Monday, May 9, 2016

Bunker Hill Community College is charging me with disrupting the class and verbal harassment and intimidation for objecting to being harassed for hours every week in one of my classes.

May 9, 2016

I'm being punished; the perpetrator, his friends and their enablers are being treated as if they are the victims.  

I didn't do anything wrong.  I wasn't even impolite while trying to get the harassment to stop.

I was appropriate.  I tried to tell the right people and do what I should do to stop the disruptions that have happened every week in that class for more than a month.  

I'm sure that they want to stop my education at this school, even if it's just so that they don't have to have the conglomerate's and the public's attention that I can't help bringing everywhere that I am.

Copyright L. Kochman, May 9, 2016 @ 1:42 p.m.