Wednesday, October 25, 2017

This is deliberate promotion of child rape by the National Park Service.

October 25, 2017

That's the address of an article about it.

The National Park Service is continuing the promotion of sexual crime, such as voyeurism, that it began during the Obama administration.

This is another disgusting joke by the National Park Service:

The National Park Service already had a history of sexual harassment and sexual assault.

That's the address of the first page of Google results for the term "National Park Service sexual harassment sexual assault."

You can blame the next abduction, rape and murder scandal that happens at a national park on the National Park Service; it's been sending its invitations for those crimes for years.  

Copyright, with noted exceptions, L. Kochman, October 25, 2017 @ 10:12 a.m.

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Brooks Brothers

October 23, 2017

I can't publish a picture of the writing that's on the window of the Brooks Brothers in Boston, that's at the corner of Newbury Street and Berkeley Street.  My phone was disabled from publishing pictures at this blog when I was writing about the promotion of child rape by Penn State and Northeastern.

The Brooks Brothers ad says:

Golden Fleece Fall/Winter 2017
Brooks Brothers"

The store is across the street from the Women's Lunch Place, a day shelter for homeless women.

This is why women and children are raped year after year:

That's the address for the first page of Google results for "world percentage of impoverished women and children."


Money is a brute force.

If the conglomerate were to publish policies about copyright times, it would only have to publish them once.  

Copyright, with noted exceptions, L. Kochman, October 24, 2017 @ 10:11 a.m.

Monday, October 23, 2017

The picture-publishing function for this blog, from my phone, continues to be disabled.

October 23, 2017

That's why I can't publish a picture of the car that has the California license plate 7VLR862, that is parked a few blocks from where I spent several hours today.  

I tried to publish a picture of the license plate at a page saying "DON'T STALK ME!"

Copyright L. Kochman, October 23, 2017 @ 5:55 p.m.

"Mr. President, I don't want to be rude, but I am not one of your supporters.

Thank you for your phone call to acknowledge my loss.  I'd rather not discuss it with you at this time."

That's all that a grieving person needs to say to end a conversation that she doesn't want to have.

There is NOBODY who is part of the U.S. Government who wants American soldiers to die, who doesn't care if they do, or who has no authentic sympathy for the spouses, friends and family of those who survive the deceased.  

Copyright L. Kochman, October 23, 2017 @ 4:10 p.m.

Syria is a crisis.

October 23, 2017

North Korea is a crisis.

Texas, Florida, Mexico, Puerto Rico, and everywhere else that has been affected by a disaster; these are crises.

AIDS is a crisis.

That's the address for the first page of Google results for the term "AIDS in Africa."

Zika is a crisis.  

Thalidomide birth defects, which haven't stopped, are a crisis.

That's the address of an article from 2013 called "Brazil's new generation of Thalidomide babies."

The situation in Venezuela is a crisis.

Terrorism is a crisis.

The absence of gun control is a crisis.

Someone who eavesdrops on a conversation, hoping to exploit a tragedy for political gain, and who then demands apologies for a conflict which she provoked, is not a crisis; she is a nuisance who deserves to be ignored.

I am a Democrat, and I'd appreciate it if Democrats would stop being ridiculous.  

Copyright, with noted exceptions, L. Kochman, October 23, 2017 @ 8:05 a.m.

Sunday, October 22, 2017

In their own words

October 22, 2017

This is a quote from the University of Virginia's website:



IFC Rush process is designed for rushees to get to know brothers, popular events and purposes of various fraternities. IFC Rush is the series of events during which a male student can decide to become a part of a fraternity. “Dorm Talks” are held late in the fall semester and are an informational session for men who are interested in joining a fraternity. There is a brief Informal Rush in late September for men who are upperclassmen and/or transfers, as well as a Formal Rush in late January that is open to all undergraduate men.


This is the address of the page that has that quote:


This is a quote from Phi Kappa Psi's December 2014 statement about the Rolling Stone article.  The statement was reprinted by the Washington Post:

Third, our Chapter’s pledging and initiation periods, as required by the University and Inter-Fraternity Council, take place solely in the spring semester and not in the fall semester. 


This is the address of the Washington Post article that has that statement:

Copyright, with noted exceptions, L. Kochman, October 22, 2017 @ 9:18 a.m.

