Monday, July 11, 2016

The University of Virginia should stop promoting human rights abuses.

July 11, 2016

These are pictures of part of a July 8, 2016 response article that the Washington Post published:

The article is called "U-Va., answering critic, says it is committed to 'affordable excellence.'"

The pictures are of part of a statement by "University spokesman Anthony P. de Bruyn."

The author of the article is Nick Anderson, who wrote that "The Post invited U-Va.'s leadership to reply" to Ms. Dragas's article.  

This is the address of Mr. Anderson's article:

This is the address of the section of the University of Virginia's website that is called "The Cornerstone Plan:  Year One Update":

These are pictures of pages 2-4 of that section:

The University of Virginia just started the Cornerstone Plan; it is not something that preceded the conglomerate.   

Copyright, with noted exceptions, L. Kochman, July 11, 2016 @ 10:54 p.m.