I don't like your ensemble.
If I had felt that your girlfriend's behavior was something that I should worry about, I would have said something. Many people don't understand that, as much as I am abused, and as many problems as I have that I don't seem to be able to do anything about, I am usually not totally without influence.
All of that influence is a result of my trying to be a good person, in addition to being a good writer. That's something that a lot of people also don't understand, because the notion of consistent moral strength being something that can cause someone to be respected or feared or the object of anger from world leaders is not discussed a lot in this century. I don't want people to fear me, sometimes I can't help it if they're angry, but a corrupt political administration would not think it had a reason to attack me in a new way every week if I were insignificant.
You're a bigger star than she is, so how you treat her is going to affect her professional life. You also have race and gender on your side in our racist, sexist world.
Copyright L. Kochman, June 25, 2016 @ 5:46 p.m.