Sunday, October 16, 2016

Why have two of my past YouTube blogs suddenly gotten removed from the YouTube app at my phone?

October 16, 2016

I hope that YouTube isn't in the process of disabling them, the way that it has destroyed other channels at which I have documented being stalked.  Usually, the disabling happens at the request of stalkers.  My attempts to restore my disabled blogs through the YouTube appeal process are always denied.  

I have tried several times to get the websites that host hate blogs that people have started about me, hate blogs which are most of the results for Internet searches of the term "lena kochman," removed from the Internet.  Almost all of those websites refused to remove those blogs, and the consequence to me is that no employer will ever want to hire me and that people who want to harass me at school and call me crazy when I ask the administration for help can.  

These are pictures of the results for the first page of a Google search of the term "lena kochman":

The conglomerate knows that I'm not delusional or lying about what's happening.  If what's happening is too horrible for people to want to believe it, that's not my fault.  

Copyright, with noted exceptions, L. Kochman, October 16, 2016 @ 2:28 p.m.