our romantic angst.

However, it's also not my fault if there are male celebrities in their late 20's and early 30's who feel like they're not ready to get married.  A lot of people feel that way when they're that age, although traditionally it's men more often than women, because of when women are able to have children.

I also get scapegoated for things that have nothing to do with me and that I shouldn't be getting blamed for, and the people who do it know that they can profit from blaming me.

Copyright L. Kochman, April 27, 2016 @ 3:16 p.m.

Amelia Island, Florida has ads in the trains saying "Come Make Memories," showing a picture of a tree.

April 27, 2016

No, thank you.  I have heard that Florida is sweltering in the summer.  It's bad enough that I got videotaped outside when I was 35 or 36, so poor that I had nowhere to take a date so I ended up in a park.  At my advanced age, it would be truly humiliating to attempt to have another outdoor date, with or without being voyeuristically videotaped, and I might even keel over.

Copyright L. Kochman, April 27, 2016 @ 9:45 a.m.

I don't want to date celebrities.

Copyright L. Kochman, April 27, 2016 @ 9:32 a.m.

Preliminary pages

April 27, 2016

Please read them.

Copyright L. Kochman, April 27, 2016 @ 9:25 a.m.

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Leonardo DiCaprio

April 26, 2016

Reality is that it's better to fail at doing something good than to succeed at doing something bad.

Gaining power was never the reason that I started to write and talk online.  I have known from the beginning that I was addressing people who are more powerful than I am, and that if they chose to do things that would lead to my death or other serious injury, I would not be able to stop them.

Since 2010, I have hoped that those people would decide to stop doing evil things.  If they don't, it's because they are moral failures as human beings, which is their disgrace and not mine.

Copyright L. Kochman, April 26, 2016 @ 9:55 p.m.

President Obama

April 26, 2016

Would you please tell the people who manage the White House's official website to stop promoting voyeurism, involuntary pornography and child molestation, before cameras get hidden in school bathrooms, locker rooms and showers all over Massachusetts?

Once the illegal video is filmed, neither you nor anyone else will be able to entirely remove it from the Internet or other means of distribution.  Every day that you don't take responsibility for this situation is another day that puts thousands of people at risk.  

Copyright L. Kochman, April 26, 2016 @ 8:55 p.m.

I have never done anything to BMW, either.

Copyright L. Kochman, April 26, 2016 @ 7:46 p.m.

The Boston Herald is hacking my phone.

Copyright L. Kochman, April 26, 2016 @ 6:23 p.m.

The White House couldn't care less.

Copyright L. Kochman, April 26, 2016 @ 5:28 p.m.

Another male student just walked toward me, leering at me.

April 26, 2016

I was startled from my computer screen when he got close to where I'm sitting.  I said "Can I help you?"  He said "Do you work here?"  I said "Yes, I do," which was when he went to his chair and left me alone.

Copyright L. Kochman, April 26, 2016 @ 11:59 a.m.

American Express has my phone hacked and has published an ad starring Tina Fey, which broadcasts its criminal violations of my privacy and has her slut-shaming me.

April 26, 2016 

It's probably not a coincidence that she is a rich alumna of the University of Virginia, that she made her fortune by pandering to stereotypes, and that, although I have never done anything to her, she has made me an object of ridicule for much of her work since 2010.

Copyright L. Kochman, April 26, 2016 @ 8:19 a.m.

Preliminary pages

April 26, 2016

Please read them.

Copyright L. Kochman, April 26, 2016 @ 8:12 a.m.

How many children and students will be sexually abused before the White House stops promoting sexual abuse?

April 25, 2016

The Republican Party has promoted the conglomerate's agenda as much as the Democratic Party has.  Since 2010, the government and political system of the United States have betrayed every principle of a free society, and enabled corporations, media and individual people to attack civilization all over the world.

Copyright L. Kochman, April 25, 2016 @ 8:13 p.m.

I don't think that Carrie Severino should be claiming to speak for "the American people" as much as she is.

April 25, 2016

It seems to me that a Supreme Court justice should be intelligent, fair, and knowledgeable.  If he or she is those things, that ought to outweigh the agendas of political parties.

As angry as I have ever gotten since 2010, I have never claimed to know whether more Americans are Democrat or Republican.  I also would like to think that most people would be able to accept a Supreme Court justice who is intelligent, fair, and knowledgeable.  If he or she is those things, that ought to outweigh the agendas of political parties.

Copyright L. Kochman, April 25, 2016 @ 8:07 p.m.

Robert Pattinson & FKA twigs

April 25, 2016

FKA was never worse about me than Kristen Stewart ever was when Ms. Stewart and Mr. Pattinson were dating.  I hope that, whatever he and FKA twigs decide about their relationship, the people who write and talk about that sort of thing to make money won't attack her for it.  There's something to be said for respecting people's mutual decisions, or at least their privacy.

I don't want to date celebrities or people who have harmed me, so if they're breaking up, it's not so he'll date me.

Copyright, with obvious exceptions, L. Kochman, April 25, 2016 @ 4:53 p.m.

Are there hidden cameras in the restrooms of Bunker Hill Community College?

April 25, 2016

When I left the restroom at the other school building, I hit my head on the "Closed For Cleaning" sign that the male janitor had hung on the top of the door as soon as I went into the restroom.  He was standing right outside the restroom, leering at me.

