Thursday, February 23, 2017

The New York Times continues to promote child rape and to tap the illegal, hidden cameras in my apartment to receive live, illegal video of me.

February 23, 2017

Nobody who knows that it's not a false accusation that there are hidden, illegal cameras in my apartment has emailed the police to tell them that the cameras are there.  Not only will I have to leave the apartment because I said the cameras are there and that I wanted the property management to remove them, the property management's lawyer will probably say that I have to stop talking about the voyeurism that's being inflicted on me in my own home because I don't have "proof" that the cameras are there, nobody will remove the cameras, I'll continue to be illegally filmed for the weeks or months that I'm able to live in this apartment while I futilely attempt to get another place to live before I have to move to a shelter, the New York Times and everyone else who is victimizing me will continue to victim-blame me for the cameras that they did nothing to have removed from the apartment, the conglomerate will continue to promote voyeurism and involuntary pornography, I will continue to be targeted for voyeurism and involuntary pornography everywhere, and the number of people who are also targeted for voyeurism and involuntary pornography will increase as more people hear that I and a lot of other people have been abused this way for years and that the most powerful people and organizations in the world think it's funny.  

Nothing that the conglomerate is saying is contradicting the idea that suicide is the only way for me to stop being abused.

Not only can I do nothing about all of the illegally filmed video of me that's been circulating for years, I can do nothing to stop illegal video to continue to be filmed of me.

I don't know how many pages I have published, saying that the conglomerate sees everything that I do to attempt to have some privacy in my own home; showering, changing my clothes and using the toilet in the dark.  I have a radio in my bathroom to cover toilet noise, because the illegal, hidden cameras also have audio; instead of acknowledging the total degradation of my life and my attempts to cope with it, the conglomerate attacks me about the music that I listen to, even though there's nothing that I could listen to that someone couldn't portray as having a code meaning when it doesn't.  I have no friends; I don't want people's phones to be hacked and I can't invite people to my apartment without exposing them to the cameras and to the conglomerate, so I'm alone all the time.  

The conglomerate couldn't care less.  It never stops calling me a slut.  It never stops calling me a bad person.  It probably won't stop calling me those things even if I kill myself; that's what sexual harassment and bullying are like in the 21st century.  

The conglomerate continues to accuse me of manipulating celebrities to want to date me by attempting to be alluring for the hidden, illegal cameras and at my hacked phone; that's when the conglomerate isn't calling me old and ugly and ridiculing me for a painful urogenital problem which started in September 2016 and which I probably only have because of the stress of being victimized by the conglomerate for so many years.  I'm sure that there are celebrities who would have paid for me to have somewhere else to live if I had actually dated them; they probably would even have paid for me to have medical care, since it seems as if Boston Medical Center has abandoned me.  I don't want to do that.  Contrary to the conglomerate's vicious, continuous, stigmatizing accusations that have misled people around me to commit crimes against me for years, I have attempted to maintain my independence.  

Copyright L. Kochman, February 23, 2017 @ 4:10 p.m./I don't choose the addresses that videos get when I publish them at YouTube.