Saturday, June 10, 2017

Why are there so many people who exploit me?

June 10, 2017

Can't you think for yourselves about what right and wrong are?  Since you don't care about my opinion about anything, why do you spend your time trying to call me a hypocrite so that you can excuse the things that you already want to do, no matter what I'm saying or doing every day?  

I can spend years saying the same thing, and you ignore it, laugh at it, pervert it for code, and act as if I'm stupid, while you also look for anything that you can to call me a hypocrite, which seems to be your attempt to absolve your guilt about what a hell my life is.  

What would you do if you were me?  Do you think about that?  Do you think about whether or not you'd really like to have I live the way that I have to live?  

I don't think that you do.  I think that you have dehumanized me to such an extent that you never think about what I say or do in the context of what my life is really like.  

Copyright L. Kochman, June 10, 2017 @ 10:12 a.m.