If there's no truth to what I'm asking, then I'm sorry, but I have to ask.
That's the address for the first page of results for a Google search of the term "polished sex slang."
I hate the conglomerate. I hate having to think the things I have to think to ask the questions that I don't want to have to ask.
Why did ygap call its program something that is specific to men? Why choose men or distinguish between men and women if the goal is to protect and help children? Violence against children is frequently perpetuated in conjunction with violence against women, so why exclude women from the conversation?
The easiest children to exploit are the poor ones in remote places that have already gotten abused; the ones who have no parents or other caretakers, in countries where war or famine or disease, rather than child welfare, are the main priorities of the governments, if there are governments.
What about people who hear about this program and who choose to remain anonymous? Does someone really know that all donations are used to help children, and that nothing that is funded by ygap is sex trafficking?
Copyright, with noted exceptions, L. Kochman, October 12, 2016 @ 12:23 a.m.