Sunday, December 6, 2015

There's never a time when a celebrity isn't saying something horrible about me online, is there?

December 6, 2015

I'm sure that it's a bad feeling that I could look at someone's social media at any time, interpret it however I think or feel, and then it's all over the media and causes other conglomerate activity.

It's also a bad feeling to know that your phone is hacked by people who have made it their mission to make you into a nonperson who is never able to have any privacy.  It's a bad feeling to know that there are hundreds of hours of illegally filmed, voyeuristic video of you out there that have circulated for years and are probably on the Internet and will be seen by millions of people.  It's a bad feeling to know that literally nothing that you say causes the people who have done this to you to "entertain" the notion of feeling at all remorseful about it; they just couldn't care less.

It's a bad feeling to be trapped.  It's even worse when you're treated as if it's a privilege to be bullied by the people who are making you miserable just because they're "important" people.

Copyright L. Kochman, December 6, 2015 @ 8:27 p.m.