Friday, June 30, 2017

I don't want to be famous, and I don't want to be abused.

Copyright L. Kochman, June 30, 2017 @ 7:18 p.m.

I know that nothing about the school's judicial process will be fair toward me.

June 30, 2017

I won't go to the academic execution that's been scheduled for me on July 5, 2017.  I'll withdraw from the school on Monday morning, incurring more than $1,000 of debt.  My academic future is going to be severely jeopardized no matter what I do now.

Copyright L. Kochman, June 30, 2017 @ 3:16 p.m.

"False" accusations of cameras in my apartment; "false" accusations of harassment at school

June 30, 2017

They're not false accusations, and everyone who saw what happened knows it.

I don't choose the addresses of videos that are published at YouTube.

I think the school is using my being homeless again as "proof" that I'm the cause of my own problems.  I asked some people at the school for whatever help they might be able to offer to prevent my having to move from my apartment, and instead the school is using it against me to deny that I was harassed in class for the third semester in a row.  

If there were students in my French class who told the administration that they thought I was intimidating, that's probably because that's the answer that the administration wanted to hear when it conducted its "investigation," and because they didn't want to be in trouble.  I was totally appropriate the entire time; I really didn't do anything wrong.  

The Dean of Students spent the entire summer of 2016 denying knowing the identity of the student who harassed me in my Chinese class during the Spring 2016 Semester.  I wasn't asking to know who he was; all I was asking was that the school tell him that he can't harass and stalk people and that he can't lie to the school's administration when someone reports him for those behaviors.  When the student began to stalk and harass me online in September of 2016, using his first and last name, I took a picture of the messages that he sent me and I emailed them to the Dean of Students.  I said "Is this the student?"  I sent that email at about 4:45 a.m.  At about 6:45 a.m. on the same morning, the Dean sent me an email saying that the student would be accountable for his actions according to the school's Code of Conduct.  That means that she already knew who he was, and she had lied to me for months about why she couldn't confront him about his behavior.  There's no way that she had conducted an investigation to confirm his identity in 2 hours, from 4:45 a.m. to 6:45 a.m.  

When another situation with a few other students erupted in my math class in the Spring 2017 semester, the Dean immediately took action against those students, and it was helpful that the professor for that class didn't lie about what had happened, or I would have been in danger, for the second time, of being thrown out of school for saying that I was being harassed.

This time, the Dean would have thrown another student out of the class in which the harassment was happening, and I don't know why my saying that she didn't need to do that is being met by the administration calling me a liar.  What I think is that the school was so negligent in the first situation that it took action quickly the second time that it happened to avoid liability, but really the school wants to be able to blame me for all of it, which it has now succeeded in doing.

I don't think it's a coincidence that the second teacher who has lied about what happened in the classroom is from the Language department.  Whatever the rumor is about why the Chinese teacher left the school, I doubt that it includes my being so adamant with the Dean last year that the Chinese teacher not be fired and that it was the school's responsibility to educate its staff, teachers and students about bullying that the Dean told me then that she didn't want me to email her anymore.  Her attitude toward me changed when I sent her the Internet proof in September 2016 that the student from the Chinese class was escalating the stalking and harassment in school that I had reported to the school 6 months earlier, but it seems as if she has never stopped hoping that she could blame me for all of it, and now she has and I'll have to drop out of school.  

Copyright L. Kochman, June 30, 2017 @ 2:43 p.m.

When I withdraw from the school, I'll have to pay the school more than $1,000 for dropping the classes after the add/drop deadline.

June 30, 2017

That's what happened to me last year, when I withdrew from the summer class that I was taking because I felt vulnerable at school; my grade appeal to stop the teacher who had lied about what happened in her classroom from failing me in retaliation hadn't been evaluated (I did eventually have the A that I deserved), and the school was refusing to confront the student who had instigated the bullying.

I had to pay the school more than $600 for that one class.  I couldn't attend school in the fall semester of 2016 because I couldn't have financial aid until I had paid off the $600.  It actually was more than $600, because the school charged me additional money to set up a payment plan to pay the school $75/month.  

Copyright L. Kochman, June 30, 2017 @ 12:38 p.m.

Damn those typos

June 30, 2017

In my June 20th email to everyone in the class, I had meant to say "maybe the issue will resolve WITHOUT the need for more intervention from the school."

Copyright L. Kochman, June 30, 2017 @ 12:33 p.m.

The end of my academic career at Bunker Hill Community College, and maybe anywhere else

June 30, 2017

Those are all of Bunker Hill Community College's charges against me for my reporting being harassed in one of my summer classes.

Copyright, with noted exceptions, L. Kochman, June 30, 2017 @ 11:56 a.m./No code, all policies operative, all the time.  I'll publish my preliminary page and similar pages again.


Email to my academic advisor on June 19, 2017, after class.  I included everybody's name and where they were from because that was the first thing that the teacher asked everyone on the first day of class, and because the Dean's office pretended not to know who the student was who had harassed and stalked me in my Chinese class last year until, six months after I first told the school he was harassing me, he started to harass me online using his first and last name.  The school kept telling me that since I couldn't identify him, the school couldn't talk to him.  


I am sorry to tell you that another group bullying situation seems to be developing in the Elementary French class that I have on Monday and Wednesday mornings from 8:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m., taught by Professor Palix-Robasson.  I wasn't sure before today if that were what was happening, but today it seems clear to me that it is.

I'm going to write this email from the notes that I took in class today about what happened:

Jean from Haiti--he had randomly sat at a desk a couple of desks away from me on the first day of class.  He was never hostile before today; he borrowed my workbook pages to take pictures of so that he could do his homework and looked on with me at my textbook EVERY DAY before today, because he hadn't bought his own supplies before today.  Today is Monday, June 19, 2017.  A female student named Guyveline, who has never bothered me in any way, sat in the seat at the end of the first row of chairs, next to the wall side; it's a good seat because it has an electrical outlet and students can charge their phones there, which I usually do and which she was doing today.  I usually sit there, but it wasn't a problem for me that she was there first today.  I sat a few seats away from her in the first row.  Jean sat behind both of us in the second row, next to the back wall.  

