Saturday, October 22, 2016

Has Mr. Heim read the Rolling Stone article?

October 22, 2016

This is a picture of part of the Rolling Stone article:

These are pictures of part of a Washington Post article, written by Mr. Heim and published today:

This is the address for that article, which is called "'She didn't have credibility anymore':  The moment Rolling Stone's UVa rape story unraveled":

Is Mr. Heim being deliberately misleading by trying to imply that Jackie told Ms. Erdely that Jackie wasn't raped at the Phi Kappa Psi house?  That wasn't the intent of Ms. Erdely's question; the question was whether or not Drew had raped her.

Also, if Drew had told Jackie that he was a Phi Kappa Psi member before she was raped, that's not her fault.  If, by the time that she was interviewed by Ms. Erdely for the Rolling Stone article, Jackie knew that he was a member or a former member of a fraternity that wasn't Phi Kappa Psi, she also knew that to tell Ms. Erdely what the other fraternity was would not only lead Ms. Erdely to ask questions of and at the fraternity, it would be another identifying fact about Drew, whom Jackie feared.

After the article was published online in November of 2014, Jackie might have felt that she had less to fear by finally telling Ms. Erdely that Drew was not a member of Phi Kappa Psi.  

The Washington Post has written many articles about the conversations in which Ms. Erdely, Jackie, and other people whom Ms. Erdely had interviewed were all starting to panic and attack each other.  What neither The Washington Post nor any other media source that has attacked the Rolling Stone article, Jackie and Ms. Erdely has acknowledged is that the attacks by The Washington Post and all of those other media sources were the cause of that panic.  

This is a picture of the last paragraph of an article by Mr. Heim that the Post published last night, called "Rolling Stone reporter said she believed 'Jackie' felt 'scared for her'":

This is the address for that article:

What about the article written by Mr. Shapiro, edited and published by the Washington Post, in which Mr. Shapiro not only inaccurately reported the times of texts between Jackie and Ryan on the night of September 28, 2012, even though Mr. Shapiro had the transcripts of the texts right in front of him, the article that Mr. Shapiro wrote about those texts also misleadingly conflated the conversation so that it would seem to the reader of his article that texts which were exchanged hours apart had happened at the same time?  

This is the address for that article, called "'Catfishing' over love interest might have spurred U-Va. gang-rape debacle":

It was published on January 8, 2016, and despite its errors, which were never acknowledged by the Post, it was far from being the last article that Mr. Shapiro wrote about rape at the University of Virginia.  

Copyright, with noted exceptions, L. Kochman, October 22, 2016 @ 4:44 p.m./I will publish my preliminary page and similar pages again soon.