Thursday, January 21, 2016

Stalin pizza, Stalin selfies

January 21, 2016

That's a picture from today of part of the first page of search results for a Google search of the term "stalin."

That's a picture of part of the article about Stalin-mask selfies on Instagram.

As abhorrent as these social developments are, they are to be expected because of what the conglomerate has done for the past 6 years.  The consistent distortion and perversion of historical and contemporary events, the vicious repression of all dissenters, the pervasive destruction of privacy rights, the casual, jeering dismissal of all protests to the increasingly totalitarian merger of governments, corporations and the interests of extremely wealthy individuals, the brutal gender discrimination and the accompanying, sickening denial of that discrimination, the threats toward the families, friends and everyone who is not hostile toward its targets; the conglomerate is American Dictatorship Lite.  One more President like President Obama, and everybody will be getting the real thing.  

I thought that the people at the White House who base White House publications on social media posts by celebrities might particularly enjoy reading the article about Stalin on Instagram, since they don't seem to be worried about trying to prevent the next school shooting.

Copyright, with noted exceptions, L. Kochman, January 21, 2016 @ 3:21 p.m.