Wednesday, March 16, 2016

The conglomerate will have my death before it will have my capitulation.

March 17, 2016

When the vagina jokes started in 2010, I knew that I would be at high risk of being sexually assaulted and killed for as long as the vagina jokes happened.  I knew that they weren't funny, and I knew that they would cause worse things.  I didn't know exactly what would happen, but I knew what the ending would be.

The vagina jokes/sexual harassment caused the stalking and voyeurism.  The stalking and voyeurism will cause me to be raped in person and killed.  That is the inevitable progression of the conglomerate's agenda.

The entertainment industry does not want women to be equal to men; it would kill them all before supporting their rights.  It is rivaled in its misogyny only by professional sports for men.

Copyright L. Kochman, March 17, 2016 @ 2:49 p.m.