There are little holes in the walls next to some of the toilets in the stalls in that restroom.  Are there hidden cameras in the walls, videotaping all the female students?

Several times during the semester, a janitor has gotten to a women's restroom and closed it as soon as I have gotten into the restroom.  Do they know when I'm in the restrooms because they're watching live video from hidden cameras in those restrooms?

Copyright L. Kochman, April 25, 2016 @ 12:57 p.m.

The crisis caused by Governor Baker has started.

April 25, 2016

I don't choose the addresses that videos get when I publish them at YouTube.

Copyright L. Kochman, April 25, 2016 @ 10:01 a.m.

I don't want to discourage Secretary Kerry and Leonardo DiCaprio from being friends.

April 25, 2016

I hope that they'll behave like gentlemen, respecting human rights for everyone.

I don't think that people should be able to buy political influence, and I don't support the idea of Mr. DiCaprio or any other conglomerate celebrity ever running for political office.

Copyright L. Kochman, April 25, 2016 @ 9:34 a.m.

When a journalist or a media source doesn't like me, does that mean that he or his employer thinks that I have no rights?

April 25, 2016

Last night, I set my phone alarm for 8:00 a.m., because I should leave my apartment before 9:00 a.m. this morning.

An article called "The 8:00 A.M. Call" is one of the first results for a Google search for the term "New York Times," which was posted two hours ago by the time that I'm writing this page, according to its time caption.

The last sentence of the article is "For that 8:00 a.m. call is probably coming, one way or another."

Someone named Paul Krugman wrote the article.  I criticized his behavior toward me, and some of his reporting, a few weeks ago.  Does that mean that he has hacked my phone or someone else at the New York Times has hacked my phone and he's gotten illegally obtained information from that person?

Copyright L. Kochman, April 25, 2016 @ 6:06 a.m.

Preliminary pages

April 25, 2016

Please read them.

Copyright L. Kochman, April 25, 2016 @ 5:51 a.m.

Sunday, April 24, 2016

"Lena left a nightclub in a car filled with men."

April 24, 2016

Actually, no, I didn't.  That's a story from April 24, 2016, about Leonardo DiCaprio.  This is the address for it: 

The newspapers, including that newspaper, don't seem to be infested by code calling him a slut, or old.  He's my age; I'm older than he is by a few months.

I study, and work, and date nobody, and have no sex.  Yet, I'm called horrible things literally 24 hours per day and have gotten sexually harassed since 2010 by a method that he started.

The Governor of the state where I live has just declared a war of sexual abuse on me and on my academic future.  I have every reason to think that the Mayor of Boston will deliver a hate speech about me at the commencement of my school. The official website of the White House is continuing to promote my being sexually violated, using the premise that I'm a slut who deserves it.

I have gotten bullied every day for more than 6 years, because Mr. DiCaprio and his friends decided to start calling me a slut in 2010.  He does whatever he wants; they all do.

The article shows him with a drink spilled on his pants and hearts that someone drew on his hand with red ink.  The conglomerate spent years insinuating that I'm an alcoholic, even though I've never had more than a total of a few drinks in my life; I mean that, in my entire life, I have had an entire drink a couple of times, years apart.  I have never been drunk, or done illegal drugs, or abused prescription drugs.

I have said all of this before, and it never seems to matter to the conglomerate.  I was a virgin until I was 27, and have not had sex since I was 29.  I'll be 42 those year; so will Mr. DiCaprio, who seems to have immunity from the type of the bullying that the conglomerate inflicts on me because of his wealth and gender.

Copyright, with noted exceptions, L. Kochman, April 24, 2016 @ 10:44 p.m. 

Is there a media organization that isn't hacking my phone?

April 24, 2016

What was the FBI's battle with Apple about, when there are so many people illegally hacking my phone that I'll never know who they all are?

I'm not a terrorist or terrorist sympathizer.  I'm not committing crimes or promoting crime.  I certainly commit none of the crimes against other people that are not only treated as if they are routine by the people who commit them against me but are also treated as if they are my fault.

While my privacy is criminally invaded in every possible way and at all times, I am treated as if it is my responsibility to do nothing that the people who are treating me as if I have no rights could interpret in the ways that they are trying to interpret everything that I do.  I am expected to contort my life to try not to trigger the punishments that the conglomerate is eager to inflict on me, and which it inflicts on me no matter what I do.

There are probably many captive women around the world who are raped every day and who would be grateful to have the life that I have.  However, I am a law-abiding citizen of a first-world country that is supposed to be a democracy where people's rights are respected, and I have less privacy and less freedom than a paroled felon.  I am expected to act like I'm a responsible citizen of that democracy; I am expected to obey the law and treat other people decently, and I try to do that even while being mercilessly bullied by the most powerful people in the world.  My attempts to be civilized in the midst of truly barbaric behavior seem to be to no avail among the people who are persecuting me.

Copyright L. Kochman, April 24, 2016 @ 8:47 p.m.

The New Yorker

April 24, 2016

Are you hacking my phone?

Copyright L. Kochman, April 24, 2016 @ 8:30 p.m.

The conglomerate will cause my death before it will cause me to be intimidated enough to stop protesting its agenda.

April 24, 2016

I don't know why there are so many powerful people who are enjoying causing pain to so many people who can't stop them.  However, since the world that they're trying to create is a terrible place, there's nothing to be gained by capitulating to them.

Copyright L. Kochman, April 24, 2016 @ 8:03 p.m.

