I don't appreciate some of your behavior toward me. You have not had to live my life, so don't judge me or call me a liar.
I certainly have never done anything to you.
It also has often seemed to me that a substantial amount of your writing involves a real hatred of men. I don't think that a categorical hatred of men is feminist. I know that the world is so full of unnecessary misery that it is difficult for intelligent people not to be cynical; many male writers throughout literary history have decided that they hate humanity, men and women included. However, disguising your hatred of people by calling it feminism does not give you the right to abuse women who, while they get as angry as anyone about misogyny and male dominance, have not decided that the inequalities of the world are the result of men being born to be evil.
Someone has to buy the books you write; don't try to tell me that you never think about that when you're deciding how to talk about what you don't like about human beings. Writers who hate EVERYBODY won't sell as many books, won't get as many awards, won't get invitations to signings and other events praising them, and won't have any friends.
I have respect for your writing ability; however, I am not interested in being your victim.
Copyright L. Kochman, March 20, 2016 @ 8:12 p.m.