Sunday, April 30, 2017

Thoughts about the border wall, from the midst of my emotional distress about my life

May 1, 2017

I'm not sure that the wall is wrong.  If it could be dropped on the border for free by friendly aliens (no pun intended; should I say extraterrestrials?), it would probably stop most illegal immigration and a lot of other problems.  

I am sure that the United States and Canada should financially and politically engage with and invest in Latin America to stabilize this side of the world.  We should have done that years ago; that we didn't is a tragedy of racism and greed, and it's our fault.  

I am sure that the wall is expensive and controversial, that Mexico would resent having to pay for it, and that it will be a source of contention for years.  

I have a question about the wall; will eliminating the ability of people to leave intolerable conditions by illegally immigrating help to motivate the governments of those countries to improve conditions, or will the tensions explode, causing crises about which the United States will have to decide whether or not to militarily intervene?

I am more depressed about my life every day that homelessness approaches.  I don't know what I'll be like for the next few weeks.  It is horribly demoralizing to have proof of the hatefulness toward me that even as of this year, I didn't know was so vindictive.  It is difficult to know what to think of human beings.

Copyright L. Kochman, May 1, 2017 @ 2:53 a.m.

It is difficult for me to think the worst of people.

May 1, 2017

I will probably think that someone will tell the property management's lawyers that the voyeurism isn't a false accusation.  I probably won't stop thinking that until the day that I have to move to a shelter.  

There is a sad peace in knowing that everyone who hates you is wrong.  I am someone who spoke, consistently if imperfectly, against the crowd, for people whom I knew needed to be defended, and the crowd has hated me ever since.  Even so, I would not hesitate to help anyone from that crowd if he or she were in the situation that I'm in, which is an inhumane situation.  I am not vindictive.  I am not capable of doing what's being done to me, to harm someone day after day and laugh about it, to read and hear him or her begging for help and kick the person in the face.  To be able to give help that costs nothing and to viciously refuse, week after week and month after month, while treating the person as if he or she is evil; I couldn't do that.  

Copyright L. Kochman, May 1, 2017 @ 1:44 a.m.  

Why I am influential, even when I'm homeless, even when I'm calling newspapers from a mental hospital

May 1, 2017

I am not only smart, I am good.

The world is so full of evil from one century to the next, that, at least, it is heartening to realize that the things that distinguished influential people from each other thousands of years ago haven't changed.  

Although the conglomerate never stops accusing me of being a hypocrite, I'm not.  Although the conglomerate never stops accusing me of being manipulative and a liar, I'm not.  Although the conglomerate never stops distorting what I say, it can't deny the reality of what I do.

At the end of May 2017, I will be homeless for the third time since 2011.  The conglomerate has persecuted me since 2010.  I've been destitute for all of those years.  I have never taken a dollar, a dime, a penny, from the conglomerate. The collective net worth of the people who have offered to date me, all of whom I have rejected, is in the realm of billions of dollars.  I'm sure that one of them would have bought me somewhere to live rather than to pick me up and drop me off at a homeless shelter.  

I have lied to nobody.  I have exploited nobody.

During these years of merciless persecution that would have caused most people to kill themselves or to fall apart into insanity or addiction, I have made some mistakes for which there can't be restitution.  The conglomerate treated me like I was a bad person before then, and was ecstatic to feel that it finally had proof.  The conglomerate has never take responsibility for the unrelentingly degrading and miserable conditions in which it has forced me to live for what will soon be a decade.  

I am the target of a vitriolic, unanimous hatred that wants me to die.  It's a hatred that isn't even temporarily alleviated by the lewdness that started the persecution in 2010; people who are saying nothing to prevent my being homeless haven't stopped talking about wanting to f--- me.  I think that's the accurate description; to f--- me in the hell that they have created for me and leave me there to die.  

It's not an exaggeration.  Homelessness is life-threatening.  I have documented that fact for years.  

I don't choose the addresses of videos that are published at YouTube.  

Copyright L. Kochman, May 1, 2017 @ 1:35 a.m.

The New York Times

May 1, 2017

The New York Times is hacking my phone, watching me in my home, promoting voyeurism and involuntary pornography, and using every excuse to socially torture me and to lie about and threaten people whom I used to know, and who have NEVER DONE ANYTHING TO THE NEW YORK TIMES OR ANYONE ELSE.

The conglomerate is bored with torturing me, although it's not about to stop.  What it's been doing for months is attacking people from my past.  It doesn't attack the people who have anything bad to say about me; anyone who has an ugly story, whether or not it's a lie, to tell about me is believed without question and called a hero.  Whatever horrible thing anyone wants to say about me is turned into a rumor that the conglomerate circulates for years.  There are probably people who did know me years ago and who said horrible things about me when the conglomerate started to torture me in 2010, and who didn't know how hateful the conglomerate was.  I wouldn't be surprised if even people who said horrible things about me a few years ago are sorry that they ever did, since the conglomerate has turned me into a grotesque caricature.  

I was wrong to think that my writing poems in the style of Emily Dickinson would impress the New York Times out of torturing me.  All it did was make the writers there more vicious.  

The 7 Deadly Sins should be organized according to whether they're deadlier to the people who have them or to the people who are victims of them.

Copyright L. Kochman, May 1, 2017 @ 12:44 a.m./No code, all policies operative, all the time.  I'll publish my preliminary page and similar pages again.  

Mr. Assad has to resign.

April 30, 2017

That's the address of a study that was published this year.  

Copyright, with noted exceptions, L. Kochman, April 30, 2017 @ 11:53 p.m.

These are the last weeks of the semester.

April 30, 2017


The conglomerate won't stop attacking me when I'm homeless; it didn't stop for a day, an hour or a minute of the 4 years that I've already been homeless since 2010.  