What my school is called

April 24, 2016

I have said several times since I started school that I chose the school because it has the academic program that I wanted.  There was nothing that I could do about what the school is called.

Before I applied to Bunker Hill Community College, I was rejected two years in a row for a free biotechnology training program somewhere else, even though I got an almost perfect score on the program's qualifying test the first year and a perfect score the second year.  I probably got rejected because the people who manage the program were terrified of the conglomerate and of the possibility that they could have lost funding if they accepted my application.

I also had to write "Harassed and quit, "Harassed and fired," "Harassed and fired" in the "Employment" section of the application, because that was what had happened.  I got no support at all from the Massachusetts Commission Against Discrimination about being harassed, lied about and fired, which isn't surprising considering that the city, state and federal governments are all promoting sexual crime and also personally persecuting me.

Copyright L. Kochman, April 24, 2016 @ 7:10 p.m.

How much money are the Republican Governor and the Democratic Mayor hoping to get from the Obama administration, which has promoted bullying and sexual crime since 2010?

April 24, 2016

How much money are they hoping to get from corporations and other rich organizations and people?  How much positive publicity are they hoping to get from the corrupt media?

Copyright L. Kochman, April 24, 2016 @ 6:56 p.m.

Boston Mayor Martin J. Walsh will be speaking at the Commencement of my school this year.

April 24, 2016

Someone has probably already started writing his speech of the promotion of bullying and sexual crime.

Copyright L. Kochman, April 24, 2016 @ 6:51 p.m.

The Governor of Massachusetts is persecuting me, promoting child molestation, voyeurism and involuntary pornography, and coercing the educational system of Massachusetts to promote and tolerate sexual abuse.

April 24, 2016

That's the address of the first page of the website for my school, where there is a notification of a new program called "The Commonwealth Commitment Plan," or #MAComCom. 

That's the Web address for the page about it at the Massachusetts government website.

These are quotes from that page:

"an innovative college affordability and completion plan to help more students achieve the dream of a college degree."

"an important plan which we believe will help move the needle"

"UMass is proud to be part of this innovative effort."

"students will earn a 10% rebate."

There's also an address provided for information about the program:

How many children will be molested by their teachers in Massachusetts this year?  How many will be videotaped by hidden cameras in bathrooms, showers and locker rooms?  How many girls will be forced to submit to being sexually harassed by boys?  How many high school and college students will be told that they have to submit to being sexually harassed or raped to get good grades?

Copyright, with noted exceptions, L. Kochman, April 24, 2016 @ 6:47 p.m.

Sex trafficking, including of children, is part of tourism around the world.

April 24, 2016

The words "EXPLORE," "DREAM," "DISCOVER" are on the wall of the office of a travel agency in Boston.

Sex trafficking, including of children, is part of tourism around the world, which the people who chose the decor at that office probably know and their employees don't.

Copyright L. Kochman, April 24, 2016 @ 2:29 p.m.

(CI) L233

April 24, 2016

That is the license plate of a car that drove past me on the street where my apartment is, a few minutes ago.

Copyright L. Kochman, April 24, 2016 @ 11:12 a.m.

Why was Drew a student and fraternity member at the University of Virginia in 2006 and then a student at the University of Virginia in 2012?

April 24, 2016

Has the Washington Post or anyone else tried to get records about him from the University of Virginia and his former fraternity, to try to get information about whether he was suspended from the University of Virginia in or after 2006 because he raped someone?

Has the Washington Post or anyone else tried to talk to anyone at the University of Virginia about the sexual assaults that have happened at the University of Virginia this year?

That's the address for the University of Virginia's police website's "Safety Announcements" page, which lists at least some of the incidents that prove that the University of Virginia is not a safe place, except for rapists.

I wouldn't be surprised if the University of Virginia's administration has told the University of Virginia's police department to stop publishing crime reports, because of the attention that I have tried to bring to all of the sexual assaults that have happened at that school.  

The University of Virginia isn't doing anything to protect its students from sexual assault.  It probably hopes that all of the lawsuits against Rolling Stone will be won, and that the school will be able to call every rape victim a liar after that, even if she gets killed.

The University of Virginia is promoting child molestation.

That's the address of a page that's advertised at the first page of the University of Virginia's website.  The page uses the words "innovation" or "innovative" at least three times.

That's the address of the first page of the website for the Hartwell Foundation, which is the organization that gave the award to the University of Virginia that the page promoting child molestation at the University of Virginia is discussing.  The caption after the title at the Hartwell Foundation's website is "Benefitting Children By Inspiring Innovation And Achievement."

The page uses the words "innovation" or "innovative" another two times, and also has this sentence:

"We provide an opportunity for those we support to make a difference and to realize their hopes and dreams."

Since when does journalistic failure not include lying?

Copyright L. Kochman, April 24, 2016 @ 8:05 a.m.

I don't want to be famous; I want the abuses to stop.

Copyright L. Kochman, April 24, 2016 @ 7:41 a.m.

The conglomerate doesn't hurt my feelings, but it's ruining my life.

April 24, 2016

This is the address for the pages of results for a Google search of the term "adult bullying":

I'm not a bad person.  I'm not trying to hurt anybody.  I'm not trying to break up relationships or take things away from anybody.

The conglomerate doesn't hurt my feelings, because I know that nothing that it says about me is true.  However, the conglomerate is so powerful and bullies me so viciously that it is preventing me from being able to have a normal life.

