Sunday, May 15, 2016

I don't have to apologize for the videos online that show me screaming at stalkers.

May 15, 2016

Not one stalker has ever tried to abduct me, although many of them probably thought about it.

The message I wanted all of them to get, and it seems to me that they got, was that it would not be easy for them to stuff me into their cars and drive away.  Everyone who ever stalked me, and everyone who ever thought about stalking me, seems to have the gotten the message that I will yell, scream, punch, kick, bite and hurt them as much as I have to so that they can't take me.

No school, or anyone else who has a problem with that, is worth my time.

Copyright L. Kochman, May 15, 2016 @ 7:36 p.m.