That's a picture of part of the Columbia Journalism Review's April 5, 2015 report about the Rolling Stone article. The report is called "Rolling Stone's investigation: 'A failure that was avoidable.'"
This is the address for that report:
These are also pictures of part of that report:
The Rolling Stone article portrayed the difficulty of Dean Eramo's situation as part of a school administration that does not address sexual assault the way that it should.
Ms. Erdely's court filing in support of Rolling Stone's motion for summary judgment of Dean Eramo's lawsuit states that Ms. Erdely attempted numerous times to get an interview with Dean Eramo.
It is also clear from Ms. Erdely's court filing that the University of Virginia's administration did not passively deny Ms. Erdely's request to interview Dean Eramo and then remove the administration from the process of Ms. Erdely's investigation; the administration pressured everyone who did speak to Ms. Erdely not to tell her anything.
It also seems that Dean Eramo was one of the administrators who participated in trying to silence the people who were talking to Ms. Erdely.
Copyright, with noted exceptions, L. Kochman, July 11, 2016 @ 2:04 a.m.