Copyright, with noted exceptions, L. Kochman, April 24, 2016 @ 7:11 a.m.

Ben Affleck & Jennifer Garner

April 24, 2016

Ben Affleck:

I don't know what you're trying to do, woo me or pretend that's what you're doing while you're actually trying to publicize my painful situation.  I also don't know if you think I'll date you or if that's something that you want.

It's the same cycle every year.  My privacy is criminally invaded.  The media and other people act Iike I'm doing something wrong and they're not.  All the people who are victimizing me treat everything that they say about me as the proof that they should be abusing me.  Nothing that I say about my feelings is treated as if it's true or matters.  People make all sorts of decisions based on what they think I feel and what they think I'll do, and they're wrong.

I'll never date you.  I don't want to be with you.  I'm not fighting feelings for you; these are my feelings for you.

Jennifer Garner:

You were successful at perpetrating another vicious and untrue rumor about me.  

Has it occurred to you or your husband that it's difficult to be in love when you're a bad person and the person that you're married to is also a bad person?  I'm sure you could think of vicious, untrue and damaging things to say about me for the rest of your life; maybe you'll even spend the rest of your life not realizing that your behavior toward people whom you think deserve abuse has something to do with your lack of love from and toward the people whom you think you care about.  

Copyright L. Kochman, April 24, 2016 @ 6:32 a.m./additions @ 10:10 a.m.

Preliminary pages

April 24, 2016

Please read them.

Copyright L. Kochman, April 24, 2016 @ 6:23 a.m.

Saturday, April 23, 2016

This is what Hollywood thinks is funny.

April 23, 2016

That's the address for an Instagram post that Ryan Phillippe seems to have published at his Instagram a couple of hours ago at the time that I'm publishing this page.

What he and his girlfriend are referring to is videotape that was filmed of me with hidden and illegal cameras in the walk-in closet of the apartment where I lived in Braintree from 2013 to 2014.

He and his girlfriend think it's funny that soon after I got the apartment, I went into that closet, closed the door and turned the light off so that I could masturbate, which I hadn't done for weeks or months, since I had lived in homeless shelters, where there is no privacy, for two consecutive years before I got that apartment.  I hoped that I wouldn't be victimized by voyeurism in that apartment, but my concern that I might be was what caused me to be in that closet, where illegal video was filmed of me anyway.

While I was writing this page, I suddenly got a message on the screen that "This post has been deleted from the server."  

It seems that my page wasn't deleted, but the conglomerate likes to censor my blogs so that the only version of what has happened is the conglomerate's.  Its idea of free speech is censoring my blogs while it promotes and distributes SICK, SADISTIC, ILLEGAL video of me all over the world, and acts like I'm the criminal instead of a chronic victim of vicious crime.

Copyright, with noted exceptions, L. Kochman, April 23, 2016 @ 6:37 p.m.

April 23, 2016 @ 7:42 p.m.

What seems to have gotten removed was the post at Mr. Phillippe's Instagram that had a picture of Mr. Phillippe's girlfriend lying on a floor with her hands pointed toward the waistband of her pants, with what looked like a closet door behind her that had purple, horizontal slats, to indicate their belief that they are the victims and I am the criminal.

If I had taken a picture of the post before it was deleted, I couldn't have published it to document it; this blog was disabled from publishing pictures from my phone months ago.

Why is the media picking on Bernie Sanders?

April 23, 2016

I don't think it will matter that much for me personally, in terms of how my life is affected, whether it's Bernie Sanders or Hillary Clinton who wins to be the Democratic candidate.  I'm so poor that it won't change my life financially; I am not the struggling middle class, I am the welfare-dependent.  The rung above me on the ladder is a lower middle class financial bracket, which I can't persue until I finish the academic program that's training me to pursue it.  They also seem to be about the same about the issues that I talk and write about every day, although Mrs. Clinton's staff are talking a lot about female equality at her social media, which I appreciate.  I don't have television, so the Internet tends to be my main source of information.

Bernie Sanders is adamant about changing the economy so that it isn't so much in the service of the rich.  That seems like a crucial goal. 

Copyright L. Kochman, April 23, 2016 @ 11:54 a.m.

The Boston Globe is hacking my phone and promoting sexual abuse.

April 23, 3016

It is also making apologies for the psychiatric abuse of children.

There are probably a lot of children being sexually abused in psychiatric facilities, including being voyeuristically videotaped in the bathrooms and showers by hidden, illegal cameras.  They'll have a difficult time getting anyone to believe them or help them if they try to get the abuse stopped.  

Also, there are probably a lot of children who are in psychiatric facilities because they are being sexually abused by people in their lives outside of those facilities.  Probably, children who are being placed in psychiatric facilities by parents who are sexually abusing them are being locked up because they are resistant to being molested.

Copyright L. Kochman, April 23, 2016 @ 8:08 a.m.

Policy for people who hack my phone

April 23, 2016

When you hack my phone, which you don't have the right to do and which I don't want anyone to do, if you see something that could possibly be construed as being for the conglomerate's agenda by someone who wants to construe it that way, you can know that I am against the conglomerate's agenda no matter what.

If, while illegally hacking my phone, invading my privacy to a sickening degree, you see something that you would like to interpret as being supportive of the conglomerate's agenda or contradictory to what I'm publicly saying about any subject, you can know that I don't mean it that way.

