Sunday, May 8, 2016

"What a guy": The Double Standard

May 8, 2016

That's the address of the first search result for the pages of results from a Google search of "leonardo dicaprio."

"What a guy" is a quote from the Cosmopolitan article, which starts by talking about what a great life Mr. DiCaprio is having, because he's been "talking selfies for the environment" and going to music festivals.  What the article is mostly about is that Mr. DiCaprio was seen leaving Justin Bieber's party with a brunette woman instead of a blonde woman.  Then the article lists four blonde women whom Mr. DiCaprio has dated and clearly indicates that it's far from being a total list of all the women whom he has dated.

Mr. DiCaprio, who has never met me and whom I have refused to date for 6 years, started calling me a slut whose vagina smells because of my sluttiness in 2010, and he hasn't stopped doing that since. He was doing it in the pictures that were taken of him the night that he was seen with the brunette lady.  He started all of the coughing harassment and harassment like it, and has never apologized or taken responsibility for it.

I have slept with a total of 4 people in my entire life.  I was a virgin until I was 27.  I haven't even kissed anyone since once when I kissed someone in 2010 and once when I kissed someone in 2009; the conglomerate has not stopped attacking me for that ever since.

The conglomerate calls me a slut and tells the world to treat me that way every day, and it has done that for 6 years.  I am harassed, I am stalked, I am victimized by voyeurism and involuntary pornography.  I am hated and abused by total strangers.  I have lost every employment, housing and educational opportunity that I have tried to have since the conglomerate began to persecute me in 2010.  

Mr. DiCaprio has never even tried to get a college degree, as far as I know, yet his campaign of abuse against me has gotten support from every power structure there is since 2010, and is now threatening not only my ability to finish my education but also the rights and safety of every woman, child and student in Massachusetts, if not the United States, if not the world.

Nobody's saying anything negative about Mr. DiCaprio for having had multiple sex partners; nobody ever has.  Also, Mr. DiCaprio's past has publicly documented illegal activities, from assault to illegal gambling, and the conglomerate never says anything about that, either.  

Cosmopolitan is supposedly a magazine for women, which proves how many people who think they're feminists aren't.

Mr. DiCaprio is my age; we were born the same year, yet he and the rest of the conglomerate have the gall to call me old, and have since 2010.  He routinely dates women who are 15 or 20 years younger than he is; I don't date people who are that much younger than I am, although I probably could, even if it were just because I'm getting to be famous.

I don't want to be famous; I want the abuses to stop.  

Copyright, with noted exceptions, L. Kochman, May 8, 2016 @ 11:42 a.m.