The conglomerate doesn't care.  There's always another excuse for why I deserve every abuse.  

Copyright L. Kochman, April 30, 2017 @ 10:33 p.m./That is, unfortunately, what time it is.  


April 30, 2017

Nobody can pretend that I brought this on myself.  

Not that people who consent to private images being filmed or photographed deserve to be the victims of involuntary pornography; they don't, BUT I DIDN'T CONSENT TO ANY OF IT.

I didn't even know that the Internet had millions of pornography websites before I started to look for the SICK, SADISTIC, ILLEGAL videos of me in 2011 and 2012; those that were filmed by then.  I didn't find them, probably because I didn't like looking at pornography enough to know where to find them and I stopped looking after a few weeks.  The reputation that the conglomerate has forced on me for 7 years, that makes people think that I like or deserve to be repeatedly victimized, is totally undeserved.

The conglomerate knows that I didn't consent and that my consent was never requested.  It doesn't tell anyone that; IT WANTS THE WORLD TO THINK THAT I WANT TO LIVE LIKE THIS, THAT I WANT EVERYONE TO TREAT ME LIKE A SLUT!

From some of the things that a few people in the Boston area have said or done around me over the past several years, the proof that I am the victim of this crime is probably not that difficult to find, particularly since the conglomerate has spent years telling people to look for it.  Even rich people who can pay for legal services have difficulty suppressing images that are published online.  

The conglomerate likes to make jokes about how "The best is yet to come."

The worst is yet to come.  I have known that for years, and while I have tried to mentally cope with what I know the rest of my life will be like, the conglomerate hasn't stopped laughing.  

I don't care about the opinion of evil and/or ignorant people; I have said that since 2010.  However, these evil and/or ignorant people are ruining my life; nothing is preventing them from that, least of all the consciences that they don't seem to have.  

What someone thinks of me isn't my concern unless that person can harm me, and these people can, and they have, and there doesn't seem to be a reason for me to think that I won't be abused for the rest of my life.  

Copyright L. Kochman, April 30, 2017 @ 6:56 p.m.

The conglomerate thinks that all my cries for help are funny.

April 30, 2017

When I'm not showering, changing my clothes or using the toilet, I leave the lights on in the bathroom all the time, hoping that someone who knows that the voyeurism isn't a false accusation will tell the property management's lawyers that it's not a false accusation, so that the eviction and the voyeurism will be stopped.

Not only has nobody told them, the last, horrible part of everything that I knew would happen is happening; the victim-blaming hasn't stopped at all.  It's as bad as ever, if not worse.  Until the day that I move from this apartment to homelessness, I'll be tortured by the conglomerate for being the victim of a crime that the conglomerate has promoted and for which it has specifically promoted my being targeted, year after horrifying year.  

Copyright L. Kochman, April 30, 2017 @ 6:41 p.m.

It is a TOTAL LIE that I did not approach the property management appropriately about asking that the cameras be removed.

April 30, 2017

How do you politely ask someone to stop victimizing you?

I moved to the apartment in March 2016, dreading that there would be hidden, illegal cameras in the apartment because it had happened to me before.  Almost as soon as I moved to the apartment, the conglomerate began to torture me about being able to see me in the apartment.  The media published code stories ridiculing me.  Corporations and several museums published ads in train stations and on public buses, falsely implying that I was lying on my bed in nothing but underwear, when what was really happening was that I turned off the lights and blocked the door of the bathroom to shower, change my clothes and use the toilet.  Celebrities were posting social media, ridiculing my bowel movements, which they could hear because the cameras also have audio.  I was ridiculed for having my period.  I was ridiculed for having to use the toilet at all.  

When I started to have pain and what felt like a urinary tract infection in September 2016, the conglomerate ridiculed me for that, also, calling me dirty, which it had already called me for 7 years.  The conglomerate calling me dirty is what started my being victimized by voyeurism in the bathrooms of homeless shelters of psychiatric units, gyms and who knows where else.  The conglomerate was calling me a dirty slut in 2010; the voyeurism in showers and bathrooms started at the first homeless shelter where I lived after leaving the Vermont State Hospital in 2011.  Everyone else who lived at that shelter was also victimized by the voyeurism, but the conglomerate has never cared about that, either, or about all of the other people whom the conglomerate's promotion of this crime has subsequently victimized.

I knew that they were tapping the cameras and that live video and audio were being broadcast from this apartment.  I don't know if the cameras at the last apartment that I had where I was victimized by voyeurism had audio.  

I knew that if I said anything about the voyeurism to the property management or if I talked about it online, it would be denied and I'd be evicted.  

From March 2016 until November 18, 2016, I said nothing to anyone at the building about the voyeurism.  I paid my rent.  I paid my utilities.  I never started fights or was involved in altercations, verbal or otherwise. 

The first picture at this page is of the letter that was sent to me by the property management office on October 25, 2016.

That's a picture of the first email that I ever sent to the property management about the voyeurism, on November 18, 2016.

I knew that the person or people who installed the cameras in my apartment wouldn't have done it if the conglomerate hadn't told them to do it.  

I didn't send a lot of emails to the property management about the voyeurism, and none of the emails that I sent were threatening or inappropriate.  

That's a picture of another email that I sent to the property management.  I had suggested that the property management ask the maintenance person whom I thought was probably the person who had installed the cameras to remove them from the apartment.  I had written that he could remove them when he fixed the washing machine, and I wouldn't be at the apartment while he was there.  That was one of my many attempts to resolve the issue and have the cameras removed without the property management having to admit that the cameras were in the apartment.

My emails were not answered with written denials; I was the only person talking about the cameras in the email conversations.  The property management only ever sent me one email verbally denying that the cameras were in the apartment; soon after that, I was sent a letter from the property management's law firm.  

