Sunday, July 10, 2016

The conglomerate media has never tried to interview me.

July 11, 2016

I'm not saying that I would give an interview to the media, because I don't think that I would.  There's nothing that someone who's part of the media could say about me that I can't say at a blog.

However, what the conglomerate media does every day is hack my phone and criminally invade my privacy in other ways.  Then, it publicizes coded lies about me as if those lies are the truth, and it uses those lies to rationalize continuing to criminally invade my privacy.

I don't think the Columbia Journalism Review hacks my phone or criminally invades my privacy in other ways.  What I'm saying is that the conglomerate media practices malicious journalistic failure and even crime every day, and not only isn't stopped or sued, that same media has attacked the Rolling Stone article and is why Rolling Stone is getting sued.

Copyright L. Kochman, July 11, 2016 @ 2:05 a.m.