Saturday, October 7, 2017

"Innovation Nation is part of the CBS Dream Team."

October 7, 2017

That's an ad at CBS, which also, like every media source in the world, hasn't told the public about the promotion of child molestation that has happened for 7 years. 

What's your definition of collusion?

Copyright L. Kochman, October 7, 2017 @ 10:44 a.m.

Speaking of the University of Virginia; there was another rape this year.

October 7, 2017

That's the address of the first page of Google results for "University of Virginia student arrested for rape."

He was arrested in June 2017.  I didn't know about it until today, although I have read the first page of the New York Times website almost every day.  There are some media articles about it, but there's been no media explosion about it the way that there was to discredit the 2014 Rolling Stone article.  

I stopped reading and writing about the Rolling Stone article during the summer because I was attacked by my own school's administration for reporting being harassed in class during every semester that I'd been a student.  I was charged with 5 counts of misconduct, including providing false information to the school.  I was suspended until the summer of 2018 and told that I could only be matriculated again pending my agreeing to make a plan to prevent my allegedly terrible behavior from happening again, and that, even if I were to be matriculated again, I would be on academic probation for the rest of my college career at that school.  I was forced to fail 4 classes by being automatically withdrawn from them as a term of the suspension, dropping my total grade point average from a 3.9 to a 2.6, making it impossible for me to transfer to other colleges.  I was charged more than $700 for the cost of one of the classes; the Summer 2017 class in which I was harassed. 

I spent the rest of the summer sending information about my retaliatory suspension to the Boston Office for Civil Rights, U.S. Department of Education, which abruptly dismissed my report.  

The conglomerate was ecstatic that I was suspended and that the Office for Civil Rights dismissed the case.  It has focused on that during all of the months that it has said nothing about the rape that happened at the University of Virginia in February 2017, which was when I was futilely fighting another forced move to homelessness for telling the truth about the hidden, illegal cameras in the second apartment in a row where I've been victimized by voyeurism.

I guess that the media people who were watching me from the hidden, illegal cameras in that apartment, and attacking me for being the perpetual victim of voyeurism that they have promoted for years, thought their abuse of me was a priority instead of reporting EVERY DAY about the rape at the University of Virginia.  

The February 2017 rape at the University of Virginia also didn't deter the university from calling its new student center "1515."

This is the address of an article about that:

Copyright, with noted exceptions, L. Kochman, October 7, 2017 @ 10:21 a.m.

Rape and Robbery

October 7, 2017

I don't recall Harvey Weinstein accusing the conglomerate media of "reckless reporting" for its promotion of sexual crime since 2010.  It's only since the New York Times has, uncharacteristically, published the results of an investigation of his behavior that he thinks the media isn't being fair.

Will the response of the New York Times to Mr. Weinstein's threat of a lawsuit be to follow Rolling Stone's lead and attack its own editors, reporters and sources?  

What is Mr. Weinstein doing during his supposedly therapeutic leave of absence?  Is he reading feminist literature?  Is he obtaining psychological treatment?  Is he gathering other moguls to form a support group for Recovering Chauvinists?  Is he perhaps not doing those things and instead spending all day on the phone, calling in favors and looking for ways to ruin the careers and lives of everyone who was part of the article and everyone who has supported the victims?  Has he hired private investigators to look for anything that could be construed as compromising in the pasts and presents of those whom he perceives as his enemies?  

Probably, the most dramatic and consequential repercussions of the New York Times article are taking place, and will continue to take place, when and where the public won't know about them, until the status quo is restored.

How much money will the New York Times ultimately pay to Mr. Weinstein, in the latest episode of rich criminals attacking people who tell the truth about them?  

Copyright L. Kochman, October 7, 2017 @ 9:42 a.m.

The Clintons at Northeastern University

October 7, 2017

That's the address of an article that's at the first page of Google results for "Northeastern University" and "Bill Clinton."

That's the address for a page that I published on September 23, 2017, saying that my phone was suddenly disabled from publishing pictures at this blog, and that the same thing had happened a couple of years ago when I was writing about the gang rape at the University of Virginia.  The page also discusses Northeastern University.