I thought this email was funny:

It was the only email that I ever sent to the property management that talked about physical violence.  After I sent it, the office windows were frosted.  I took that as a sign that what I'd already been through wasn't being treated as if it shouldn't have happened to me, but as if it were a reason to be afraid of me, even though I'm the one who's being victimized.  I stopped using the front door of the building, so I wouldn't have to walk past the office and potentially be accused of being threatening.  

What's happening to me is a gross exaggeration of how impoverished people are frequently treated.  It's worse because the conglomerate, which is formed of people whom the public is supposed to be able to trust, has promoted crime for 7 years, while pretending that its victims like or deserve to be victimized.  

My emails told the property management about what had happened at my last apartment.  The emails talked about the voyeurism, about my asking the property management of Braintree Village to remove the cameras, about the property management then sending the police to my apartment, who showed up with two male police officers and two male paramedics who told me that I had to go to an Emergency Room for a psychiatric evaluation.  The emails talked about my being involuntarily committed to a mental hospital because of my "false" accusations, and about the eviction letter that was sent to me while I was in the hospital.

Nothing that I said about what had already happened to me seems to have convinced the property management that I don't deserve to continue to be abused.

When you're poor, people are constantly accusing you of wasting their "time and resources."  It seems that it doesn't matter that I'm a full-time student or that I had student employment last year or that I have worked wherever I could be hired since the conglomerate started to persecute me in 2010.  The time that I have had to spend dealing with the ways that I'm abused also is never treated as if it's time that I would rather have not had to spend dealing with these issues.  NOBODY who abuses me treats me as if my time is valuable.  The conglomerate has ruined or severely damaged every positive, productive thing that I have tried to do since 2010.  I was even scheduled to have an interview for employment in 2010; I wasn't able to be at that interview because a few days before it was supposed to happen, I was taken to the Vermont State Hospital, where I lived for 4 months and was emotionally tortured every day by staff and patients who had heard about how I was being bullied before I was taken to the hospital. I don't know if the hospital has the pages of reports that I wrote about how I was treated.  I was fortunate that a few people there helped me; that was some of the worst peril I've been in throughout this horrifying disaster.  What do you think it's like in a mental hospital when you say that a staffperson is harassing you?  What do you think the staffperson's going to say about whether or not your perceptions are accurate?  Do you know what it's like to be in a hallway at night, facing several staffpeople and knowing that what you say or do will either defuse the situation or not, and that, if the situation isn't defused, they will attack you?  It has nothing to do with right or wrong; people who are really crazy or emotionally splintered don't tend to be able to avoid being hurt in mental hospitals.  

This is a picture of the email that was sent to me from the property management office, on December 22, 2016, the same day that the law firm for the property management sent me the letter accusing me of being the aggressor instead of the victim:

All I had to do was stop talking about the cameras, and they wouldn't have terminated my lease.  

This was my response:

As I have said before, I'm sure that the property manager had nothing to do with the voyeurism; my emails were sent to someone else who works in that office.  I also can't know if the person to whom I sent the emails knows whether or not I'm telling the truth.  I know that someone who is part of the staff at this building installed the cameras and has lied about it, and I'll be homeless at the end of May 2017 because of those lies.  

I did contact everyone who's supposed to prevent homelessness for help, including the person at the Metropolitan Boston Housing Partnership who is responsible for apartment inspections; she told me I'd have to call the police.

Nobody whom I have asked for help knows what to do about voyeurism, including the police.  That's why I'm going to be homeless.  It's not because the voyeurism is a false accusation.  It's not because I did something wrong.  It's not because I'm delusional, rude, or demanding.  It's because the only people who have awareness about this issue are the people who have been victimized by it, and since most of those people are not wealthy, and most of them are also female, nothing's being done to stop it, prevent it, or prosecute it.  The legislatures aren't addressing it.  The police departments don't have protocols for investigating it.  When someone who is a victim of it talks about it, the people who did it can say that's he or she is crazy, and that's how he or she will be treated.  

When I was living at the Pine Street Inn, I tried to tell supervisory people that the bathrooms and showers should be investigated for hidden cameras; they didn't believe me.  I spent months telling supervisors at On The Rise that they should search the bathrooms and the shower for hidden cameras; they didn't believe me.  The conglomerate has victim-blamed me for years about video that it has seen that was filmed in a bathroom at On The Rise, not caring about all of the other homeless women whose privacy was also violated. I suspect that voyeurism has also happened at the Pine Street Inn; if it has, then it probably hasn't stopped.  When I have to move there at the end of May 2017, I won't be able to turn the lights off anywhere; not in the restrooms, not in the toilet stalls, not in the showers, because those are rooms for several people to use and the lights are never off.  I will have to do what I did every night that I took a shower at the Pine Street Inn, which is to use some of the 10 minutes that everyone has to shower to change into the shorts and tank top that I wear in the shower to protect my privacy as much as I can, and then to change out of them when the shower is over.  I have to put them on and take them off under the nightclothes provided by the Pine Street Inn.  They are always cold and wet from the previous night's shower.  I will have to do that, and take my shower, during the 10-minute time frame, while a staffperson is yelling at everyone "10 minutes in the shower!  Other people need showers!  Hurry up!"  The conglomerate likes to talk about the body hair that I didn't have the money to have removed and of which it has hours of illegally filmed video, starting from the first homeless shelter where the voyeurism started.  I don't even wash my hair in the shower at the Pine Street Inn; there isn't enough time.  I wash it in a sink.  If I try to shave, I shave one section of one leg per night.  

My concerns about voyeurism at those places are also what have caused the supervisors there to think that my concerns about voyeurism in my apartment are paranoid delusions.  That's also why I'll be homeless at the end of May 2017.  They advocated for me as much as they felt they could, which wasn't a lot, since they think I'm crazy, despite all of the evidence that I'm not crazy that I have given them about so many other things in my life.  