During a class exercise, Jean rolled his chair forward, nearer to Guyveline and to me.  He had already loudly cleared his throat before each of this answers before he rolled closer to us.  As he sat there, his throat-clearing got louder and louder, and started to happen even when he wasn't about to answer a question.  It happened several times, until I turned to him and said "Please don't," without raising my voice.  He pretended that he didn't know what I was talking about.  I said "You're not going to be able to say that I'm crazy, and you're not going to be able to laugh at me.  There were a couple of guys who did this last semester, and they got in trouble.  The school isn't going to believe you, it's going to believe me, because I've been through all of this before."

Professor Palix-Robasson was on the other side of the classroom.  She was very focused on the subject that was being taught, for which I don't blame her; I wish that I weren't the target of disruptive behavior by people who don't care if they make school difficult for me when it doesn't have to be.  She hadn't heard Jean's coughing, which didn't surprise me because he was only a couple of feet behind me,  if that, and he was only beginning to accelerate the coughs and raise the volume of them when I told him to stop.  Professor Palix-Robasson asked what was going on and said "I don't want tension in my classroom."  I said that I understood that and I apologized for the interruption.  She said we would talk about it at the break, and that maybe the student and I would be separated; she pointed at me, and then to the other side of the room, and then she said, "Maybe you over here, and him over there," while she gestured to the side of the room where he already was.

I said "I'm not moving.  I'm not going nowhere," which wasn't my best grammar but which was the best that I could do since every time that something like this happens it's stressful.  My feeling was that I should not have to move from where I had been sitting for all of the class up until then; I don't mind changing my seat when someone else wants to charge his or her phone, but students usually sit where they sat from the beginning of the semester unless there's a problem, and I don't want to be treated as if I am the problem.  I also have no issue with it if nobody else in the class moves, either, as long as nobody is harassing me.  

Professor Palix-Robasson said "We'll talk about it during the break."

She continued teaching, and soon after that, the class took a test.  The class had until 10:15 a.m. to finish the test, and the break was scheduled to be from 10:15 to 10:35.  I finished the test at about 10:10, gave it to Professor Palix-Robasson, said "I'll be back in a few minutes," and then left the classroom briefly.  When I was walking back to the classroom, Jean passed by me in the hallway and we didn't say anything to each other.

I returned to the classroom.  There were a couple of other students in the class during the break, one named Kate (Czech Republic) who, like Guyveline, was not involved in anything that happened.  I don't remember who else was in the classroom at that time, except that I think it was only me, the teacher, Kate and maybe Amber and maybe Guyveline.  We spent most of the break talking about the test that we had just taken.  Because Jean hadn't coughed at me again after Professor Palix-Robasson had asked what was going on before the break, I did not approach Professor Palix-Robasson during the break to discuss what had happened, and she did not broach the subject with me.  I hoped that the incident was thus resolved; unfortunately, when the class reconvened this proved not to be the case.

After the break, the only other American student in the class, Amber, seemed to start coughing every few minutes.  I had noticed that she had coughed a lot in one or two previous classes before this week, but I hoped that it was because she might actually be sick.  She also sits several seats away from me, nearer to the door of the classroom in the front row, so the sound of her coughing during those previous classes hadn't been as disruptive or seemed as threatening as what happened today when Jean had started the first part of the class by loudly clearing his throat before every answer that he gave in class and then rolling up closer behind me in his chair and increasing the frequency and volume of his coughing so that it was happening every couple of minutes and not when he was being asked by the teacher to answer a question.  

What I'm thinking now is that Amber might be testing me to see if I react to her coughing, and that some of her previous behavior might also have been harassment.  The two male students who also sit in the back row, Payom (Iran) and Joam (Brazil; I'm not sure how his name is spelled) and who usually sit next to each other, also seemed to cough a couple of times, quietly; I had never heard them cough at all before.  I couldn't tell then if they really had to cough and were trying to be quiet so that they didn't offend me, or if they were testing to see if I would react.  THE MALE STUDENT FROM BRAZIL AND THE MALE STUDENT FROM HAITI HAVE SIMILAR NAMES, BUT THEY ARE NOT THE SAME PERSON AND THEY DON'T SIT NEXT TO EACH OTHER.

Amber coughed several times throughout the class, quite loudly.  Jean didn't cough at all again until the other students had; at 11:15 a.m., I heard another cough from him from behind me.  It wasn't as loud as some of his previous coughing, but it seems to me that what is happening in this class is what has happened in every group bullying situation, which is that when I am successful at getting a student who is harassing me to stop, one or two other students then start harassing me for fun and this encourages whoever had stopped to start again.

At about 11:20 a.m., Professor Palix-Robasson sent the class to the Language Lab for a prescheduled listening exercise.  I stayed in the classroom and we discussed what had happened.  She told me that the student had told her during the break that he hadn't realized that he was disturbing me, which I told her probably wasn't true.  Unfortunately, he probably never would have bothered me in the class again if Amber hadn't started coughing after the break.   I told Professor Palix-Robasson that these situations have happened before.  I suggested that she tell the entire class that it's important that everyone be respectful of everyone else, that we're in the class to learn, and that nobody wants the rest of the weeks of class to be awful for anyone.  She seemed to think that was a good idea and said that she would say that at the beginning of class this Wednesday, before the midterm.  I thanked her, and I told her that I would probably send an email about what had happened to "my advisor," just so that my advisor would know about it.  Professor Palix-Robasson asked who my advisor was; when I told her "Sartreina Dottin," she had a positive response and said that she knew her.  We both left the classroom cordially; I told her that I'd be at the Language Lab soon.

