Tuesday, October 25, 2016

How many times is Ms. Erdely going to be misquoted by the media?

October 25, 2016

The quote is "there's no pulling the plug at this point--the article is moving forward [and] I think it's important that Jackie stay involved."

It is a quote FROM A TEXT MESSAGE.  It is a verifiable document that was given to the court with the court filing.  

If Jackie had insisted that Ms. Erdely not talk about Jackie in the Rolling Stone article, Ms. Erdely and everyone else at Rolling Stone who had worked on the article would have cried from stress and then respected what Jackie wanted and rewritten the article so that Jackie wasn't mentioned.  

Ms. Erdely had nothing to apologize for, but she's been getting relentlessly attacked for years by media who are either blatantly malicious toward her and who want to ruin her career or by people who AREN'T PAYING ATTENTION and who are repeating what the really malicious people say, or who get to all of their conclusions because of what the malicious people say.  

Copyright, with noted exceptions, L. Kochman, October 25, 2016 @ 9:57 p.m.