Tuesday, September 13, 2016

This is a lie.

September 13, 2016

That's the address of a tabloid article about Selena Gomez.

The conglomerate makes people's lives miserable, and it makes people feel like there's nothing they can do about what's happening to them.  

The world does not turn around Justin Bieber and his dating decisions, and treating women as if their only concern is what their past boyfriends are doing is degrading.  I certainly seem to be a target, ad nauseum, for the conglomerate's obsession with my past love interests, even though I have no obsession with those people; I hope that they're all happy and productive and unaffected by the conglomerate's obsession with them.  Not that the conglomerate cares if it destroys people's current relationships by forcing them to think about me; the only thing that the conglomerate cares about is having something horrible to say about me for the rest of my life.  

It's also disgusting that the media sources who besiege their targets every day then publish articles about the supposed mental instability of the people whom they have harassed, taking no responsibility for the part they played in forcing their victims into seclusion.  

Copyright, with noted exceptions, L. Kochman, September 13, 2016 @ 11:17 a.m.