Don't underestimate the stigma of mental illness; it ruins more lives than mental illness does.  Do you hear what I'm saying, Boston Globe?  

That was the property management's January 5, 2017 response to my saying that I have the right to privacy in my home.

It was only after I received that letter that I walked to the police station and talked to the police about the voyeurism.  I had never tried to talk to the police before in any state or city where the voyeurism has happened; I didn't think they would believe me or help me, and I was also in shock for so many years about what's happening to me that I didn't know what to say to them.  

What was I supposed to say?  What do you think would happen to someone who walked into a police station and said things like:

"Media, corporations, governments, celebrities, and anyone else who wants to invade my privacy hack my phone and email and take video of me from illegal, hidden cameras.  I have never seen the months of illegal video filmed of me in places where I have the legal right to a reasonable expectation of privacy, but I know that video's been filmed because movies, television shows, music videos, celebrity social media, governments, newspapers, television, and Internet search engines talk about it in code.  Google even publishes references to the voyeurism at the first page of the Google website."

What do you think someone's going to say to me if I say that?  The conglomerate knows that it's true, but the conglomerate hasn't stopped treating me like I deserve everything that's happened to me since it began persecuting me in 2010.  I also don't talk about those things when I'm at crisis units; I know that I can't, because I'll be called delusional by people who don't know it's true even if they want to help me "feel better," and I'll be called delusional by people who know it's true and who want to harass me in the hospital.  Even when I try to be in a crisis unit or hospital, it's so that I won't kill myself or because the years of abuse have demoralized me so that I can't think or take care of myself.  I don't talk about why I want to kill myself or why I'm on the verge of catatonia, other than to say I'm being bullied. 

I also didn't talk to the police about the voyeurism in this apartment before I was given the January 5, 2017 letter because I didn't want the police to conduct a noninvestigation, not find the cameras, and then talk to the property management about it.  I thought that would trigger an eviction.  When I read the January 5, 2017 letter, I felt that I had nothing left to lose by asking the police for help.  

At the police station on the night of January 5-6, 2017, the officers to whom I spoke were nice to me.  Unfortunately, the police report that was written and filed by them after I talked to them was not entirely accurate.  

Although I moved to the apartment in March 2016, I DIDN'T talk to the property management about the cameras until November 2016.  That's a significant inaccuracy, because what the property management has accused me of is harassing the property management with a barrage of accusations, and that's not what happened.  I have lived in emotional misery since the day that I moved to the apartment in March 2016, knowing that if I talked about the cameras, it would be denied and I'd be homeless.  

The police report doesn't say that what I told the officers is that someone or several people who are employed at the building are the people who installed the cameras.  I also never said that anyone at the building searched the apartment for cameras, because nobody ever did.  The police report doesn't say what I told the officers, which is that the eviction is retaliation for my having said that there are cameras in the apartment and my having asked that the cameras be removed.

The report makes me sound crazy, and my case was subsequently assigned to a "Mental Health" police officer, who didn't answer my emails for weeks at a time, who didn't really investigate, who didn't find the cameras that everyone who's watching me in my apartment knows are not a false accusation, and whose failure to care that I'm the victim of a crime led the property management's lawyer to threaten me with "calling the constable to have you removed from the building."  

The police department's failure to conduct a real investigation to precisely locate and document the cameras left me no choice than to sign this agreement at court on April 3, 2017:

I will be homeless at the end of May 2017.  There is nowhere for me to live other than a homeless shelter.

Copyright, with noted exceptions, L. Kochman, April 30, 2017 @ 6:29 p.m./edited May 3, 2017 @ 9:31 a.m.

I love my apartment.

April 30, 2017

All I asked was that the cameras be removed.

Maybe not everyone who isn't telling the property management's lawyers that the voyeurism isn't a false accusation realizes that this is a really nice apartment. People who aren't millionaires will understand my saying:

-Although I have to pay all of the utilities, the building is energy-efficient, which is unusual for the Boston area.  I haven't had problems paying my utilities, even in the winter.

-There are a washer and drier in the apartment.  That saves time and money.  I don't have to put all of my dirty clothes in a laundry bag and carry it on my shoulder (I have never owned a car) to a laundromat.  I don't have to sit there at the laundromat for hours.  I don't have to wash my clothes in front of other people. I don't have to pay $10 or $20 a week to do my laundry.  I don't have to buy as many clothes because I can wash them in my own home.  

-There's a grocery store that's walking distance from the apartment building.  Do the rich people who watch me in my house and act like I deserve what's happening to me shop for their own food?  What do you think it's like to try to walk with groceries for a mile, particularly if they're heavy or you bought things that need to be refrigerated?  How would you feel about trying to take a bus or the subway with a few bags of groceries?  Would you want to have to do that every week or every few weeks?  

-The building is walking distance from public transportation.

These are things that anyone can understand:

-The building and the neighborhood are quiet; that doesn't happen a lot in a city.

-The building is safe; it's difficult for someone who isn't a tenant to access the building.  My apartment is also not on the first or second floor, which is additional security.  

-Almost all of the tenants whom I have met are nice, although I have felt that I can't be friends with them because the conglomerate hacks my phone and email and there are cameras in my apartment.  

Copyright L. Kochman, April 30, 2017 @ 3:10 p.m./No code, all policies operative, all the time.  I'll publish my preliminary page and similar pages again.  

Saturday, April 29, 2017

I don't want to be famous, and I don't want to be abused.

Copyright L. Kochman, April 30, 2017 @ 2:05 a.m.

2014 was the winter that I was evicted from my last apartment, for my "false" accusation of voyeurism, that wasn't false.