When I got to the Language Lab, the other students were already doing the listening exercise.  As soon as I walked into the Lab, Amber loudly coughed from where she was sitting on the other side of the room.  Most of the other students were already scattered throughout the Lab.  Professor Palix-Robasson wasn't there.  I spoke to one of the employees of the Language Lab, whom I knew when I worked at the Language Lab in the Spring Semester of 2016; we said hello and then she told me that the Professor would be back.

I sat at a computer that was nearest to the receptionist-side of the Language Lab, as far away from the other students as I could.  Really all that was missing was for me to be holding a tattered blankey.  I happened to choose a computer that was at the table behind where the teacher had put her things when she'd gotten to the Language Lab before me.

Amber coughed a few more times before Professor Palix-Robasson returned.  When Professor Palix-Robasson walked into the room again, she asked me if everything was ok, and I couldn't truthfully answer that it was, so I raised my eyebrows and didn't say anything.  

I did the listening exercise.  Some of the other students finished before I did, because they'd been at the lab for a while before I got there.  I didn't look up from the listening exercise when the other students were leaving, but I think that either Payom or his Brazilian friend, Joam, might have coughed at me before they left.  There aren't many students in the class; there are only 8.  The only other student in the class, who is from Russia and whose name is something like Azamat, was not in class today.  He has never done anything to harass me.  

Amber coughed loudly a few more times before she finished the listening exercise.  Then she left.

I finished the exercise and started to write this email.  

When everyone had finished and almost everyone had left the Language Lab, Professor Palix-Robasson asked me if I wanted to discuss what had happened this morning with Jean, the Haitian student, because he was still at the Language Lab.  I told her that I didn't think that I should.  I told her that I thought the situation had already gone too far, because at least Amber, if not also a couple of other students (if it's Jean and Amber and Payom and Joam, then that's half the class), had created a group bullying situation.  I told her that what had happened before and after the break was exactly like what has happened in every other situation where this has occurred at school; when I am able to get a student who is harassing me to stop for a while, another student or another couple of students start the harassment, either to provoke a reaction from me or to encourage the student who had stopped harassing me to start harassing me again, or both.  I told her that I would send this email to you, Sartreina, and that I would also send her, Professor Palix-Robasson, a copy of it.  

I haven't done anything to provoke anyone in that classroom.  As in every other situation where this has happened, they have heard about me from the Internet or word of mouth, and what started as a normal situation where students are in a classroom to learn a subject has quickly turned into a mixed-gender Lord of the Flies With Coughing, although this is the first time that a female student has initiated the coughing harassment or picked it up again to encourage a male student who had stopped harassing me to start again.  At this point, I think that Amber is the most persistent harasser; I don't think that Jean would have started again after the break if she hadn't, and I am not sure that the other two male students would be seeming to be thinking about joining the group bullying effort if she weren't leading it.

Like Professor Palix-Robasson, I would really like this situation to resolve quickly and with the least amount of acrimony possible.  I don't want to have to move from my seat.  I don't have a problem with it if nobody else moves.  I think that the entire class ought to be spoken to, or perhaps a group email sent to the entire class, that harassment is not tolerated at Bunker Hill in any setting and that it is never appropriate.  The definition of harassment is gratuitous, repetitive, disruptive behavior which is intended to upset or annoy someone; if I sat in class and tapped my pencil loudly throughout the class, or near someone whom I knew didn't like it, and I didn't stop even after I was asked, and I laughed and said that I wasn't doing anything to the person, and I implied that the person who was objecting to my behavior was crazy, that would be a form of harassment.  For other students then to start that behavior as a group to upset the target would be bullying.  I don't do either of those things, but they both happened to me in class today, and I hope they won't happen again.

If the situation isn't resolved before or at the beginning of the class on Wednesday, I'm sure that Wednesday's class will start as badly as today's class ended and it will rapidly get worse and worse.   

Lena Kochman

Email that I sent to everyone in the class on June 20, as the preamble to the email to my advisor from the day before, which I forwarded to everyone.  I didn't know that my advisor wasn't in school on Monday and that that was why she hadn't responded to me by the first thing on Tuesday morning:

Hi Everybody,

I'm sending a copy of this message individually to everyone, including Professors Dottin and Palix-Robasson; I couldn't get the email to send to everyone at once.

From Monday to Wednesday is short notice for a school administrator to have to address an issue that's developing in a classroom.  Since this is the third time (in three semesters), that a situation like this has happened, I thought I'd try this approach, and maybe the issue will resolve with the need for more intervention from the school.

Everything after the line in this email is a copy of an email that I sent yesterday to my advisor at school.  It's not meant to get anyone into trouble; it was merely an informative email to make her aware of the situation.

First of all, I want to say that I'm sorry that I spelled some people's names wrong.

Like everyone else in the class, I am taking French this summer because I want to be able to speak and write French.  The description of the course in the school's catalogue is that the class is for people who have never studied French before, or it's for people who haven't taken a French class within the last 3 years.  I definitely haven't taken a French class within the last 3 years.  Although I am able to make myself understood in basic conversation with someone who speaks French, as long as the person doesn't speak too quickly, I wanted to take the class so that I could remember some of the grammar and not lose all of my ability to speak what I did learn in school before.

I feel that perhaps a history of other the other two situations, in the Spring semester of 2016 and the Spring semester of 2017, that were like what seems to be happening in this French class, might help everyone to understand.

In the Spring semester of 2016, I was a new student at Bunker Hill Community College.  I took 4 classes.  Near the end of that semester, a student in one of those classes suddenly decided that he wanted to spend the entire 3 hours and 45 minutes/week of class coughing loudly throughout the entire class, rather than studying the material or listening to the teacher's lecture.  He had probably heard about me from other sources, and, although I had never done anything to provoke him, he thought it would be funny to try to get a reaction from me.