I don't tend to read about Bill Clinton; I wanted to read about him this morning because it has struck me particularly forcefully over the past few days that the entertainment industry's obsession with people's past sex lives doesn't seem to have extended to Mr. Clinton.  

Copyright, with noted exceptions, L. Kochman, October 7, 2017 @ 6:56 a.m./No code, all policies operative, all the time.  I published my policies and requests for corroboration of the truth about voyeurism yesterday.  

Friday, October 6, 2017

A rich man and his lawyer

October 6, 2017

"How are you?"

"I could be worse."

"But you could be better?"

"Couldn't we all?  Listen, I have a little problem, I wanted to talk to you about it."

"I think I know what you're going to say."

"Yeah.  Did you read what some bitches said about me?"

"You're not talking like this in public, are you?"

"Of course not!  Anyway, I'm thinking I should sue."

"I'm not averse to that idea.  Do you have the laminated cards on a keyring that I gave you?"

"What else do you think I did this weekend?  I did nothing other than to memorize them!  Here they are."

"Are these tooth marks?"

"I'm sorry; I had the grandkids at my house for a few days.  Parents are in Puerto Rico, Instagramming about helping disaster victims."

"Aren't you a good grandfather, taking care of the kids!"

"Thanks. I didn't really do a lot; the nanny did most of the childcare.  She likes to sit by the pool when she and the kids are there."

"I bet she does.  Are the kids old enough to swim?"

"No, I told her not to let them in the pool; who needs another horror story?  I have them sit in the shade when it's too warm.  If I have time, I babysit them until the nanny is done in her cabana and she can take over."

"The nanny has her own cabana at your house?"

"It's not hers specifically; it's for all the nannies."

"A Nanny Cabana."

"They love it.  I stock it with brand new bathing suits that whoever she is at the time can change into.  Mostly bikinis, separates; that's more thoughtful than one-pieces, you know how women are about how they look in bathing suits, and you never know who's gonna be heavier top or bottom.  As soon as they're at the house, I take the kids and I send the nanny to the back, where the pool is-"

"And where the cabana is-"

"I tell her to take all the time that she wants to choose which bathing suit she wants to wear and change into it.  Sometimes I ask that she take a shower before she tries on the bathing suits; the cabana has that, too."

"A shower-"

"And a bed!  There's a little bed in the cabana for if she needs a nap after a few hours of taking care of the kids."

"That's when you take care of the kids?"

"Well, they're tired by then, so I tell them that it's nap time for everyone and I have them sleep in guest bedrooms in the house."

"Cute.  Everybody napping."

"I don't always nap; sometimes I do some work by the pool, where it's quiet."

"While everyone else is napping."

"Then if the nanny needs me for anything, I'm not far."

"And the tooth marks on the cards?"

"Oh yeah.  The younger one's teething, and the nanny doesn't speak a lot of English, so she got the kid's book mixed up with the cards you gave me.  I wiped them off, though."

"All right.  Why don't we start with you telling me some of the phrases from the cards?"

"Sure! 'I deeply regret any pain that might have been inadvertently caused to anyone.'"

"Good.  Next?"

" 'My thoughts and prayers are with (name here)'s family-'"

"Wait; which cards did I give you?"

"Those!  You have them."

"No; I'm sorry, I think I gave you the Wrongful Death cards the last time that you were here."  

"This is not what I pay you for."

"I know.  Here are the cards you need."

"I can't believe it.  How low can some people sink?"

"I want to make sure I know who we're talking about."

"Those BITCHES!  If they were gonna talk about me, what they should have done was praise my honesty and my remorse, not expose me to the world like I'm a common criminal!  What kind of world is it when a man's heartfelt apology just isn't enough?"

"The nannies-"


"Nannies.  How many have there been?"

"I dunno; 5 or 6, maybe a few more."

"How old is your oldest grandchild?"

"Started elementary school right before Mom and Dad left to be humanitarian.  Where is this going?"

"I won't be hearing from the nannies, will I?"

"What are you saying?"

"Nothing.  I represent you."

"You know what young ladies are like; they're as fickle about their jobs as they are about their boyfriends.  Who really wants to take care of kids for years at a time?  I'm sure that they never heard of you; I told you, they don't speak a lot of English.  I don't even know if they know who I am.  I'm not here to talk about them."