I'm not hacking your phones.  I don't want to hack phones, or email, or anything.  I don't want to invade people's privacy.

You're doing something to me that I can't stop you from doing.  I would stop you if I could.  I have no obligation to stop being who I am just because I can't have privacy.

Copyright L. Kochman, April 23, 2016 @ 6:34 a.m.

Journalistic failure

April 23, 2016

It is journalistic failure when the media distorts news stories to be about something other than what those stories are ostensibly about, or when the media promotes crime.

Copyright L. Kochman, April 23, 2016 @ 6:28 a.m.

Please pass and respect the Equal Rights Amendment.

Copyright L. Kochman, April 23, 2016 @ 6:24 a.m.

No code, all policies operative, all the time.

Copyright L. Kochman, April 23, 2016 @ 6:21 a.m.

Friday, April 22, 2016

I should probably publish my policy pages.

April 22, 2016

I haven't published them for a while.  It takes some time to publish them, so I haven't, but I probably should soon.

Copyright L. Kochman, April 22, 2016 @ 10:40 p.m.


April 22, 2016

That's the address for the pages of results for a Google search of the term "abuse," which is what the conglomerate does to me and doesn't seem to think that's what it's doing.

Copyright, with noted exceptions, L. Kochman, April 22, 2016 @ 8:50 p.m.

Leonardo DiCaprio

April 22, 2016

You are one of the most manipulative people I have ever known, if our interactions could be called "knowing" someone.  

When I was 18, I decided that I would not be a manipulative person.  I don't know how I realized that I had the ability to be manipulative and that it was an ability that I could develop if that were what I wanted.  I did not want to be someone who thought of people and situations that way, and I have tried all my life not to think or behave that way.

Not being manipulative is more difficult than trying to assess everything according to where weaknesses and pliabilities are, and it sometimes takes a lot of time to achieve goals by avoiding taking unfair advantage of people and situations.  However, it is a kinder, more honest and respectful way to approach the world, and its results tend to endure.

If you have ever questioned why I reacted so negatively toward you from the beginning, you might think about what I'm telling you at this page.  It's in addition to everything else that I have talked about for years, the thousands of words that I have written and spoken about your blatant abuse of me and other people.  I think, though, that I have started realizing over the past few years that this quality of yours, of being manipulative, particularly makes me angry and makes me dislike you in ways that I haven't hated other people as much, even when they did some of the same things that you did.

I'll never love you or be your friend.  Too much has happened for that, and I don't want my social life to be among celebrities.  Sometimes it has helped me when people have told me why they dislike me, which is why I wrote this page about one of your personality traits that I most dislike.  

Copyright L. Kochman, April 22, 2016 @ 8:35 p.m./additions @ 9:49 p.m.

Why has the conglomerate gotten more vicious toward me over the past several weeks?

April 22, 2016

I have homework to do.  I have the total responsibility for maintaining a home.  I am working.  I am a responsible adult.

Why have the conglomerate's attacks on me gotten so much worse since I got an apartment?

When is the bullying going to stop?  Am I going to be bullied by all of these people for the rest of my life?

It seems as if every abuse that is inflicted on me makes the people who inflict the abuse feel that I deserve another abuse, and then another one.  The worse that my abusers treat me, the more that they seem believe that I deserve to be abused.  

Copyright L. Kochman, April 22, 2016 @ 8:16 p.m.

It's not surprising that felons are going to be able to vote in Virginia.

April 22, 2016

There are so many people there who have committed felonies for which they were never arrested or prosecuted; why wouldn't the ones who did get prosecuted be treated as if they weren't?

Copyright L. Kochman, April 22, 2016 @ 7:50 p.m.

The criminal invasions of my privacy have caused tragedies to people other than me.

April 22, 2016

The relentless, vicious, false accusations by the conglomerate.  The interpretations that people made, because of which they decided to do things that I never thought they would do and never would have wanted them to do.  

I am blamed for all of it, by the people who are doing it.

Copyright L. Kochman, April 22, 2016 @ 7:47 p.m.

Leonardo DiCaprio started the coughing harassment that is being inflicted on women and girls, and he has never taken responsibility for it.

April 22, 2016

Women and girls have gotten abused like this for 6 years.  Nothing seems to be happening to stop it; there seems to be almost total denial about it.

Copyright L. Kochman, April 22, 2016 @ 3:14 p.m.

Harassed at school

April 22, 2016

I was harassed throughout almost the entire class that I had this morning.  It's the only class where a student or students have consistently harassed me.  

Most of this semester was a lot better than I thought it was going to be, in terms of harassment; I thought that a lot more people would harass me than did.  I think that most people are too concerned about their schoolwork and everything else that they have to do to spend time stalking or harassing me.  Unfortunately, there is one student in the class that I have on Friday mornings who has harassed me a lot for the past several times that we've had the class.  It's getting worse every week.

I have verbally confronted him in class a few times over the past weeks, saying things such as "Please stop," "I have enough problems already," and "I'm taking this class because I want to know the subject."  He laughs and pretends that he doesn't know what I'm talking about, and he doesn't stop.

At least one other person has started to harass me, also; they were high-fiving each other in the hallway when class was over.  They're probably hoping that they'll get positive attention from the conglomerate for abusing me.

It's difficult to concentrate in class when this is happening.  Today and last week, I heard almost nothing that the professor was saying, because this student was coughing almost the entire time, I knew he was doing it deliberately, and not only was he disruptive, I was thinking about what I should try to do to stop what's happening.  