April 30, 2017

That's the address of a clip from The Ellen Show.  It was published on March 5, 2014, a few weeks after I was evicted, to spend another 2 years homeless in the Boston area before obtaining this apartment, from which I'll have to move back to homelessness in a month.  

I was already forced into homelessness by the conglomerate for 2 years, from 2011-2013.  

That's the address for the first page of Yahoo results for "boston blizzard 2015."  


Copyright, with noted exceptions, L. Kochman, April 30, 2017 @ 1:51 a.m./No code, all policies operative, all the time.  I'll publish my preliminary page and similar pages again.  

Did I mention?

April 29, 2017

So virginal and discrete
Our Dear Miss Emily
That all since then still mete
Their highest praise to her.

To wander in the garden
To pen a poem so neat
To wake and sleep the years away
Bound life, if not bound feet.

Copyright L. Kochman, April 29, 2017 @ 4:51 p.m./That's what time it is.  

My "Crazy, Dumb Slut" poem for today, inspired by the New York Times

April 29, 2017

I thought I was alone.
I never heard the whir
The click and camera clacking
Of visitors to my home.

A blinkless eye upon me
A silent record kept
Have summoned plagues of locusts
That never seem to rest.

Copyright L. Kochman, April 29, 2017 @ 12:25p.m./No code, all policies operative, all the time.  I'll publish my preliminary page and similar pages again.   That copyright time is a lie; YES, IT IS A LIE!  The conglomerate has called me a liar for years, and finally the conglomerate is telling the truth that I'm a liar!  The time at which I finished the page was 12:03 p.m., but I thought that to publish this page at 12:03 would detract from the message; not because I was trying to hurt anyone, but because the conglomerate likes to hurt people and likes to accuse the targets of its merciless bullying of scheming to hurt people.  This page will also probably be prominent at my blog today, because I have homework and won't be publishing a lot of other pages.  Not only does the conglomerate not care that I'm smart, my being smart is the reason that the conglomerate wants to make my life hell.  

Friday, April 28, 2017

Someone please tell the property management's lawyers that the voyeurism isn't a false accusation.

April 29, 2017

Why wouldn't you do that?  It's a phone call or an anonymous fax.  It costs you nothing.  

Copyright L. Kochman, April 29, 2017 @ 1:35 a.m./No code, all policies operative, all the time.  I'll publish my preliminary page and similar pages again.  That's what time it is.  What's the cause of the victim-blaming for this?  How can anyone think that I asked for this?

How many times do I have to say that I don't order these magazines?

April 28, 2017

They are prank mail subscriptions that other people have ordered for me for a few years.

People fraudulently order them, and then the magazines send me the bills.  I have to call them all and cancel them.

I didn't even have storage for all of it when I was homeless.  

I told the police about it, and they didn't care about that, either.  

Copyright L. Kochman, April 28, 2017 @ 8:19 p.m.

You all know that the voyeurism isn't a false accusation, don't you?

April 28, 2017

Copyright L. Kochman, April 28, 2017 @ 7:49 p.m.  If I waited another minute to publish, it wouldn't help.  

Have people ever thought about having the President work during the day and the Vice President work at night?

April 28, 2017

The world has a 24-hour schedule.  

Copyright L. Kochman, April 28, 2017 @ 7:40 p.m.

What's nice about being a powerful person is that, when you spend every hour of every business day working, you can help a lot of people.

April 28, 2017

A lot of people would like their work to have that sort of positive effect, and it doesn't; it can't.  

There's nothing like knowing that you spend your paid time being necessary.  Without that, free time isn't restful or fun, for someone who has a conscience.

Copyright L. Kochman, April 28, 2017 @ 7:35 p.m.

The New York Times is promoting child pornography.

April 28, 2017

This is a picture of part of the first page of the New York Times' website:

It's deliberate.  It's planned.  They've been promoting child rape for 7 years.

There's nothing factual or incidental about it.

I don't understand how adults who are supposed to be among the smartest in the world, who work for a newspaper that has the reputation of being one of the most reliable and respected newspapers in the English-speaking world, can be so corrupt.  

The media is supposed to help humanity, not victimize the vulnerable.

Copyright, with noted exceptions, L. Kochman, April 28, 2017 @ 7:12 p.m./That's what time it is.  That's why I wrote the code policies years ago, so that the conglomerate wouldn't attack me for every word I wrote and every time at which I published anything.  It's not deliberate.  I don't choose what time life happens.  I don't plan articles so that I can promote crime.  If I wanted to promote the conglomerate's agenda, I would, and I wouldn't use code to do it.  If I didn't think that child rape is THE WORST CRIME IN THE WORLD, I wouldn't say that it is.  I have homework. I have a life; people like the New York Times have ensured that it's a bad life, but I do have better things to do with my time than try to publish pages at one of the few minutes during every hour that won't cause the conglomerate to imply that I promote its sick and hateful agenda.  If I were corrupt, I'd be rich.  I wouldn't have been repeatedly victimized by voyeurism, I wouldn't have been homeless, and I wouldn't be at the mercy of merciless people year after year.   

This is the money that I have for the rest of this month.

April 28, 2017

Do you want to make some more jokes about balls, or think of something else to pervert what I'm saying?

I'm not being abused because I deserve it.  I'm being abused because I'm too poor to prevent it.  

Copyright L. Kochman, April 28, 2017 @ 5:58 p.m.

It's not low self-esteem that makes me want to die.

April 28, 2017

My high self-esteem is what makes the conglomerate want me to die, because I am female.  The conglomerate is misogynist.

It's rage and despair that I'll never be free that make me want to die.  

Copyright L. Kochman, April 28, 2017 @ 5:27 p.m.

Thursday, April 27, 2017

I wouldn't say that misery loves company.

April 28, 2017

My company doesn't seem to know when to leave.

