The conglomerate LIKES the horrifying example that it's making of my life. It likes being able to use me as a cautionary tale to anyone who thinks of defying it. It likes getting into people's phones, computers, email and bank accounts, listening to and watching their conversations, getting live, illegal video of them in their homes, 24 hours per day. It likes threatening people with embarrassment and ridicule.
That's why the conglomerate media publishes stories every day promoting child rape and voyeurism, rather than trying to help Mr. Snowden. EVERY day, the conglomerate media deliberately and gleefully subverts civil liberties and privacy rights and promotes sexual crime. EVERY day, people working at corporations and ad agencies and in government do, also. EVERY day, someone is writing another fish joke, another masturbation joke, another anal sex joke, another nipple joke, another joke about urine and feces, another joke about body hair, another joke about menstruation, another joke and another joke and another joke, because democracy is now a joke.
That Mr. Snowden occasionally is somewhat chauvinistic is not an excuse, although I certainly don't appreciate it.
Copyright L. Kochman, June 3, 2016 @ 8:40 p.m.