I have homework due tomorrow, for a class for which there will also be a test.  I have a lot of work to do today, and I shouldn't have to spend time documenting being harassed.

I can't publish all of the harassment that I recorded; the class is two hours and forty-five minutes, and he coughed throughout almost all of that time.  I started by recording it with a tape recorder, and I don't have an audioblog where I can publish the recordings.  I hoped that he would stop when he saw the tape recorder, but he didn't.  I also can't publish videos that are more than 15 minutes at YouTube, because YouTube doesn't publish videos past that amount of time at people's blogs.  It would take hours for me to publish all of it.

I got a cold at the beginning of this week, which I talked about at YouTube.  One of the reasons that I wasn't at work this past Tuesday was that I didn't want to be coughing and sneezing around other people all day.  I try to apologize every time that I have to cough or sneeze around people, so that they know that I'm not harassing them.

I finally started to record with my phone, also, because I knew that I could publish the recordings directly from my phone.

I have done nothing to provoke anyone who is harassing me in that class.  The people who are doing it are obviously enjoying it, no matter how politely I ask that it stop; they seem to be trying to make me angry or to get me to leave the class.  

I went to my apartment after writing all of that.  I have spent at least half an hour videotaping the tape recording that I recorded this morning.  Although I asked the professor at the beginning of the semester if I could record the class, and she said that I could, and although it's not unusual for students to record classes so that they have the recordings to help them study, I'm concerned that publishing those recordings without consent from everyone in the class would be a privacy violation.  

It happened, though; that student harasses me.  He knows that's what he's doing, he doesn't care that he's disrupting the class, he thinks it's funny, and it's starting to turn into bullying that's being done by him and another student in the class.

Copyright L. Kochman, April 22, 2016 @ 3:09 p.m.

The Appalachian Mountain Club has ads in public trains, promoting voyeurism and involuntary pornography.

April 22, 2016

That's one of the addresses for its website. 

The first paragraph at that page is almost all conglomerate code for voyeurism and involuntary pornography.  The last sentence of the paragraph is "Come find yours," and is followed by a picture whose caption says "FAMILY TIME."

Copyright, with noted exceptions, L. Kochman, April 22, 2016 @ 11:43 a.m.

An elderly photoblogger was revenge-raped by a serial rapist and possible murderer in Central Park in 2012.

April 22, 2016

That's the address for a New York Times article about it.  

I got the article when I did a Google search this morning of the term "raped by a park ranger."

Of the 10 results that are on the first page of search results for that term, 6 of them are for pornography.

I don't choose excerpts or supporting information for code purposes.

Copyright, with noted exceptions, L. Kochman, April 22, 2016 @ 11:38 a.m.

Preliminary pages

April 22, 2016

Please read them.

Copyright L. Kochman, April 22, 2016 @ 11:32 a.m.

Thursday, April 21, 2016

If you haven't heard about Eric Eoin Marques, it's because the American media doesn't want you to know who he is, what he did, the Deep Web, or about the hidden, online networks of thousands of child rapists and child pornographers.

April 21, 2016

I don't know how I'm alive, having advocated against sexual abuse since 2010.  There have to be communities of hundreds of people in hidden, online networks who know who I am and who want me to die.  A lot of them probably have invaded my privacy the way that the conglomerate does, hacking my phone and email and tracking all of my purchases.  Some of them have probably stalked me in person, in their cars.  If I am abducted, raped and murdered, it will probably be one or more of those people who do it, and the video that they film of it will be accessible at the Deep Web.

The Deep Web probably has all the SICK, SADISTIC, ILLEGAL videos already filmed of me, if those videos aren't at websites that are able to be located by regular search engines.

The Deep Web is also where there is other illegal pornography that is not supposed to be accessible through regular websites, like films that show people being really murdered.

Copyright L. Kochman, April 21, 2016 @ 5:29 p.m.

I won't be joining the Meetup called "Code For Boston."

April 21, 2016

Its caption says "We're 2,855 Civic Innovators.  Cambridge, MA."

The Meetup after it at the Boston Meetup website says "French & US Innovators & Entrepreneurs in Cambridge, MA."  I won't be joining that one, either.

Copyright L. Kochman, April 21, 2016 @ 5:13 p.m.

Preliminary pages

April 21, 2016

Please read them

Copyright L. Kochman, April 21, 2016 @ 5:06 p.m.

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Teachers all over the United States are being arrested for sexual assault.

April 21, 2016

Suddenly, my phone won't transfer the address for the pages of results for a Google search from tonight of the term "teacher arrested sexual assault."  I did that search tonight, which is how I know that teachers all over the United States have gotten the conglomerate's message, for six years, to rape children.

At least there are mandated reporters in the school system, other concerned people, police officers, prosecutors and judges who know right from wrong even when the President, the media, corporations and a lot of people who should know right from wrong don't.  Those people who have consciences, choosing good over evil in obscurity, are the reason that evil has not yet totally won; I don't know how to tell them how grateful the world should be to them.

Copyright L. Kochman, April 21, 2016 @ 12:14 a.m.

double homicide teen girls park

April 20, 2016

That's the address for the pages of results for a Google search from tonight of the term "double homicide teen girls park."

I didn't know anything about it before tonight, when I started to do Google searches of the term "murders in parks." It's not a story over which the Boston Globe, the New York Times, Google or the White House have obsessed the way those organizations have obsessed about promoting sexual abuse and other crime.

