Monday, November 23, 2015


November 23, 2015

Does the conglomerate think that I should publish an "Interim page so that the conglomerate doesn't accuse me of hitting on a politician" every day or every time that I talk about politics?

I wrote all of my policies to try to deal with the conglomerate's continuous onslaught of accusations, which it only makes toward me because I object to its sickening agenda.  It doesn't care about what the people who support it do in their personal lives.  The conglomerate ignores most of my policies most of the time, whether I publish them or not.  It also doesn't have the right to decide whether or not I mean them according to its own interpretations of what I mean by publishing them or not every day.  They are a pain to publish over and over, just like everything else that the conglomerate's distortions of normality have forced to happen.

I live my life around the conglomerate's vicious persecution of me.  I turn off the lights in bathrooms and showers everywhere that I can.  Since I can't turn off the lights in the shower room at the Pine Street Inn, I wear the same, sodden shorts and tank top into the shower at the Pine Street Inn every night, putting them on, cold and wet, in the shower stall before I get into the shower.  It takes a few minutes from the 10 minutes in the shower that every guest is supposed to get for me to put my shower clothes on and take them off, trying to keep the shelter-issued robe and scrubs (pyjamas) on while I'm changing without getting them wet, or tying my own clothes around me to protect my body from the hidden cameras that might be in the shower room.  On the nights when I haven't gotten a bed from the lottery, I don't get the robe and pyjamas, which makes changing into my shower clothes without uncovering my body more difficult.  Because of the conglomerate's promotion of voyeurism and involuntary pornography, I have worn clothes into the shower for years.

The conglomerate looks for excuses to attack me for everything that I say, do, read, and buy, no matter what I do to defend myself.  It has obliterated all of my rights. What it can't do is force me not to be funny by making me tell the same joke over and over when it wouldn't be funny for me to do that.  

Copyright L. Kochman, November 23, 2015 @ 6:59 a.m.