That's a picture of an NBC article that was published this past weekend. This is the address for the article:
I wouldn't say that the discrepancies between what Ms. Soltis told Ms. Erdely and what Ms. Erdely heard from Jackie are "details." However, what can't always be known is how accurately people remember what is told to them, particularly what is told to them about other people.
Those are pictures of contiguous parts of an article that was published by "c-vile" on October 20, 2016.
This is the address for that article:
"Six men" in the NBC article; "five" in the c-ville article. These are journalists reporting about the same trial and the same testimony; how do they explain the discrepancies between the stories that they're printing, about what's happening right in front of them? The trial is also being filmed, isn't it? There's an objective record of what's being said in the courtroom?
Copyright, with noted exceptions, L. Kochman, October 24, 2016 @ 10:50 a.m.