Wednesday, May 11, 2016

There are people who see things about me on the Internet and then they invent lies that they think other people will believe.

May 11, 2016

That's what the landlord at my last apartment did, to try to evict me.

It's probably what the person who got me fired from Labor Ready did.

I also think it's the source of the lies told about me by the bully in my Chinese class and those who encouraged his behavior.

I have done nothing at school to deserve two No Contact orders to be placed on me by the school about two of my teachers, or about anyone.  I have done nothing at the school to deserve any of what the school is doing to me.  

I asked for intervention for my Chinese class; I asked for that intervention in my email of May 6 to the Bunker Hill administrator who, soon after getting my email, got the surprise visit from a group of students from that class, including at least two of the bullies.  Then that administrator wrote the report, in all of its hysteria, and she referred the matter to the Dean's Office.  It wasn't until the subsequent meeting at the Dean's Office that I was told that the administrator had written the report, or that my writing teacher had accused me of harassment, or that students had talked to the administrator.  

Probably, some of the students who talked to the administrator went there not realizing that the bullies were going to talk the entire time and lie the entire time.  Even if they tried to defend me, everything that they said got ignored by the administrator, and what their attempts to be fair got twisted into was the Dean telling me that my being smart and trying to achieve in the class had caused me not to realize that I was disrupting the class.  

All of my recordings and emails prove that's not true.

I haven't slept at all.

Copyright L. Kochman, May 11, 2016 @ 3:43 a.m.