Wednesday, January 13, 2016

The lawsuits and the Washington Post's attacks about a TRUE rape story continue.

January 13, 2016

The Washington Post had an "education" reporter, not a crime reporter, writing its initial attacks on the Rolling Stone article about rape at the University of Virginia.  That reporter was a white male who had graduated from a private high school in Virginia and also from a college in Virginia.

Now the Washington Post has published yet another article about rape by another white man who is not a crime reporter.

Those are pictures of the January 11, 2016 article called "Jackie's rape story was false.  So why hasn't the media named her by now?"  

The beginning of the article reiterates everything that everyone who wants to believe that Jackie wasn't raped has already said.  The rest of the article is full of quotes by this woman:

The Washington Post is trying to set the stage for all media to publicly name Jackie and for her to be crucified around the world for the rest of her life.  Did anyone at the Washington Post read what Mr. Coll and Ms. Houser said before publishing this article?  

Also; is there someone who thinks that any lawyer representing the people who are suing Rolling Stone about the article are not going to say that Jackie lied?

Drew took Jackie to dinner and then to the Phi Kappa Psi house, where she was gang-raped.  The original statement that the Charlottesville police published at the police department's website confirmed that they had identified Drew through their investigation and that his financial records corroborated Jackie's story; even the deliberately obfuscating police department couldn't deny the evidence that it found.  

The lawsuit filed by three Phi Kappa Psi members is an outrageous, simultaneous admission of guilt and demand for money and public exoneration.  That lawsuit says that what Jackie told Rolling Stone about what happened the night that she was raped was so specific and clear that friends, family and a lot of other people knew who the rapists were even though they were never identified by their real names in the article and even though every fraternity member who could have been a suspect or who could have known a suspect said that he had never heard of Jackie before she started saying that she was raped.  According to them, they had never met her and she was never at their house; so how did she, a first year student in the first semester of college, accurately describe the room at the fraternity house where she was raped and the people in that room?

Copyright, with noted exceptions, L. Kochman, January 13, 2016 @ 7:46 a.m.