Monday, October 24, 2016

"Mad B---- Beer"

October 25, 2016

That's what Mr. Cillizza didn't get fired for.

That's the address of the 2009 Washington Post article about Mr. Cillizza's "mistake," provided by Mr. Cillizza in the article that he wrote in 2015, castigating Rolling Stone for not "firing anyone."

These are pictures of noncontiguous parts of the 2009 article, written by Howard Kurtz:



This is the newspaper that is so prestigious that everyone else in the media has taken it seriously about the Rolling Stone article.  These self-described "equal-opportunity offenders" are not equal-opportunity anything.  It's an inaccurate description, to say the least.  

I think that "institutional indifference" would also be an inaccurate description of The Washington Post's attitude toward all women; vicious, endemic, remorseless misogyny would be accurate.  

Copyright, with noted exceptions, L. Kochman, October 25, 2016 @ 12:20 a.m./I will publish my preliminary page and similar pages soon.