That's the address of a page that I published at this blog on July 30, 2017.
The title of the page is "President Trump."
This is a quote from it:
I was much too busy criticizing my own party, the Democrats, to think about your campaign. That's what I said I would do, and that's what I did. What's the use of criticizing the people on the other side of the street when your own side has so many problems?
August 12, 2017
I would be inconsistent if I were to criticize the President for using the word "campaign" when he talks, writes, or publishing Tweets.
There are not a lot of synonyms for the word "campaign" that people will be able to use without distorting language even more than the conglomerate's repetitive, gratuitous abuse of words and other symbols has distorted language for 7 years.
This is a picture of the first part of the first page of the Yahoo website today:
People who want to promote crime will do that through language and in every way that they can think of. People who want to think the worst of others will also do that, no matter what their targets say.
I don't know how many times I have said that people should strive to use language as normally as possible, and that trying not to be constrained by the conglomerate's lurid misinterpretations is part of not allowing the conglomerate to permanently distort words. I try to write and talk according to that idea, although there are some words that are so abused by the conglomerate that either I think they are too dangerous to use or I have an emotional reaction to them that prevents me from using them or causes me to try to think of alternatives. Knowing that the conglomerate looks for anything and everything that it can try to distort what I say also frequently prompts me to do what I can to think of alternatives to many words, although sometimes my anger at being deliberately misconstrued by vicious, irresponsible people propels me to write things precisely as I ordinarily would.
This morning, while looking for one of my past explanations of my thoughts about code and thwarting the conglomerate's distortion of language, I found this page:
It is a republication of a page that I wrote in 2015. It was republished by one of the people who republishes my pages and videos out of context to ridicule me online. The person who republished that page misnamed it "The Lena Kochman Code."
Most of it is not Lena Kochman Code, although much of it is code that the conglomerate took from things that I have said or written over the years that either weren't meant to be code or weren't meant to be code that hurts anyone or that promotes crime.
Reading the list ought to clarify to reasonable people that the conglomerate is unreasonable.
I am publishing this page before other pages today so that people who read the last page that I published last night can have the explanation that they might or might not care to respect.
I published few pages yesterday; people who want to read what I publish about code, copyright times and other issues almost every day can.
Copyright, with noted exceptions, L. Kochman, August 12, 2017 @ 7:40 a.m.