It is clear. The only reason that Leonardo DiCaprio went out with Roxy Horner instead of some other model was for the code value that he could get from her name, in terms of articles that would then be published on the Internet or in gossip magazines about them, and which would be used as part of the conglomerate's slut-shaming jokes about me.
I don't know if you realize that one of the things that the conglomerate began promoting in 2010 was the idea of Iranian women who are imprisoned because they are accused of adultery being stoned to death. The American conglomerate promoted this idea for at least 2 years. "Rocks" and words like it were used as disparaging code.
"Roxy Horner." Do you understand? How would you like to be slept with just because the person sleeping with you wants to use your name as a publicity weapon against someone else?
The name "Kelly" was also used as code for a while for "Kill Lena."
That's the address for the pages of results for a Google search from today of the term "woman jailed for being raped." I was never forcibly raped by anyone; however, women around the world are punished for crimes that men commit against them.
Copyright L. Kochman, June 17, 2016 @ 1:55 a.m./addition @ 12:04 p.m./please read all preliminary pages