Copyright L. Kochman, at the time it is, which is 2:57 a.m., unfortunately.

Tell them, if you want.

April 28, 2017

Ryan Phillippe using my phone to hit on Angelina Jolie:

Ryan Phillippe using my phone to hit on women who are only a few years older than his daughter, while he Tweets and Instagrams about how old I am and threatens other men:

Do you want to tell the world how desperately lonely I am?  Is that what everyone is using as an excuse to laugh me into homelessness?  Desperate enough to talk to you and people like you?  You think that's proof of my deserving the abuse that isolates me from everyone who isn't a raging asshole?  

I don't want to date you; I have already told you that.  However, the conglomerate's hypocrisy is always so blatant that nobody should blame me for talking about it, although someone always does.

Copyright, with noted exceptions, L. Kochman, April 28, 2017 @ It's about 2:00 a.m.; a terrible hour for publishing.  

Does this mean that Ryan Phillippe isn't sleeping with someone who already has a boyfriend, while he and all of the men in this picture call me a whore?

April 28, 2017

That's a picture of a post that Ryan Phillippe published at his Instagram an hour ago.

Do all of those men hack my phone?  Have they all watched illegally filmed video of me?  Do they watch and hear illegally filmed video of me in this apartment, which I'll have to move from and into homelessness in a month? 

Have men sat around like this, watching the videos of me filmed from hidden, illegal cameras in the showers and bathrooms of homeless shelters and psychiatric units, gyms and everywhere else that the conglomerate has caused people to commit crime against me and everyone around me?  There are only 8 of these men; there will be thousands of them, maybe millions, before I'm dead, unless I kill myself soon.

Copyright, with noted exceptions, L. Kochman, April 28, 2017 @ 2:05 a.m.

My suicide would be a blip, like all of the other deaths that have happened for 7 years while the conglomerate has rabidly pursued the legalization of child rape.

April 28, 2017

For years, I thought that they would realize they were wrong.  I didn't think that the world establishment could be really evil; I thought there was a misunderstanding.  I used to fall asleep at night, thinking "It has to be over tomorrow; what I wrote about today was so terrible that they'll have to want it to be over.  Nobody could be this horrible."

The years passed, most of them while I was homeless.  It is so awful to be homeless.  

Sometimes I felt as optimistic as I had when I started writing, that they would realize that they were wrong, and then I felt less and less optimistic, and then I began to hate, and they blamed for that, also.  

Not just anger; hate.  The hate that they had inflicted on me poisoned me.  When you are surrounded by hate, eventually you learn to like it, or at least to subsist on it, the way that starving people eat rotten food.

I'll never like their crimes or the crimes they have promoted.  There's some rotten food that even the dying won't touch.  Hate is more adaptable than a belief system; hate is the obliteration of reason, which is probably why it is frequently the emotion to which hopeless people cling.  That doesn't explain why there are people who aren't hopeless about their lives who like to hate; at least, years of my explanations, polite and impolite, that I'm being persecuted by fucking morons, doesn't seem to have made them hate me less.  

When I think I know how bad they are, I am always wrong; they are always worse than that.  

Copyright L. Kochman, April 28, 2017 @ 1:35 a.m.

I don't know how to think about being homeless in a month.

April 28, 2017

Since December 2016, when the lawyers for the property management sent me their first letter telling me to stop what they called my false accusation of voyeurism or I'd be evicted, I have asked that people who know that it's not a false accusation tell those lawyers that it's the truth.

4 months.  Nobody has.  They also hack my phone, so they know about all of the people whom I have called or emailed for help in the Boston area, who either don't believe that the hidden, illegal cameras are in the apartment or don't know what to do about it.  The people who hack my phone and watch me in my home have seen and heard me have phone conversations with suicide crisis and sexual abuse crisis volunteers.  

They don't care.  

Not only do they not care, they like it.  They like seeing my helplessness, and they're calling me a bitch who deserves it and who's trying to ruin other people's lives.  They're telling jokes.  They're doing whatever they want, which is what they've always done, while they accuse me of being a slut, a liar, and a criminal.

They're used to these pages, also.  My angry pages.  Thousands of them, published as the abuse of me is institutionalized, as the gossip about me that's 20 years old is passed around to excuse every new horror that's inflicted on me.  

Probably, even my talking about suicide has been a joke for them for years.  

"You liked it, you fucking whore, and you know it."  I never did want a grave, but is that what they think my epitaph should be?  

Sarcasm Alert:

No, of course not; who would say that?  

End of Sarcasm Alert.

Copyright L. Kochman, April 28, 2017 @ 1:10 a.m.

I have a radio next to the toilet, to cover the sound when I have to urinate and defecate, use tampons and pads and also Monistat, even though I don't think that my physical pain is from a yeast infection.

April 28, 2017

The radio has a light, so I have to cover that with a towel.  

A few weeks ago, the towel fell from the radio while I was about to sit on the toilet.  I shrieked and scrambled to cover the light.

A lot of people thought that was funny.

Those are only a couple of the people who thought it was funny; it's one of the conglomerate's favorite illegally filmed videos of me from this apartment.

Live, illegal video of me has probably been being broadcast to websites all over the world since I moved to this apartment in 2016.  My desperately trying to cover the light from the radio is only one of the thousands of videos of me that Instagram has encouraged people for years to find for free.  

Contrary to what they like to think, being abused by rich and famous people isn't glamorous; it's as sordid as being abused by anyone else.

Copyright, with noted exceptions, L. Kochman, April 28, 2017 @ 12:42 a.m./That's what time it was when I published the page.  Then I tried to add a paragraph to what I had written; I was kicked out of the blog a few times before I could publish it.  That has happened before.  It seems to happen when I'm publishing a page that someone who hacks my phone doesn't like.  

Homelessness; it makes me feel so feminine.