"Right.  You wanna talk about-"

"Those BITCHES who are exploiting me!  They stick their pins in me like I'm some voodoo doll, the emblem of all that is male and bad, and the witch doctors jump up and down, and my career is ruined, and their careers are made!  When I was young, people had to work for a living!  They couldn't just turn everyone around them into a rung!"  

"You feel that you're being victimized."


"Having trouble sleeping?"

"Every night!  It's all I think about!"

"Work suffering?"

"I try not to let it affect my business day.  There's nothing more crucial than professionalism, particularly when BITCHES are bringing the pressure."

"You feel that you're being exploited."

"Who wouldn't feel exploited?  There are some BITCHES who stop at nothing for their careers."  

Copyright L. Kochman, October 6, 2017 @ 1:21 p.m.

Thursday, October 5, 2017

I have a psychiatric history that is a quarter of a century old.

October 5, 2017

I spent my 18th birthday in a psychiatric unit.  I have never had a sadder birthday, although my life hasn't considerably improved since then.  If anything, my prospects are bleaker than ever.  To weather perpetual despair is not happiness.  

I am also bullied every day and everywhere, but I haven't tried to buy a gun, legally or illegally, to take revenge on even one of the people whose vicious lies and crimes against me have made my life so painful for no reason.  

Nobody has the right to conflate gun violence with mental illness, a diagnosis of mental illness, or with being the recipient of mental health care.  

The only way to stop gun violence is to have a total ban on all gun sales.  I know that there are people who will disagree with me about that, but I won't try to shoot them, either.  

I don't need a gun to get my point across.  I don't always win, but neither do people who have guns.  

Copyright L. Kochman, October 5, 2017 @ 4:35 p.m.

The singer Pink should be boycotted for her album "Beautiful Trauma."

October 5, 2017

That's the address of her Twitter.  

It's also no surprise that she's working with Apple Music.  Apple promotes sexual crime everywhere in the world.  

Everyone should refuse to promote her album.  Radio stations should refuse to play it.  She should be refused the funding to tour.  Performance locations should refuse to have her perform.  Ticket agencies should refuse to sell her tickets.  YouTube should refuse to publish her music videos for "Beautiful Trauma."

This woman, and everyone associated with this album, should not make a dollar from it.  

I hope that she is followed by police and arrested for anything that they can think of, from speeding tickets to littering.  I hope that they follow her and everyone who promotes her album to and from every party and every nightclub, for the opportunity to arrest them for driving under the influence.  I hope that she and all of her business associates are audited by the IRS.

Copyright, with noted exceptions, L. Kochman, October 5, 2017 @ 9:05 a.m.

Do all of the people who are attacking me know that another Penn State student was found unconscious and hospitalized on September 28th of this year?

October 5, 2017

That's five years to the day since the gang rape at Phi Kappa Psi at the University of Virginia.  

Copyright L. Kochman, October 5, 2017 @ 8:46 a.m.

Thank you, Bunker Hill Community College, for destroying the rest of my credibility with your lies.

October 5, 2017

Thank you to the Boston Office for Civil Rights of the U.S. Department of Education, which refused my request that a female lawyer process my report and has not responded to my question about how I could appeal the abrupt dismissal of the report.  

Thank you, also, to the conglomerate, which has relentlessly promoted sexual crime for 7 years.

These rapists, whose written lawsuit is a confession of their guilt, are about to be paid.

Copyright, with a tragic exception, L. Kochman, October 5, 2017 @ 7:35 a.m.

Stephen Paddock was never committed to a mental hospital.

October 5, 2017

A background check that included a search for a record of commitment would not have stopped his crime.

Although the news stories about him online seem to be saying that he had no known mental health issues, nobody seems to be construing his verbal abuse of his girlfriend as a mental health issue, or suggesting that fear of him might have prevented her from talking about him to the police.  

That's the address for the first page of Google results for "police refuse to give restraining orders."

That's the address for the first page of Google results for "woman killed by boyfriend against whom she had restraining order."

Mr. Paddock worked for the U.S. Postal Service for a few years.  How many people have called me delusional for saying that I've been stalked by U.S. Postal Service employees?

Think about it; people who work for the post office KNOW WHERE EVERYONE LIVES.  It should be really difficult to be hired to be someone who has access to everyone's address.  

