Sunday, June 26, 2016

August 24, 2015

June 26, 2016

I also published this page on June 14, 2016.

Allegations about underage prostitution and Senator Menendez were something which The Daily Caller had reported, and which were attacked by the Washington Post, the Columbia Journalism Review, and many other media sources, before and even including August 24, 2015.  

Perhaps having connections is what protects a journalist or a publication from being sued during the time that it takes for a real investigation to happen; not that a real investigation guarantees that a government official who commits statutory rape will be prosecuted or even that he will think that he committed a crime.  

Copyright, with the exception of articles that seem to prove that the Washington Post has a history of inaccurately protecting high profile people and institutions who are accused of sexual misconduct, L. Kochman, June 14, 2016 @ 6:58 p.m./addition to the copyright notice @ 9:31 p.m./copyright also June 26, 2016 @ 5:50 p.m.