Thursday, January 21, 2016

Is this a real story, or did someone at the White House write it to promote sexual abuse and to make vicious, sickening, totally false insinuations FOR WHICH PRESIDENT OBAMA SHOULD HAVE TO RESIGN IF THEY DON'T STOP?!

January 21, 2016

That's a picture from today of the first part of the first page of the White House's official website.

Those are pictures from today of the page at the White House's website that corresponds to the caption "Read a young woman from Detroit's personal message about the auto industry."

What is happening at the White House?  Is "Brianna Leathers" a real person?  If so, does she know that the White House has perverted her attempts to thank President Obama into something that promotes sadomasochism, voyeurism, involuntary pornography, child molestation and VICIOUS LYING?

Also, I don't know who is deciding to publicize everything that the White House has done in such a way as to promote human rights abuses, but that person should be fired; he or she is an international security risk.  I guess that person hasn't realized that Muslim extremists who are terrorists or who support terrorism don't feel that they need an excuse to attack anywhere in the world that they think Western values have corrupted people, and that those who would make those attacks have no problem mentally reconciling their own bad behavior, including bad sexual behavior, with whatever they're trying to accuse the West of doing.  

Copyright, with noted exceptions, L. Kochman, January 21, 2016 @ 8:25 p.m.