Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Maybe I should start a blog for the most bizarre clothing that celebrities have worn to publicize their hatred of me.

December 20, 2016

I suppose it wouldn't have a lot of historical significance, other than to illustrate a way that people can lose perspective when they are motivated by hatred.

It's also sad how inarticulate and gross so many celebrities are.  Fur.  Years of fur.  One gross, stupid joke is something that they think is funny and interesting for years.  

Some of them even seem to think that there's a way to be something other than gross when you're publicizing someone's body hair.  They seem to think that they're being flattering, the way that so many of them thought it was flattering when the conglomerate started to call me variations of c--- in 2010.  

There are people who like being ignorant.  It's unfortunate that so many of those people in the United States are celebrities.

Copyright L. Kochman, December 20, 2016 @ 8:53 a.m.