The conglomerate should stop promoting child abuse, and everyone who is stigmatizing people who have had mental health care should stop that stigmatization.  If it weren't for that stigma, people who need mental health care wouldn't avoid it as much as they do.  

I can't publish pictures at this blog from my phone; this is the address of an article about Mr. Paddock:

Copyright, with noted exceptions, L. Kochman, October 5, 2017 @ 7:35 a.m.

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Nobody has called the Cambridge Inclusionary Housing Program to corroborate that my accusations of voyeurism weren't false.

October 4, 2017

Since having to move from my last apartment, I've been rejected by all 4 landlords to whom the program sent my application.  Consequently, I've been taken out of the program's applicant pool.  

My civil court history was given as the reason for every rejection.  The court system never updated the case brought against me by the last landlord to reflect that the resolution to the case was a mutual termination of the lease (to which I had to agree or be evicted, since the police didn't even look for the cameras in my apartment and I had no concrete proof that the voyeurism was happening).  The court order said that the eviction was to be dismissed on July 31, 2017 if I moved out of the apartment before the beginning of June 2017, which I did.  Because the case was never updated by the court system, my background checks mistakenly reported that I was evicted from my last two apartments in a row.  

It's looking like I'll be having another homeless winter in Boston.

Copyright L. Kochman, October 4, 2017 @ 11:52 a.m.

Black Americans have each other; people who are psychiatrically stigmatized have nobody.

October 4, 2017

Most of the ethnically diverse populations in the United States have cultures.  When they fight amongst themselves, they fight as members of their communities.  They are families of generations.  Their friendships with each other may not be based on race, but they are not fraught with the power imbalance that everyone who has a psychiatric history has to contend with in every relationship.  While their oppression as groups can't be envied, they have formal and informal cultural supports to help them cope with it.  They have also made significant progress legally and socially, while every stereotype about mental illness flourishes, everywhere in the world.  

Having a psychiatric history means that every professional or interpersonal conflict eventually boils down to "You're lying, you're crazy, shut up and do what you're told and show no sign of anger if you know what's good for you; everyone knows that whatever's wrong is your fault."  EVERY relationship is that way when you have a psychiatric history; there are no exceptions.  As soon as people know that you ever had a diagnosis, it's only a matter of time until everything unravels.  

There are probably people who think that I was molested when I was a child, and that this is why I have protested against child molestation.  I wasn't molested; what I know is what it feels like to be helpless all the time.  

Copyright L. Kochman, October 4, 2017 @ 11:38 a.m.

The quest for a specific diagnosis continues, after my being called crazy and a bad patient and refused care at Boston Medical Center several months ago.

October 4, 2017

I now have an enlarged, painful lymph node at the top of one of my legs, which suggests that the infection which one doctor after another did not treat as an infection, and which I therefore have had for more than a year, is not being reduced by the antibiotics which I've taken for a month.  

Copyright L. Kochman, October 4, 2017 @ 10:23 a.m.

I didn't know when I'd publish pages again.

October 4, 2017

I wanted people to have time to read about the atrocious behavior of so many institutions before I wrote again.

My writing today was prompted by the Las Vegas shooting.  When those shootings occur, there are always people who want to blame "the mentally ill," so I thought I should talk about that.

People who want to read all of my policies can read them from when I last published them.

Copyright L. Kochman, October 4, 2017 @ 10:12 a.m.

334 VKV from Minnesota

October 4, 2017

That is the license plate of a truck that just drove to an intersection where I was.

I can't publish a picture of it; my phone was suddenly disabled from publishing pictures at this blog on September 23, 2017, when I was writing about the promotion of child rape by MIT, Northeastern and Penn State.

The truck was driving through Berklee School of Music, which is not far from the Prudential Center, which I just left because there was a broadcast at the Prudential Center of a possible emergency in the building.  

Copyright L. Kochman, October 4, 2017 @ 10:08 a.m.

Hayes Park

October 4, 2017

James Hayes Park in Boston has a statue of a naked, prepubescent girl jumping rope.  It is a small park which also has a playground for children.

There is a poster at the park about the 30th anniversary of the Friends of Hayes Park.

I think that the Friends of Hayes Park should have the statue removed.

