I don't appreciate your staff trying to imply that I'm a conspiracy theorist. It also concerns me that there are people working for you who decide to make coded accusations like that because they don't want to alienate a newspaper and not because they're paying attention to what has happened.
I am a Democrat.
I don't agree with Mr. Trump's decision to revoke press credentials for the Washington Post. All of the main media sources are divided by corruption; I'm sure that most of them are hacking my phone and email and hacking the phones and emails of whomever else they feel like stalking, encourged by the American government's failure to continue to be democratic.
Those criminal, chronic privacy invasions are a sordid sign of the implosion of the United States.
I think the Washington Post should be dissuaded from doing things like that; it should be kept busy doing things that newspapers ought to be doing, like reporting about elections.
Copyright L. Kochman, June 14, 2016 @ 10:27 p.m.