April 28, 2017

Angelina Jolie is one of the many people who know that the voyeurism isn't a false accusation.  Yet, nobody seems to be saying that she or any of the other rich and famous people who claim to care about women's rights are hypocrites.

I'm saying it, but I'm a homeless woman.

Her ex-husband also knows.  If I had slept with him, the voyeurism probably would have halted or even been prosecuted years ago.  I probably also wouldn't wake up several mornings a week feeling like urine wants to leave my bladder before I can stumble to my darkened bathroom to be audiorecorded while I pee.  I'm sure he would have paid for me to have a nice place to live and all the medical care that I need.  

It's not really a secret why people like this are always in divorce court.  They're horrible people.  

Copyright, with the exception of another sickening article, L. Kochman, April 28, 2017 @ 12:25 a.m./No code, all policies operative, all the time.  I'll publish my preliminary page and similar pages again.  

A casualty of this century

April 27, 2017

Not that the people deliberately and permanently harmed for the amusement of their torturers, in the ways known to previous centuries, don't continue to be the targets of abuse and the objects of pity.  The old ways of hurting people are not thought to be obsolete by people who like to cause pain.  

This century has new ways of torturing people.  Even people who are sorry for me can't undo the damage, the way that people who are sorry for people who are physically disfigured can't undo the damage.

Is there someone who wants to be pitied all of his or her life?  Is that what people think I want?  Is there someone who would rather be pitied for being tortured rather than to not be tortured?  If so, I'm not that person.

Copyright L. Kochman, April 27, 2017 @ 11:55 p.m.

Will the world fall apart if I don't spend all night trying to publish at specific times?

April 27, 2017

I really do have homework, and there's nothing I can do about the conglomerate's abuse.  The conglomerate wants me to die, homeless, or to continue to live such a miserable life that I stop talking about killing myself and just kill myself.  

The people who are part of the conglomerate love it.  They love having the power to prevent my having to move from this apartment; they love watching me agonize, while they don't tell anyone that the voyeurism isn't a false accusation.  Maybe they think this is their revenge for all of the years that I have said that they're not nice people.  

Copyright L. Kochman, April 17, 2017 @ 10:20 p.m.

The only help that I really need is for someone who knows that the voyeurism isn't a false accusation to call or fax the property management's lawyers and tell them that the voyeurism isn't a false accusation.

April 27, 2017

That's a picture of one of the many messages at one of the many blogs about me that other people have published.  

This is the address of the blog:

Although that message was terrible, the blog was created by other people who were trying to be nice about me, although they thought I was delusional.  I don't know how they convinced Facebook to remove the page about me, since almost no website that I have asked to remove hateful blogs about me has.  It seems that a woman who's being horrifyingly abused needs other people to stop the abusers; what she says isn't enough, even in the 21st century.  

Sarcasm Alert:

The best part of all of this is that when the thousands of people who have heard of me all know that what I have said about the conglomerate isn't delusional, all of those thousands of people will also know that the SICK, SADISTIC, ILLEGAL videos of me aren't delusions. 

My quality of life never stops improving.

End of Sarcasm Alert.

Who knows how many more years I'll have been homeless by then?  

I think most people would be dead by now.  I don't think that anyone has ever been treated the way that the conglomerate treats me.  The conglomerate treats the fact that I haven't killed myself as an excuse to abuse me, to say that I like or deserve what's happening to me.  I think that only my suicide will prove to the conglomerate that, at least, I don't like it, although probably nothing will convince these hateful and disgusting people that I don't deserve it.  

This is also a picture of the reddit page:

The first part of it is the same person who is featured at the beginning of this page.  He (I think it was probably a male person who wrote it) is answering someone who objected to what he said about me; the person who objected then answered him, defending me not because he or she believes me but because he or she thinks I'm mentally ill.

Copyright, with noted exceptions, L. Kochman, April 27, 2017 @ 10:17 p.m.

Vicious, hateful, hypocritical and horrifying.

April 27, 2017

Tweet from Zac Efron:


Tweet from Ben Platt:


Time Magazine:


You couldn't care less about people who are suicidal.  

I don't choose the addresses of videos that are published at YouTube.  

Also; is the entertainment industry ever going to stop hacking my phone and plagiarizing me, while abusing me in my poverty and acting like I'm a stupid slut?  

Copyright, with noted exceptions, L. Kochman, April 27, 2017 @ 10:16 p.m.

Someone please tell the property management's lawyers that the voyeurism isn't a false accusation.

April 27, 2017

If you don't, I'll be homeless in a month, for the third time since 2011, and there will be nothing to prevent people from targeting me and everyone around me for voyeurism.  

Apple has advertised sexual abuse on the Pine Street Inn for years, since I had to live there.  I have protested against it for years, and Apple DOESN'T CARE.


Copyright L. Kochman, April 27, 2017 @ 10:16 p.m.

The quest for a metaphor for a misogynist audience

April 27, 2017

If someone liked your money, and took it from you without your consent, and then told everyone that he or she liked spending it, and also told everyone that it wasn't taken from you by force and that you liked having money taken from you, and there was nothing you could do about it, so people taking money from you and laughing about it turned into how you had to live for years, how would you feel?  

Copyright L. Kochman, April 27, 2017 @ 1:35 p.m.

The New York Times

April 27, 2017

Are you being deliberately stupid?

I am 42.  I'm not some other age.  I can't lie about my age so that you won't lie and say that I'm using code.

I'm not using code.  Every day, I say "No code." 

To say things the way that they are is not the same as deliberately twisting how you say things to promote crime.

You already know that; I have said it for years.

You are disgusting.  I already knew that, and I also know that NOTHING stops you from lying about me.

