That's the first car in the parking lot of the office building where I'm meeting someone today to talk about applying my Section 8 voucher to a Single Room Occupancy at the Pine Street Inn.
If I get that room, I'll be paying 30% of my income for it. I also won't be able to move my things out of the storage unit where I put them when Braintree Village evicted me in 2014; I'll have to continue to pay $165/month for the storage unit in addition to my other expenses, because the SRO is a room and not an apartment.
They'll videotape me while I sleep? I'll have to try to change clothes by putting them on and taking them off under other clothes or with my blanket over me?
Is it ever going to stop?
That's another car in the parking lot.
I tried to get a normal apartment after I was evicted from Braintree Village. One search of my name online, and the eviction, and my living in a homeless shelter, all meant that landlords and realtors don't return my phone calls or emails. I'll lose the voucher if I can't apply it somewhere; I have gotten a lot of extensions for time to get a place and the housing authority will stop giving me those extensions. I have to take something.
That's another part of this building.
Copyright L. Kochman, December 24, 2015 @ 12:55 p.m.