Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Harassment and intimidation attempts by MIT

March 29, 2016

MIT has launched a campaign to prevent me from getting to know anyone in Cambridge.  It will probably harass any MIT graduate student or employee who talked to me and expel or fire anyone who got to know me.  Its janitors and police officers have stalked me, and probably many of its female students and employees, and possibly even child and young adolescent participants of its programs, for years.

Since I published a page saying that Cambridge is supposed to be the land of brilliant people and talking about the chance of meeting people while living there, MIT has started putting hostile ads around Cambridge and on the public trains.

That's the address for the pages of results for a Google search from today of the term "sexism at MIT."

Copyright, with noted exceptions, L. Kochman, March 29, 2016 @ 1:03 p.m.