Child rape is not "innovative."  It is a scourge upon humanity that has festered for millennia.  

Copyright L. Kochman, October 4, 2017 @ 9:18 a.m.

While the entertainment industry and media attack me, they will continue not to talk about the gratuitous and graphic violence sold as entertainment every day.

October 4, 2017

Congress will also continue not to pass laws about that, either.

Is that accurate to say?

Copyright L. Kochman, October 4, 2017 @ 8:40 a.m.

What if the conglomerate had spent every day since 2010 promoting unbiased gun control instead of promoting and committing crime?

October 4, 2017

There are probably a lot of people who are dead or permanently injured who wouldn't be.

Copyright L. Kochman, October 4, 2017 @ 8:16 a.m.

The New York Times is one of many media sources that doesn't seem to think that the conglomerate's promotion of child rape is a sign of mental instability or emotional illness.

October 4, 2017

The conglomerate has portrayed sexual crime as heroic, and has ridiculed, threatened, and committed crime against the people who say that it isn't.  

There's a lascivious Lindt commercial playing on television while I write this page.  I have also already heard another television ad that had the word "innovative" this morning.  

Now I have also heard a Walgreens ad saying that you can "make a difference" at Walgreens.

Copyright L. Kochman, October 4, 2017 @ 7:55 a.m.

I was committed to a mental hospital in 2013 for saying that there were hidden, illegal cameras in the apartment that I had then.

October 4, 2017

The New York Times was one of many media sources that watched from the hidden, illegal cameras in that apartment, while two male police offices and two male paramedics took me from the apartment.  I wasn't violent; I didn't even raise my voice.  

While I was in the mental hospital, the property management, which had sent the police to my apartment, had its lawyers write and send me an eviction letter.  I was evicted from that apartment into the snow, in the middle of February 2014.

Two years later, MassHousing gave $40.5 million to the property management, after I had published many pages saying that the property management should be sued, and that everyone who lived at that property was at risk of being victimized by voyeurism and involuntary pornography.

Anyone can be committed to a mental hospital.  It is not an automatic indication of violent tendencies.

The New York Times hasn't stopped hacking my phone or accusing me of wanting to sleep with Ben Affleck.  There were probably a lot of media people who knew about Mr. Affleck's extramarital affair with Lindsay Shookus and who said nothing about it will they, and he, and his friends, and the entertainment industry, never stopped sexually harassing me.  The only way to avoid being called a slut, being the butt of endless jokes about your physical imperfections, and having your life destroyed by the entertainment industry seems to be to sleep with everyone from that industry who can ruin your life if you don't.  

Copyright L. Kochman, October 4, 2017 @ 7:35 a.m.

How dare I say that the stigma against "the mentally ill," whom "everyone" knows to be defective, dangerous and untrustworthy, is at all similar to racism?

October 4, 2017

You tell me, all of you people who know what it's like to have had a diagnosis of mental illness.  

Copyright L. Kochman, October 4, 2017 @ 7:03 a.m.

"Disorganized behavior" is the first behavioral symptom listed for psychosis.

October 4, 2017

That's the address for the first page of Google results for a search of "symptoms of psychosis."

I can't publish pictures of the page.  I was suddenly stopped from publishing pictures at this blog from my phone on September 23, 2017.

Copyright, with noted exceptions, L. Kochman, October 4, 2017 @ 7:01 a.m./No code, all policies operative, all the time.  

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Civilians shouldn't be able to buy machine guns.

October 3, 2017

However, to blame gun violence on "the mentally ill" is as bigoted it would be to blame gun violence on "the black people," or on people of any other race, or on most of the other groups of people in the world.  

The only time there's public discussion of mental health is when someone wants to blame "the mentally ill" for killing people.

What about all of the other murders that happen every day?  Are those people considered sane?

The conflation of words such as "psychotic" with behavior as premeditated, organized and deliberate as the behavior required to plan a mass murder is reprehensible.  It is both uninformed and misleading.  It also contributes to a stigma that prevents people who need mental health care from trying to obtain it.  

Copyright, with the exceptions of some information about what it's like to be diagnosed with a mental illness, L. Kochman, October 3, 2017 @ 5:59 p.m. No code, all policies operative, all the time.