Your industry has attacked me since 2010 because your industry is owned and run by immature and vicious men. 90% of the writers in the entertainment industry are men, and most of the people who really make all the decisions in that industry are men. They don't want me around, and they don't want anyone around, male or female, who isn't going to degrade women.
The entertainment industry has abused the right of free speech in a way that no other industry is able to do. That industry can literally write the script for what it wants women to do, and women who refuse to do it can't work for that industry; they have to do something else.
The industry also hates me because I object to there being a direct line of power from that industry to politics. My objection is from concern for democracy and for human rights, whose interests aren't served by a political culture which exploits the public by offering power to corrupt, evil and/or ignorant people in exchange for publicity, campaign contributions, fundraising, and the influence which celebrities have with voters from their audience of millions of people. My objections are morally and intellectually sound, which is why there are powerful people and institutions who agree with them.
I don't know why you think that I'm influential, when I'm able to be influential; it's because the most intelligent and least corrupt of the powerful people in the world know that I'm right about the things that I say over and over. I don't do or say everything right all the time, but they know that my essential objections to the conglomerate and its goals are accurate. I promise you that I'm not the only person in the world who hates what the conglomerate is doing.
What you also might not realize is that, while people whose opinions you misguidedly think you should take seriously are ridiculing you for interacting with me, my interactions with you, and with other frivolous and corrupt celebrities before you, are part of what gives the corrupt people in industries and establishments outside the entertainment industry fodder to say that I'm someone whom nobody has to take seriously. If you think that your interactions with me are bringing your image down, you have no idea how much my interactions with you bring my image down among educated people who have good value systems, and how vulnerable those interactions make me to corrupt people.
Copyright L. Kochman, October 5, 2016 @ 6:17 p.m.