Thursday, November 3, 2016

"I mean, obviously, right after the, the attack, she wasn't in any condition to go anywhere."

November 3, 2016

I have an audio recording of the ABC 20/20 broadcast from October 14, 2016.

I'm listening to the first part of it.

It sounds as if:

Ryan had a first date with Jackie, after which he told her that he wanted to be friends and nothing else.  She felt bad and said things to Alex and "Cindy" (a pseudonym from the Rolling Stone article), such as "Why doesn't he like me," and Alex characterized Jackie as being abnormally upset for having been rejected by Ryan after knowing Ryan for "a week or two."  

Then Ryan started to text with "Haven Monahan."

Then Ryan agreed to have another date with Jackie for his, Ryan's, birthday, for which Jackie bought the concert tickets and the bus tickets.  (That's one of the things that neither Ryan nor Alex talked about in their ABC interviews for 20/20.)


"Why doesn't (s)he like me" is what everybody says when rejected, especially 18-year-olds.  

Has anyone asked Ryan if he and Jackie were ever physically intimate at all? 

Ryan told ABC that he and Jackie spent time together "every other night" when they first met.  Has anyone asked him if they had kissed, made out past kissing, slept together or spent nights in each other's rooms?  Having a real date after which Ryan told her that he didn't want to be her boyfriend does not necessarily mean that the date was their only romantic time together before that date.  When you're in college, you live around other people, and a lot of people kiss or have sex for weeks or months and either never have a real date or fight over whether they're dating because one of them wants to have real dates and the other one doesn't, or both decide to publicly announce their mutual exclusivity by starting to have real dates.  The last of those scenarios is what happens the least often.  

If Ryan and Jackie had kissed or had sex once or a few times before (one of) the date(s) that Ryan and Alex told ABC about, that would explain why Jackie felt hurt and cried after she was initially rejected.  

Then Ryan and Alex described the night of September 28, 2012 to ABC.

Ryan told ABC that Jackie called him and that he went to meet her, where she was sitting at a picnic table near some 1st year dorms.  

Ryan told ABC that Jackie then told him that she was forced to perform oral sex on five men.  Ryan told ABC that he told Jackie that he wanted her to go to the police and that Jackie didn't want to go to the police "because she didn't want to sit down at the police station and (indistinct) go over it detail by detail."  

That's a very convenient reason for Ryan to give to ABC in Jackie's absence about why Jackie supposedly didn't immediately want to report the rape; it's not as if Ryan hasn't watched and read the news about the case.  It's not as if he doesn't know that what everyone who has attacked the Rolling Stone article wants to hear is that Jackie told different stories to several people about what happened to her.  Also, it's not as if he didn't read the Rolling Stone article, in which Jackie was stymied from immediately reporting the rape and getting medical attention by an argument among Ryan, Alex and "Cindy" about what Jackie reporting the assault would do to her reputation at school and to their reputations by association with her.  

Ryan told ABC that Ryan called Alex and "Cindy" after Ryan had spoken with Jackie in person on September 28, 2012.  

Alex told ABC that Ryan was with Jackie and that Ryan called Alex and asked Alex to meet them.  Alex told ABC that "we" (meaning him and "Cindy," presumably) went to meet Ryan and Jackie at "the dorm."  A quote from Alex's interview about what happened when he got to "the dorm" is "Ryan tells me that Jackie's been raped," and that "Jackie wasn't really talking much; she was kind've sitting there affirming what Ryan tells me."

"Raped."  Is that what Ryan said to Alex?  Did Ryan mean that Jackie was forced to perform oral sex, or did he mean that she was vaginally penetrated? 

"Did you tell her to call the police," asked the ABC reporter.

"That was kind've what Ryan and I were both telling her.  I mean obviously, right after the, the attack, she wasn't in any condition to go anywhere, she just wanted to go to bed," said Alex to the ABC reporter.

Then the broadcast switched to Ryan saying "Alex and I spent the night sleeping on sleeping bags in her dorm room, to make sure that she was okay."  

Are there phone records that were never published and that show the times at which phone calls were made and received among Jackie, Ryan, Alex and "Cindy," and text messages among all of them? 

What about GPS?  The Rolling Stone article places the meeting of the then-friends near the Phi Kappa Psi house, and it was after the publication of the article that Ryan and Alex have placed the meeting somewhere else in all of their interviews.  Are there GPS records for the phones of all four of them that show where they were from the start of September 28, 2012 to the end of September 29, 2012?  

The transcript of the September 28, 2012 texts between Ryan and Jackie shows Jackie texting Ryan, saying "They're walking me back."  

Who was walking Jackie back, to where and from where, when she texted to Ryan "They're walking me back"?  Where was Ryan when she texted him that?  

"After the...attack, she wasn't in any condition to go anywhere."  Why would Alex describe Jackie like that in an interview in which he's also calling her a liar?  Why did ABC edit the broadcast to cut Alex off as soon as he said that?

Is there someone who thinks that broadcast wasn't part of a preconceived narrative by ABC, edited to promote that narrative?  The entire broadcast had one goal, which was to call Jackie a liar and to continue to bias the media and public opinion, before the start of the trial.  Other media should not continue to reference that broadcast without mentioning the sanctions brought against Ms. Eramo's side because of it.  

Copyright, with noted exceptions, L. Kochman, November 3, 2016 @ 7:20 p.m.