A background check that included a search for a record of commitment would not have stopped his crime.
Although the news stories about him online seem to be saying that he had no known mental health issues, nobody seems to be construing his verbal abuse of his girlfriend as a mental health issue, or suggesting that fear of him might have prevented her from talking about him to the police.
That's the address for the first page of Google results for "police refuse to give restraining orders."
That's the address for the first page of Google results for "woman killed by boyfriend against whom she had restraining order."
Mr. Paddock worked for the U.S. Postal Service for a few years. How many people have called me delusional for saying that I've been stalked by U.S. Postal Service employees?
Think about it; people who work for the post office KNOW WHERE EVERYONE LIVES. It should be really difficult to be hired to be someone who has access to everyone's address.
The conglomerate should stop promoting child abuse, and everyone who is stigmatizing people who have had mental health care should stop that stigmatization. If it weren't for that stigma, people who need mental health care wouldn't avoid it as much as they do.
I can't publish pictures at this blog from my phone; this is the address of an article about Mr. Paddock:
Copyright, with noted exceptions, L. Kochman, October 5, 2017 @ 7:35 a.m.