Saturday, February 11, 2017

Why doesn't every politician and elected official publish a one-page paper on the Internet at the end of every week, called "State of the Nation/State of the World"?

February 11, 2017

You can identify what you think are the most important issues and suggest what you think should happen.

That way, your opinions will have a regular format.  You won't have to worry so much about scheduling time with the media, people taking what you say out of context, or one sentence being sensationalized and obliterating the rest of what you said.

You also will be removed from the situation of merely reacting to what other people are saying; you'll be thinking all week about what your opinions are, and so will a lot of other people.  

If you don't feel like publishing every week, you don't have to; that's what's nice about not having to write for a living.

I think it will help a lot of people to feel like they know what's happening, and to help them get an idea of how political thought is organized. 

Local and state politicians and elected officials can also write about what's happening in their cities and states.

Copyright L. Kochman, February 11, 2017 @ 9:05 p.m.