The ones that call me crazy, that took parts of copyrighted videos that I published of stalkers and put them together to try to ridicule me, the ones with comments from people saying that I should be locked up, that I should be raped, that I should be hit, that I should be killed, that I'm the one who's harassing innocent people who are "just trying to do their jobs," the ones that would terrify anyone into not wanting to rent to me or hire me whether you think that I'm crazy or know that I'm not; I can't get them taken off the Internet. I tried to do that for several of them; a few of the Web services that hosted them did stop some of them, but many refused and there are always more of them even if I'm able to get some of them removed. One Google search of my name shows them.
Copyright L. Kochman, December 4, 2015 @ 2:12 p.m.