Copyright L. Kochman, April 27, 2017 @ 1:04 p.m./No code, all policies operative, all the time.  I'll publish my preliminary page and similar pages again.  Since December, I've been trying to avoid being eviction for my TRUE accusation that there are hidden, illegal cameras in my apartment, and I've been trying not to fail out of school, so I haven't wanted to take the time to publish those pages every day.  The New York Times knows it's not a false accusation; the New York Times participates in the voyeurism and the victim-blaming of me for that voyeurism.

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Someone please tell the property management's lawyers that there are hidden, illegal cameras in my apartment.

April 27, 2017

If you don't, I'll be homeless at the end of May 2017.

I don't really understand how so many people can be this vindictive toward one person.  How can you not have told them, when you know that it's not a false accusation, and when you know that I'll be homeless?  

I've already been homeless for 4 of the years since 2010.  Why do you hate me enough to be this vindictive?  Why do you all think that I deserve it?  

Copyright L. Kochman, April 27, 2017 @ 12:25 a.m./No code, all policies operative, all the time.  I'll publish my preliminary page and similar pages again.  

I look all right for 42.

April 26, 2017

I have erased the pictures that were at this blog.  I thought the imagery might be confusing.  

It can take a while for me to take a pretty picture, although sometimes it doesn't.

I'm going to age and I'm going to die.  I suppose those things might not happen in that order, depending on what the rest of my life is like.

I hope I won't continue to be subjected to people either picking at me or being lewd about me for what I look like.  These pictures are what I looked like last night.  Who knows what I'll look like tomorrow?  WHO CARES?  It's not a problem, is it?  It's not a world crisis.  It's not even a local crisis.  If it's anyone's problem, it's my problem, and I'm trying to have a balance of humor and self-respect about it.

I am female; that's not synonymous with asking for people to talk about what I look like ad nauseum.  I'm not a model, nor am I trying to be one.  What I look like is not really anyone's business; who wants to waste his or her life thinking about what people look like to the exclusion of every other thought?

I know this continues to be really shocking for people who think that women can't live without approval for what they look like: I DON'T CARE WHAT YOU THINK OF WHAT I LOOK LIKE!  WHETHER YOU THINK THAT I'M BEAUTIFUL OR UGLY, PLEASE STOP HARASSING ME!

Copyright L. Kochman, April 26, 2017 @ 11:55 p.m./edited May 2, 2017 @ 1:27 p.m., for lack of a better published time.  It's the middle of the night.  I can't spend all of my time fussing about copyright times.

My physical problem hasn't resolved.

April 26, 2017

It's not excruciating pain, but I have it all day, and I have had this problem since September 2016.

I have felt wary of talking to Boston Medical Center about medical care; it's been traumatic to feel that I'm being treated like I'm crazy when I haven't done anything wrong, to the point of being falsely accused of being a bad patient and denied access to an entire department.  

Their failure to accurately diagnose and treat the problem does not make me Crazy Internet Lady Who's Obsessed That Her Vagina Is Dirty.  Nobody has said that's why I'm being so mistreated, but that's my assumption, because I really didn't do or say anything inappropriate to anyone.  It was difficult for me to talk to anyone about the problem at all, which is why I didn't for a few weeks last year before I finally went to a doctor in September.  8 months, 3 pelvic exams, and several prescriptions later, the symptoms aren't resolved and I have pain all day.

Copyright L. Kochman, April 26, 2017 @ 11:35 p.m.


April 26, 2017

That's my automatic response to the idea of dismantling a court that's not secret.  

I am struggling to deal with my own problems, and I am also not the President or a professional political writer.  I have to decide how much time and energy I can spend reading a lot about all of the world's issues; my time and energy are severely stressed by trying to finish the semester, avoid homelessness, and maintain my equilibrium while being persecuted by a sickening number of people.  

Rather than to write a page about the Ninth Circuit, or the issues it's addressing, I think I need to say that we don't have individual segments of government for no reason.  There's a reason.  

Copyright L. Kochman, April 26, 2017 @ 10:51 p.m.

Is this an ignorant question?

April 26, 2017

Has anyone organized a separate set of talks for Turkey and the Kurds?  

I was thinking about that several weeks ago.  Internet results for "turkey kurds talks," at least at the first page of results, aren't saying a lot about that today.  

Would it help if an entirely separate set of talks were organized for them, instead of treating them as problematic guests at talks that don't have their conflict as the primary priority?  

Copyright L. Kochman, April 26, 2017 @ 10:35 p.m.

It's a sad irony that female journalists feel that they can't talk about journalism's institutional misogyny.

April 26, 2017

The female journalists who are given the most work and the fewest restrictions are probably those women who are the least active about confronting misogyny or the least targeted for it.  

It is also sickening and incomprehensible that the New York Times has spent 7 years promoting child molestation and the lie that children want to be abused.  

Today, I will try to ask the police department to conduct another investigation for the hidden, illegal cameras in my apartment, but it's probably futile.  I'll be homeless at the end of May 2017.  The conglomerate won't stop sexually harassing me or encouraging people to target me for voyeurism.  

I'm trying to gather documents for talking to the police; all the proof of my stability and the work that I do for my life.  When I provided similar proof and asked for help from the police months ago, it did nothing to convince the police to really investigate the crime that's been happening in my home since March 2016, the crime that so many people know is not a false accusation, including the New York Times.  

I don't know when the people who have persecuted me since 2010 will stop thinking that it's funny.  Homelessness is life-threatening, and they have never cared about that, either.  

Copyright L. Kochman, April 26, 2017 @ 8:05 a.m.

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

I'm going to be homeless at the end of May 2017, if nobody tells the property management's lawyers that the voyeurism isn't a false accusation.

Copyright L. Kochman, April 26, 2017 @ 12:35 a.m./No code, all policies operative, all the time.  I'll publish my preliminary page and similar pages again.