The student did not care about the subject that was being taught.  He did not care about disrupting the entire classroom for hours so that nobody could concentrate on what the teacher was trying to say.  He spent all of his time coughing loudly, then laughing at me and denying that he was doing anything when I told him to stop.  He also spent his time working the room so that he could solicit the support of other people to bully me; he succeeded with a few people and not with others.

All of my attempts to resolve the situation peacefully failed.  When he finally harassed me at my place of work at school, I asked the teacher to tell him to leave me alone, and I also asked that she tell him that he needed to behave appropriately in class.

Unfortunately, she did not want to take responsibility for what was happening in her classroom.  The student was the only person in the room who was already conversationally fluent in Mandarin Chinese, and so he ingratiated himself with her.  School is much more authoritarian in China and some other Asian countries, and she did not know how to address the situation other than to label me as the problem, even though I hadn't done anything.  

This is the address for the first page of Google search results for the search term "bullying in Chinese schools":

The Chinese teacher was so confused by the entire situation that she denied to the school that anything was happened.  Although I had done A work in her class all semester, she tried to fail me for the class in retaliation for my having said that it was her responsibility to maintain a respectful environment in the classroom.  The student and his friends lied about what they were doing in class, also.  

Because I was a new student, the school's administration didn't know whom to believe.  Although I had hoped to take summer classes, I felt that I had to leave school until the truth was known and the situation resolved, or to never go back to this school.

It took the entire summer for my grade appeal, and an independent evaluation from another Chinese teacher that was requested by the school's administration, to restore my grade for the class to the A that it was supposed to be.  I thought that it was the school's responsibility to educate the teacher, and all teachers, about what constitutes harassment in a classroom and what to do if a student is being bullied; I told the administration that over and over, but the teacher ended up leaving the school, which I thought was too bad.

The student was such a liar that the school did nothing to confront him about how he had treated me until 6 months after I had first reported his behavior.  The school finally believed me when he began to stalk and harass me online.  I sent the school the proof of his harassment, and the school said that he would be confronted according to the school's code of conduct.

That's what happened last year.

This year, in the Spring semester of 2017, in one of my classes, near the end of the semester, another situation happened.  A couple of students didn't feel like studying anymore; they thought it would be more fun to harass me throughout the entire class time.  At first, I ignored them.  When that didn't work, I politely asked them to stop.  They laughed at me and said that I was crazy, and they didn't stop.  I reported them to the school.  This time, the school knew to believe me right away; the last I knew, what I was told by the school was that the students who harassed me were being addressed by the school's judicial system.  I was fortunate in that situation that the professor didn't lie about what had happened; she corroborated what I had said they were doing, because it was true.  

I thought it was unfortunate that the students in each situation had gotten the idea from somewhere that it's better to spend classtime bullying someone than learning what's being taught by the professor.

I never did anything to provoke those students, as I have never done anything to provoke the people in this French class.  I am not at school to fight with people; I am at school to study.

Nobody needs to test me to find out how I react to coughing. If you need to cough, please do, but please don't cough when you don't need to because you think it's funny.  What I've done when I have to cough, since coughing around people has turned into a way to harass them, is to say "Excuse me" so that people know that I really need to cough and that I wasn't trying to bother them.  If I really can't stop coughing, I leave the room until I have stopped.

Also, nobody needs to punish me in a vigilante way for anything, because I promise you that I have already been through enough.  I'm not asking for anyone to feel sorry for me, nor do I want anyone to feel sorry for me.  All I'm trying to do is finish school.  

This email is meant to be an explanation, not a threat.  Anyone who feels that he or she has been unfairly characterized by the email after the line that I sent to Professor Dottin yesterday is free to contact her and to tell her that you feel that my version of events is not accurate.  Anyone who wants to contact Professor Dottin and tell her that you feel my version of events is accurate is also free to do so.  

Good luck on the midterm!

Lena Kochman

Email that I sent to the Dean of Students during the break in the class on Wednesday morning, June 21, 2017:

Dean Elkins,

Thank you for responding so promptly to my concerns about the situation that was developing in my French class.  When Jean walked into the classroom at about 9:30 this morning, carrying some paperwork, and told Professor Palix-Robasson that he'd met with you and that he could only be in the class for the midterm, EVERYBODY got the message that disruptive behavior won't be tolerated by the administration.

Since that's the case, I don't think that it's necessary for him to leave the class or even not to be at class for the rest of the day today.  It's unfortunate that I wasn't able to speak with Sartreina on Monday afternoon or on Tuesday; my concern that I wouldn't be able to have anything in place to prevent the situation from escalating before Wednesday was what caused me to write an email to the entire class on Tuesday morning, apprising people that these situations had happened before, that my not being taken seriously when I'm telling people that there's no reason to try to trigger me in class has resulted in more problems for them than for me, was my attempt to help people understand and not meant as a threat to anyone in any way.  

I don't think that Jean would have continued to hassle me if Amber and maybe a couple of other students hadn't seemed to think that it might be fun to encourage him to start again.  Although Amber has responded to the email that I sent to everyone yesterday by saying that she has allergies, I noticed that she wasn't coughing at all on Monday morning before the break (read the original email again for the timing of what happened).  I have no reason to believe that she doesn't have allergies, nor did I request that information from her, nor do I need medical documentation from her or from Professor Palix-Robasson, who brought a medical note to class today saying that she has acid reflux.

I think that Azamat might have dropped the class; he wasn't there today.  Guyveline, Payam and Joao hadn't read the email that I sent to the class yesterday by the time that class started today.

