That's the Web address for the pages of Google search results for a search from today of the term "sigma phi epsilon scandal."
This is a picture of one of the results from the first page:
It's a 3 1/2 page list of hazing activities, prefaced and followed by warnings about not getting caught.
That's the Web address for the pages of search results for a Google search from today of the term "clemson sigma phi epsilon pledge death."
I'm not sure that Sigma Phi Epsilon, or the Greek system, or the world, got increased awareness about sexual assault and other violence perpetrated by fraternities after a 2011 survey was "distributed to members of Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity, asking them whom they would like to rape." It's unfortunate that "UVM's inquiry cleared Sigma Phi Epsilon as an organization of responsibility for the survey." Those are quotes from this Burlington Free Press article from 2012:
Copyright, with noted exceptions, L. Kochman, December 23, 2015 @ 3:24 p.m.