Copyright, with noted exceptions, L. Kochman, April 20, 2016 @ 11:58 p.m.

"a boatman put a camera up her skirt and took a picture," "on the same night, a second boatman threatened another woman with an ax"

April 20, 2016

Those are quotes from this article about sexual harassment and sexual assault by male park employees at the Grand Canyon:

It's one of many articles about inappropriate behavior by male park service employees at the Grand Canyon, and the National Park Service's failure of years to do anything about it.

I didn't know about it.  I read that article because I did a Google search of the term "sexual abuse in parks."

Probably, the bad conditions for female employees of the National Park Service have gotten to be epidemic since the federal government began promoting sexual harassment and rape in 2010.

It is also probable that many children have gotten molested in parks since 2010, either by strangers or by family members, or by National Park Service employees.  Probably, children who get molested in parks would be unable to get help from many of the parks' employees, because of President Obama, his administration, and the rest of the conglomerate.

Copyright, with noted exceptions, L. Kochman, April 20, 2016 @ 11:46 p.m.

April 21, 2016

The New York Times's response to this page is an article advertised at the first page of its website, whose title is "Russia Buildup of Submarine Fleet Heightens U.S. Tensions."  It is written by Lev Fedoseyev and has a caption that says "President Vladimir V. Putin's military modernization has the Pentagon responding by accelerating its own 'undersea capabilities.'"

Copyright, with noted exceptions, April 21, 2016 @ 8:42 a.m. No code, all policies operative, all preliminary pages, all the time.  The conglomerate is criminal.


April 20, 2016

Why don't you explore a thesaurus or a similarly vocabulary-boosting resource?

Copyright L. Kochman, April 20, 2016 @ 9:59 p.m.

Leonardo DiCaprio, The New York Times, and the promotion of sexual crime against children

April 20, 2016

I don't think his addition to his Twitter today is an improvement.

It's incredible how many things about people defy logic.  What could be more evil than raping children?  It's not evil because I say that it is; it is intrinsically evil.

Why don't you know that?

Copyright L. Kochman, April 20, 2016 @ 9:13 p.m.

The New York Times

April 20, 2016

The tenacity of your misogyny is stunning.

There is nothing that I could say, no brilliant essay that I could author, that would not be met by your cries of "Shut your smelly, sopping vagina."  

I have written thousands of pages, and you think it's all nothing.  If you can't dispute the value of what I say, you tell me to shut up.  

Because you want the rape of women and children to be legal, you will betray what your purpose is supposed to be.  Journalism is supposed to contribute to a freer society, not encourage abuse.

The media is also not supposed to be a puppet or sycophant of a corrupt government.  Where the White House has led to crime since 2010, the conglomerate media has happily followed.

Copyright L. Kochman, April 20, 2016 @ 9:01 p.m.

The Washington Post

April 20, 2016

While however many media sources are hacking my phone and my email, criminally invading my privacy in other ways, lying about me and promoting sexual abuse, the Washington Post seems to be doing nothing to take responsibility for its erroneous discrediting of the Rolling Stone article about rape at the University of Virginia.  It would seem that the Post is not at all concerned about the damage being done to the lives of everyone harmed by the discrediting of that article and won't do anything to try to stop the lawsuits that are the direct result of the Post's biased and inaccurate reporting.

The Washington Post is also promoting sexual abuse, and has not stopped attacking my family, even though the White House, although it is also promoting sexual abuse, does not seem to be using the particular coercive tactic of attacking my helpless relatives at this time.

Copyright L. Kochman, April 20, 2016 @ 8:47 p.m.

Robert Pattinson

April 20, 2016

I would appreciate it if you would please ask your girlfriend to stop being so awful about me.  I'm not doing anything to her, or to you, and I'm REALLY tired of being abused by one or the other or both of you.

A year of this is more than enough.  She really has an immature and nasty side to her, as do you when the mood strikes you.

There's nothing that I'll ever be able to do to stop people from throwing the crimes that have been committed against me at me, as if they are my fault.  Whenever anyone decides to abuse me that way, he or she will always be able to remind me of that horrible thing.  

Copyright L. Kochman, April 20, 2016 @ 8:20 p.m.

"Explore at UMass Boston this summer," "700+ courses"

April 20, 2016

Those ads have proliferated in the public trains since I last published about them, when I asked if the University of Massachusetts was prioritizing the promotion of sexual abuse, rather than trying to prevent the terrorist radicalization of its students, while one of its students was planning the Marathon bombing.

Copyright L. Kochman, April 20, 2016 @ 2:29 p.m.

Amelia Island, Florida

April 20, 2016

I think that a man in the train was coughing at me while I was trying to decide how to write about the "Come Make Memories" ads that you have put in public trains in the Boston area.

I am bullied all day, every day.  You felt that you needed to add to it, from 1,163 miles away (according to Google Maps)?

Copyright L. Kochman, April 20, 2016 @ 12:33 p.m.


April 20, 2016

A business called Rejjee has an ad in the public trains that says "RECOVERING STOLEN/LOST BIKES AT 7X THE NATIONAL AVERAGE!"  It also has the symbols for the Transit Police, the Boston Police, the Somerville Police, MassBike, Microsoft CityNext, Microsoft, the App Store, Microsoft Play and Fox 25 News.