I don't think that additional action needs to be taken at this time.  I included Sartreina's email address on the email that I sent to everyone in the class yesterday, and I think that anyone who has concerns about what happened in the class is free to contact her about them; I hope that's all right with Sartreina because I said in the email that people should email her if they had concerns.  I also don't think that additional problems will develop; your having spoken to Jean this morning made the school's policy clear to everyone.  Although I don't think that I overreacted, and I don't think that you overreacted considering that there wasn't a lot of time to make a decision about what to do and considering that my word hasn't tended to do much in previous situations without intervention, I hope that Jean will be able to continue in the class; he's already sitting on the other side of the room next to Amber, which I think is also an appropriate resolution.



Blog Page Resumes, June 30, 2017

When I realized that the school was blaming me for everything again, I finished the rest of the workbook pages for the rest of the summer session and sent them to the Dean of Students, certified mail, with my other graded work (all As).  I also did a dozen voice recordings of French readings from the textbook and emailed them to the Dean.  I requested that I be able to finish my work for the rest of semester outside of class.

When the Dean's response was to say that she wanted to meet with me in her office with another school administrator, I said that I didn't want to do that unless I could be told before the meeting that it wasn't a meeting about accusing me of being the problem.  

The letter of false charges against me seems to be the school's final response to my telling the school that my being harassed in one of my classes during every semester that I've been a student so far means that the school should tell the teachers, staff and students that harassment and bullying won't be tolerated, instead of taking students out of class every semester when they harass me. 

Copyright L. Kochman, June 30, 2017 @ 12:26 p.m.

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

No asylum for Edward Snowden's helpers?

June 27, 2017

Meanwhile, at Prime Minister Trudeau's Twitter:

That's a picture of part of a Tweet that was published an hour ago when I'm publishing this page.  

It's Prime Minister Trudeau at a school.  

Copyright, with noted exceptions, L. Kochman, June 27, 2017 @ 6:37 p.m.

At the first page of the New York Times tonight

June 27, 2017


I wrote this at my phone yesterday; it seems to me that the New York Times hacked my phone, read it and has the story about the street sign as code promoting bullying:

The day before yesterday, I started thinking and reading about self-cutters.  I'm not a self-cutter; people weren't using that maladaptive coping skill when I was a teenager, and now it's enough of a problem that there are websites about it.

I wrote it as a form of support for people who have that problem.   

Copyright, with noted exceptions, L. Kochman, June 27, 2017 @ 6:33 p.m.

Rock stars are such PIGS.

June 27, 2017

That is a picture of the latest Tweet at John Mayer's Twitter.

It's totally unprovoked, in addition to having no concern for all of the other people who have been victimized by voyeurism in the restrooms and showers of psychiatric facilities.  

I have no idea when these people are going to stop bullying me and promoting crime.  

Copyright, with noted exceptions, L. Kochman, June 27, 2017 @ 6:18 p.m.

Prescriptions for children

June 27, 2017

I liked being a pharmacy technician, but I didn't like everything that every customer did.

A woman once brought in a prescription for an antibiotic for her child.  She left the prescription at the counter and then walked around the store while we filled it.  Her child had Medicaid, and something was wrong so that the insurance wasn't working to pay for the prescription.

The cost of the prescription without insurance was almost $20.  When the woman walked to the counter again, she was holding cigarettes that she wanted to pay for at the pharmacy register, with the prescription.  When she found out that the insurance wasn't working, she didn't take the prescription.  She put a $20 on the counter, paid for the cigarettes, took her change, and left the store.

Maybe she felt that she needed the cigarettes before she could deal with calling Medicaid to ask why the prescription wasn't being paid for.  Maybe she went back to the pharmacy at another time and bought the prescription.  However, a prescription for an antibiotic means that the patient for whom it's prescribed has an infection, and the sooner that you treat an infection, the sooner the patient stops being sick.  

It doesn't often happen to me that I'm so angry that I don't talk about something at all for a long time.  Everyone who has read my blogs knows that I don't tend to be inarticulate when I'm angry.  I was so angry at that mother that I didn't talk to anyone about what she did, for months after that incident.  

Another incident that I'll never forget was when a father brought in a prescription for medication for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, for a child who wasn't older than 6.  The first thing that you have to ask people when they bring in a prescription is the date of birth of the person for whom the prescription is written.  

The father didn't know his daughter's birthdate.  He had to call the mother to ask her what it was.  Who had the attention deficit problem?  

Copyright L. Kochman, June 27, 2017 @ 1:28 p.m.

"Innovation" is a word that the conglomerate took and perverted from a page that I wrote AGAINST child molestation in 2011.

June 27, 2017

There is almost no code word or number that the conglomerate didn't take from my writing or my speech.

Copyright L. Kochman, June 27, 2017 @ 7:57 a.m./No code, all policies operative, all the time.  I'll publish my preliminary page and similar pages again.

Monday, June 26, 2017

Apple and Verizon

June 26, 2017


Copyright L. Kochman, June 26, 2017 @ 6:43 p.m.

I don't think that Presidents should spend a lot of time with celebrities or involved in celebrity lives.

June 26, 2017

A President's schedule should have almost no time for rich and famous people and a lot of time for regular people.  

Copyright L. Kochman, June 26, 2017 @ 1:18 p.m.

This is an insult to law enforcement.

June 26, 2017

That's a picture of part of this article:

Who are the people who have to deal with drug addicts and the problems caused to and by those addicts because of their addictions every day?  If you're not one of those people, then you shouldn't be deciding whether or not to legalize things that will make those problems worse.  

Don't write, vote for or pass laws that enfeeble law enforcement and then criticize the police, the government, or a political party for not being able to protect you.  

At least once a week, since marijuana began to move toward legalization, I am enveloped in the smell of marijuana, walking in the Boston area.  People are already recreationally smoking it during the day, outside.  The last time that this happened, I thought I might have to move to sit farther away from several people to avoid a contact high.  

That wasn't in or around the homeless shelter; the shelter might soon be the only place in the Boston area where I know I'm not about to walk into or past a marijuana zone.  No alcohol or drug consumption is allowed in or around the shelter.  

