Tuesday, November 24, 2015

American Express: "HOLCNL"

November 24, 2015

Those are pictures from today of parts of an email that American Express sent to me yesterday.

Over the past year and a half, many landlords and realtors said that my credit score wasn't high enough for me to be approved for an apartment.

These were my credit scores in May of this year:

TransUnion:  668

Equifax:  630

I had never had a credit card.  I wasn't in default on my student loans.  I had never gotten into debt other than from my student loans.  I couldn't believe that trying not to buy on credit all my life meant that my credit wasn't high enough to help me get a place to live.

I finally got a credit card.  It's American Express.  I have paid all of every bill on time, before the due date, every month.  After a few months, my credit score was over 700.

I am a customer of American Express whom American Express is abusing with its propaganda.  Probably, there are American Express employees who track and gossip about my purchases; they might even have my phone, email and bank accounts hacked.

I don't know if my credit will survive the prank mail harassment by whoever started taking out subscriptions to magazines in my name this past July.  If I am not able to cancel every one of those subscriptions, for which I get several bills every week, they'll be sent to collection agencies.

Copyright, with noted exceptions, L. Kochman, November 24, 2015 @ 7:38 a.m.