Monday, October 10, 2016

Every day since 2010, the conglomerate media has distorted journalism to promote sexual abuse, so I have to disagree with Ms. Locke's statement.

October 10, 2016

This is a picture of a quote attributed to Libby Locke by Business Insider, in an article from September 16, 2016:

This is the address of the article:

It continues to be my opinion that Ms. Eramo's lawsuit should be dismissed, and the University of Virginia should pay for Ms. Eramo's legal fees.  Ms. Eramo is a graduate of the University of Virginia. She was loyal to her employer and, for years, she tried to maintain an impossible balance between the rights of the students whom she counseled and the school's demands that rapists be protected for the sake of the school's prestige and wealth.  

If Ms. Eramo's ability to pay Ms. Locke is contingent on the winning of the case, then that is a significant motivation for Ms. Locke to continue to press the case. It's a lawsuit that Ms. Eramo never should have filed, and that she never would have filed if the journalistic failure of major media sources, all attacking Rolling Stone for months, hadn't led her to think that she should.  

Copyright, with noted exceptions, L. Kochman, October 10, 2016 @ 12:32 p.m.