Maybe there are people who need to see drug addicts sleeping on mats on the floor, hours before the lobby of a shelter is closed and guests are going upstairs to sleep, other guests walking right past them and having conversations around them because they are too inebriated to do anything else other than lie there, to know how devastating drug addiction really is.  Maybe you need to see people who have no teeth, whose bodies look 60 they're 30, who live on the emotional level of children because they are mentally incapable of having adult responsibilities, whose moods may be up or down but whose main emotion about their own lives is one of despair or apathy because they know they have wasted their lives so far and they have no hope of being able to do anything about it.  

Maybe the entertainment industry needs to know about those things so that it STOPS GLAMORIZING drug use.  The entertainment industry also needs to stop misportraying recovery from drug use as something that only takes an epiphany, some tears, a few weeks in a rehab (where everyone who works there is nice to the clients, full of empathy or even possessing of a college degree; another harmful misportrayal), after which whoever the star is looks not a day older than he or she was when the movie started and all of the drug-use-induced problems that he or she had are resolved as soon as he or she walks out of the rehab and into the fabulous weather fade-out End of the Movie, without a plastic bag that has "PERSONAL BELONGINGS" emblazoned on its side, not wearing hospital socks and flip flops in February, and showing not the slightest hint of not having had access to dental floss, conditioner or acne treatment for a month.

I have never smoked marijuana or had other drug problems, but my years of homelessness and visits to psychiatric facilities have more than acquainted me with the suffering of addiction.  

Copyright, with noted exceptions, L. Kochman, June 26, 2017 @ 10:53 a.m./No code, all policies operative, all the time.  I'll publish my preliminary page and similar pages again.  


Sunday, June 25, 2017

I don't understand people who want to have sex with children.

June 25, 2017

I don't understand how they can think that it's cute, funny or innocuous.

All you have to do is talk to someone who was molested when he or she was a child, or to read about what survivors of child molestation say, and you will stop thinking those things.  

Copyright L. Kochman, June 25, 2017 @ 9:32 a.m.

Adidas doesn't have the right to hack my phone.

June 25, 2017

Copyright L. Kochman, June 25, 2017 @ 6:14 a.m./No code, all policies operative, all the time.  I'll publish my preliminary page and similar pages again.  

Saturday, June 24, 2017

People who want to stop me and other poor people from being victimized by voyeurism where they live should tell these people that the voyeurism wasn't a false accusation.

June 24, 2017

That's a page of the website of the agency that gave me the housing voucher and that manages housing vouchers for a lot of people.  

When I told this agency, months ago, that there were hidden, illegal cameras in the apartment, I was told that I would have to call the police about it.  I had already called the police about it, and the police DIDN'T FIND THE CAMERAS THAT THE CONGLOMERATE KNOWS WERE THERE.  That's why I was treated in court as if I had no proof that I was telling the truth, even though I think the lawyers for the property management probably suspected that I was telling the truth.  I think it's improbable that the lawyers for the property management had never heard of me before their client asked them to evict me.

Copyright, with noted exceptions, L. Kochman, June 24, 2017 @ 7:07 p.m.

People who want to help me stop being homeless should tell these people that the voyeurism wasn't a false accusation.

June 24, 2017

That's the address of the page for the program that placed me in the apartment from which I was forced to move almost a month ago.  

If the people at that program continue to think that I was forced to move because the voyeurism was a false accusation, then they're not going to want to place me in another apartment; they will write me off as Crazy, Lying Homeless Lady.

Copyright, with noted exceptions, L. Kochman, June 24, 2017 @ 7:01 p.m. 

Several people have coughed at me today.

June 24, 2017

I have never met them, don't know who they are, and have NEVER DONE ANYTHING TO THEM.

Copyright L. Kochman, June 24, 2017 @ 12:35 p.m.

The New York Times

June 24, 2017


Copyright L. Kochman, June 24, 2017 @ 6:39 a.m.


June 24, 2017




It is SICKENING that there are people who are trying to construe parallels between abuses of gay people and the criminalization of child abuse.  Why is that your discussion of gay rights, instead of discussion of all the gay people who are being imprisoned, tortured and killed for being gay while I write this?  

Copyright L. Kochman, June 24, 2017 @ 6:35 a.m./No code, all policies operative, all the time.  I'll publish my preliminary page and similar pages again.  

Friday, June 23, 2017

I'm not exaggerating when I say the conglomerate has dehumanized me.

June 23, 2017

I don't know what will shock the conglomerate into stopping its promotion of misogyny; maybe it won't stop until women are being murdered as a form of government-approved genocide.  Maybe it won't even stop then.

Copyright L. Kochman, June 23, 2017 @ 6:49 p.m.

Wonder Woman "Thinks Thin"?

June 23, 2017

How do you "Think Thin"?  Is that to think like a thin person or to think about thin people or to wish you were thin?  Is that how this Wonder Woman saves the world every day, by "Thinking Thin"?  She's so grateful to advertisers who put ads admonishing her to "Think Thin" in front of the ice cream at the supermarket in June that she wants women all across America to be given the same admonishments?  

This is the address of an article from 2013:

"Think Thin" in front of the ice cream isn't even an inconsiderate mistake; it's a breathtakingly callous and exploitative marketing ploy.  

Although I haven't seen the movie, I wasn't feeling all that captivated by this Wonder Woman anyway.  I don't think that she deserves the role of feminist icon that the entertainment industry is trying to give her.  

That's a picture of a Tweet from her Twitter.  

She's just another weapon in the conglomerate's war against human rights.  

That's a picture of the first part of this article:

A female superhero can't wear clothing?  

Maybe she should try fighting real villains in her underwear, or less than that, not from a script and not for a salary; I don't think she'd really like it.  

Nobody seems to be slut-shaming her for hitting on Jared Leto, even though she's married.  Somehow, I'm the only person whom the conglomerate ever seems to think deserves to be slut-shamed, maybe because people can make so much money doing it.