7 is conglomerate code for the promotion of child molestation.  It took that number from something that I wrote against child molestation.

Copyright L. Kochman, April 20, 2016 @ 9:18 a.m.

Leonardo DiCaprio finally saw the New York Times's article called "How Orphaned Orangutans Messed With a Reporter's Mind."

April 20, 2016

The New York Times has had that article advertised at the first page of its website for days, and Mr. DiCaprio has finally added a link to it from his Twitter, which was probably what the New York Times meant for him to do.

Sexual harassment.  The invasion of my privacy in every way.  Stalking.  Voyeurism.  Involuntary pornography.  Homeless for 4 years.  Abused by a landlord for the entire year that I had an apartment, before I was evicted by the landlord's lies.  Ridiculed every day about everything the conglomerate can think of.  Called a liar by liars.  Hated by total strangers because of the conglomerate's propaganda about me.  Living at a constant, high risk of abduction, rape and murder.

That's not a description of Mr. DiCaprio's life.  It's a description of my life, yet it's Mr. DiCaprio whose feelings have continued to be treated as more consequential than the rights of those whom he and the rest of the conglomerate have abused for years.  

I hope that all the orangutans get saved.  However, I couldn't be more tired of male privilege being supported year after year at the expense of HUMAN rights, and it's journalistic failure when news stories are distorted to be about something other than what they are ostensibly about and to promote crime.

The exploitation of the environment, the ravaging of nature, and the oppression of groups of people by other groups of people have the same source.  I don't think that it was predestined that white men would rule the planet and I think that any group of humans that obtained dominance over the world would have done similar things to those that have happened over the centuries.  Humans are not born good; they are born self-centered and it's civilization that directs them toward an understanding of and respect for the mutual responsibilities of individuals and society. The extent to which a culture fails to be civilized by that definition is the extent to which it will be an oppressive and destructive culture.

Copyright L. Kochman, April 20, 2016 @ 6:32 a.m.

For many people, America was never great.

April 20, 2016

I have not paid a lot of attention to the Presidential race for the past several weeks.  I am overwhelmed by my problems.

However, it seems to me that most of what constitutes the American continents has lived in turmoil since those continents began to be called "American."  Democracy is not really established anywhere in the world, and never was.  

Having not consistently followed Mr. Trump's campaign, I can't know what he means by promising to "Make America Great Again," or which time in American history he is trying to invoke.  Although things have fluctuated to some extent for white men in the United States since their arrival at this side of the world, the quality of life for all humans other than white men has never attained the level of the general quality of life for white men at its lowest level.  

Copyright L. Kochman, April 20, 2016 @ 5:44 a.m.

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

The White House does not know how to stop being vicious and corrupt.

April 19, 2016

There is no end to the hateful, horrifying things that it does.

Does anyone think that I am able to win the grudge match that President Obama's administration insists on waging against me?  HE IS THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, ARGUABLY THE MOST POWERFUL PERSON IN THE WORLD.  The way that he encourages the world to treat me is how I will be treated.

The extent to which his Presidency is a time of the powerful viciously exploiting the less powerful is sickening.  

When was the last time that the White House's official website was advertising to "Find Your Park"?  Last week?  Last month?  It was only a few days ago that I wrote about the MBTA ads on public trains that were promoting child molestation, voyeurism and involuntary pornography as acceptable, family activities at parks, and promoting parks as places where those wanting to commit sexual abuses should look for victims.  

The "Every Kid in a Park" initiative that's also being advertised at the first page of the White House's official website is sexualized by conglomerate code.

Verizon has gotten the message that the White House was sending in its previous promotion of vicious abuse, and is promoting voyeurism and involuntary pornography in ads on the Internet.

It is sad that the first President who isn't totally white has spent almost his entire Presidency promoting dehumanizations.  

I'm a Democrat.  Sometimes I mention that, for people who assume that my criticisms of this President are the result of my being a Republican.  I've never been a Republican; it would probably genetic engineering to turn me into one.

April 20, 2016

I told the White House to attack me instead of my family, and it did.  Google, the Boston Globe and the New York Times are also all attacking me.  There is the question of why they feel they have to attack anyone.  

The New York Times is also hacking my phone and attacking me according to its vicious interpretations, and it doesn't seem to me that it's the only organization that is doing that.  

There seem to be no safeguards at all against the government, media and corporations invading the privacy and permanently eviscerating the reputation of anyone whom it decides to treat that way. They have no conscience about it.  I am treated as if I have no rights.  

The Boston Globe is also mocking me for the social isolation which the conglomerate has imposed on me, even though I have already publicly talked about it.

If I don't have celebrity friends or a celebrity boyfriend, it's because I decided not to have them.  The conglomerate isn't precluding me from having a celebrity social life; it's precluding me from having a normal, healthy social life.  

That's the address for the pages of search results for a Google search from today of the term "adult bullying."  Why doesn't the conglomerate realize that's what it's doing to me, and that's the social norm that it's promoting in every part of human life, everywhere in the world?

Why, also, is anyone promoting children molestation, voyeurism, involuntary pornography, and other sexual abuse?  The pain that these abuses cause are documented by all sorts of people.  

Copyright L. Kochman, April 19, 2016 @ 9:29 p.m./additions April 20, 2016. No code, all policies operative, all preliminary pages.  The conglomerate is criminal.  @ 5:00 a.m./additions @ 5:17 a.m./edited, with additions @ 7:13 a.m.