The conglomerate has treated me like this for years, basing every subsequent abuse of me on abuses that it has already committed. The conglomerate lives in a permanent frenzy of hatred for me, a frenzy which it has created while insisting that it is the victim and I am the abuser.
Nothing that the conglomerate has ever made itself believe is true about me has ever proven to be true. It has deliberately sought to ruin every positive and productive thing that I have tried to do, and to isolate me from society. It has attacked everyone who has tried to help me. It has forced me into financial dependence. It has done all of this while also acting as if it is morally superior to me.
It has created an image of me for its adherents that is of an evil, conniving person, someone for anyone to blame. Many people who aren't part of the conglomerate and who haven't spent years abusing me nonetheless hear the conglomerate's propaganda and assume that all of those authorities, institutions and celebrities can't be wrong.
I am the target of adult bullying; that's all this ever was.
Copyright L. Kochman, May 4, 2016 @ 9:20 a.m.