I don't choose excerpts or supporting information for code purposes.  

Copyright, with noted exceptions, L. Kochman, June 23, 2017 @ 1:09 p.m./additions @ 1:43 p.m.

I think this is another ad that's from invasions of my privacy; my phone and email being hacked.

June 23, 2017

I had a housing advocate for part of 2014 and all of 2015 who was really helpful and supportive.  She used the term "ASAP" a few times when she sent me email about finishing paperwork or helping me leave a bad situation.  This isn't the first ad referencing that term since then.  

The nonprofit agency for which she worked was audited last summer.  Near the end of the summer, she told me that she had decided to work somewhere else.  I think she couldn't take the pressure of being a support person for me anymore; the conglomerate attacks everyone who doesn't abuse me.  She's not the first person who has taken work somewhere else after having his or her privacy invaded because of the conglomerate's abuse of me.  

It's unfortunate for me that she took work somewhere else; she had advocated for me before when I first moved to the building and the person who was later promoted for lying about the voyeurism put a letter telling me that I'd already had a lease violation under my door before I'd even lived there for a week.  What I think is that they never wanted me to live there, but since they couldn't think of a reason to reject my application, they decided that they might as well install hidden, illegal cameras in the apartment for their own amusement, since "everyone knows" what a bad person I am, according to the conglomerate and what people write and say about me on the Internet.  I have said before that I think that the property manager who's worked at that building since this past autumn had nothing to do with it; she believed the lies that however many people who knew the voyeurism wasn't a false accusation told her.  

The housing advocate also wanted to help me try to figure out what to do about the cameras; she would have talked to the police with me about it, but I was too afraid to contact the police when she suggested it, and she left a few months later.  

Copyright L. Kochman, June 23, 2017 @ 12:42 p.m.

Prank mail

June 23, 2017

I did not order the "Thomas Kinkade's Cuckoo Clock" from The Bradford Exchange, nor have I received it in the mail.

I did not order a subscription to Draft Magazine.

I did not order a subscription to Dwell Magazine.

I did not order a "Heart of Love" from The Hamilton Collection, nor have I received it in the mail.

I did not order a subscription to Parents Magazine.

I haven't ordered any of the hundreds of subscriptions or products for which I've been sent bills for the past few years, from when someone began ordering them while using my name or variations of my name as a prank.  

It is to my consternation that none of the invoices that I received today have customer service phone numbers which I could call to tell someone that I did not order any of this stuff, don't want it, shouldn't have to pay for it, and don't want mail about it being stuffed into the post office box which I am renting.

I also don't need to have these unresolved bills for products that I didn't order harming my credit.  

It seems to me that many of the magazines that are sent to me are produced by people who know who I am and who might even have watched me from tapping into the hidden, illegal cameras in one or both of my last two apartments.  The magazines frequently have references to me on their covers and throughout their publications.  Since they know who I am, I would appreciate it if I didn't have to continue to try to contact each of them to cancel a subscription every time that whoever is prank mailing me thinks it's funny to order a subscription for "Lena BrokeHo Kochman" while whoever it is at the magazine or other business doesn't realize that it's a prank.  


Copyright L. Kochman, June 23, 2017 @ 12:19 p.m.

Children are going to be molested and probably also victimized by voyeurism at school in Boston.

June 23, 2017

That's a picture of a banner that's at the Prudential Center.

Most of the victims will be minority and/or impoverished students.  

Copyright L. Kochman, June 23, 2017 @ 11:41 a.m.

Please don't sabotage my blog.

June 23, 2017

I'd rather not keep having to sign into this blog again when I'm signed out by someone or something else while I'm trying to publish a page.  

Copyright L. Kochman, June 23, 2017 @ 8:45 a.m.

"4 14 98"

June 23, 2017

That's the code of the women's restroom at the Starbucks where I was today to charge my phone and do some work.  That's not what the code was the last time that I was there, weeks ago, when I also wrote a blog page about a male customer who seemed to be aggressively harassing me.  

That's the address of the first page of Yahoo results for "hidden camera starbucks."

There are articles describing several incidents at various Starbucks locations, all of them occurring since 2010.

Copyright, with noted exceptions, L. Kochman, June 23, 2017 @ 8:40 a.m.

I sent an email yesterday that mentioned acid reflux.

June 23, 2017

This morning, when I walked into the lobby of the shelter, there was a news story on television about acid reflux.

Copyright L. Kochman, June 23, 2017 @ 6:53 a.m./No code, all policies operative, all the time.  I'll publish my preliminary page and similar pages again.

Thursday, June 22, 2017

Would someone please stop Jimmy Fallon from doing things like this?

June 22, 2017

That's a picture of part of the beginning of this video clip that's at the first page of YouTube:

Jimmy Fallon had entire skits in which he ridiculed me while making references to video that was illegally filmed from the hidden, illegal cameras in my apartment.

The only cause of my being repetitively victimized by voyeurism is that people like Jimmy Fallon think it's funny.  I am also HOMELESS FOR THE THIRD TIME SINCE 2011 because people like Jimmy Fallon, who knew that the voyeurism wasn't a false accusation, HAD MONTHS TO TELL THE POLICE, LEGAL SERVICES FOR POOR PEOPLE, OR THE PROPERTY MANAGEMENT'S LAWYERS THAT IT WASN'T A FALSE ACCUSATION, AND THEY DIDN'T.

Copyright, with noted exceptions, L. Kochman, June 22, 2017 @ 6:11 p.m.

A question about the solar border wall

June 22, 2017

Could it provide this for Mexico:

That's the address of an article called "Solar desalination system for arid land agriculture."  

I don't choose excerpts or supporting information for code purposes.  

Copyright, with noted exceptions, L. Kochman, June 22, 2017 @ 3:56 p.m.

I bought two t-shirts and a sweater at Good Will today, for less than $10; emotionally, it cost me a lot more than that.

June 22, 2017

Although the security guard finally moved away from me, I felt as if he were watching me the entire time that I was in the store.  He walked past me again as soon as I left the dressing room.

After I paid for the clothes, I spoke to the manager again.  I asked if anyone had spoken to the security guard and was told "No; I have to ask someone else to talk to him."

The store opened at 8:30 a.m. and I left at 10:15 a.m.  In an hour and 45 minutes, nobody had spoken to the security guard to tell him not to stalk and harass customers.

Copyright L. Kochman, June 22, 2017 10:31 a.m.

Dressing rooms when you're poor

June 22, 2017

The store only opened an hour ago; this is how the dressing room was left from last night.

Copyright L. Kochman, June 22, 2017 @ 9:37 a.m.

I'm already having feelings of exhaustion today.

Copyright L. Kochman, June 22, 2017 @ 9:13 a.m.

Security guard at Good Will

June 22, 2017

He's been standing there for almost 20 minutes.  He approached me almost as soon as I walked into the store and began to shop for t-shirts in the women's clothing section.  Then he stood at the end of the row of shirts that I was shopping through, and he hasn't moved since.  He also did some coughing.

I talked to the manager of the store several minutes ago.  The manager said "Unfortunately, he doesn't work for us, but I'll talk to his manager."

No change so far.

Code means that it can take hours for me to buy something; I went through every t-shirt from that row.  I was at the store before it opened this morning, and I know that I would never have time to shop here during a weekend.  

Copyright L. Kochman, June 22, 2017 @ 9:06 a.m.

No asylum for Edward Snowden's helpers?

June 22, 2017

That's a picture of a Tweet at Prime Minister Trudeau's Twitter.  

That's the address for the first page of Yahoo results for "has Canada had a female prime minister."

That's the address for the first page of Yahoo results for "has Chicago had a female mayor."  

Copyright, with noted exceptions, L. Kochman, June 22, 2017 @ 9:05 a.m.

The New York Times

June 22, 2017




Those are pictures of nonconsecutive sections of the first page of the New York Times' website.

"Irony" is a word that many in the media are acting as if they have never heard before, when there are many things thay are actually ironic about what has happened since 2010.  It's ironic that the word "innovative" is used repetitively, and it's ironic that it's used as code to promote a violent crime that's been happening since before human beings developed language. 

It's ironic that misogyny is so prevalent in the media that women who are part of the media can't talk about it, or are frequently fired or not hired if they do.  They're writers and talkers who can't write or talk without being threatened.  

Copyright, with noted exceptions, L. Kochman, June 22, 2017 @ 6:48 p.m.

The Democrats had the majority in 2010, before the Democratic Party fell apart in the midst of President Obama's promotion of crime.

June 22, 2017

That's a picture of part of the first page of the New York Times' website.

The Democratic Party is rent by confusion and corruption for the 7th year in a row.  I'm not saying that there are no confused or corrupt Republicans, but the Democrats like to portray themselves as being "For The People" and morally superior to the Republicans, and they're not.

I don't think that Ms. Pelosi is the problem; I think she's being treated as if she's the problem because she's a woman.  

Also; I don't like to think of political parties in terms of brands, since nobody is supposed to be able to buy them.  

Copyright, with noted exceptions, L. Kochman, June 22, 2017 @ 6:31 a.m./No code, all policies operative, all the time.  I'll publish my preliminary page and similar pages again.  

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

ProtonMail seems to be promising security and respect for everyone whom it hasn't decided to bully.

June 21, 2017

That's a picture from today of the first part of the first page of Google results for "protonmail."

I already had that feeling about ProtonMail from its login page, but I decided not to make an issue of it then, since I didn't want people to know what email service I was using.

That's been the login page for ProtonMail since before I started an email account there last year.  

Copyright L. Kochman, June 21, 2017 @ 5:08 p.m.

This was also spray painted on the sidewalk near the Pine Street Inn a few years ago.

June 21, 2017

Nobody has removed it.  

I don't think that the red letters are meant to discourage voyeurism or involuntary pornography. 

Copyright L. Kochman, June 21, 2017 @ 3:26 p.m.

How many people will be victimized before the conglomerate STOPS PROMOTING VOYEURISM AND INVOLUNTARY PORNOGRAPHY?

June 21, 2017

I walked out of the train station, and this ad was around the corner.

Copyright L. Kochman, June 21, 2017 @ 1:07 p.m.

"Intel NUC"?

June 21, 2017

This is an advertising screen in a train station:

I'm so tired of having to tell adults to act like adults.

It is amazing that the ads promoting voyeurism and involuntary pornography haven't stopped, and it is even worse that they're being published in train stations.  How miserable do you feel like you need to make people?  What do you really want to see; someone's total helplessness?  You already have seen that, and you have it from me, about the SICK, SADISTIC, ILLEGAL YEARS OF VIDEO OF ME, FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE.  

I can't stop you.  I can't even stop it from happening to me again, and you know it, and you don't care how many people you hurt.  

Copyright L. Kochman, June 21, 2017 @ 12:56 p.m.

The New York Times

June 21, 2017

Stop hacking my phone and STOP LYING ABOUT ME!


I'll be 43 this summer.  I have no life.  Everything that I try to do is messed up by people like you and what you've done to me for 7 years.  I can't have a place to live.  Nobody will hire me.  I can't have friends.  Although you never stop portraying me as a nymphomaniac, I WAS A VIRGIN UNTIL I WAS 27 AND I HAVEN'T HAD SEX SINCE I WAS 29!  The last time I kissed someone was in 2010; you have isolated me from humanity!


Copyright L. Kochman, June 21, 2017 @ 6:46 a.m./No code, all policies operative, all the time.  I'll publish my preliminary page and similar pages again.