August 29, 2017
How can there be so many people who feel no responsibility for corroborating that the voyeurism and involuntary pornography, which have victimized a lot of people, are not false accusations?
How can you be so viciously uncaring about people whom you can't even pretend ever did anything to you?
Not only is the conglomerate viciously uncaring, IT HASN'T STOPPED LAUGHING!
Homeless people of many races. The elderly. The mentally and physically disabled. Pregnant women. People in all of the stages of recovery from everything you can imagine. People who have had more bad things happen to them than happen to the average person in a lifetime.
Those are only some of the victims of the conglomerate's promotion of voyeurism and involuntary pornography, at the homeless shelters and psychiatric facilities where these crimes have happened (and which nothing has stopped from happening). What about the victims at the YMCA; was it only the women's locker room that had hidden, illegal cameras in the showers, or did the men's and children's locker rooms also have hidden, illegal cameras? Has anyone removed the hidden, illegal cameras from anywhere that these crimes have happened, or have thousands of hours of illegal video been filmed of thousands of people every day during the years since the voyeurism and involuntary pornography began?
These are pictures of the email that a manager at the YMCA WHICH THE CONGLOMERATE KNOWS HAD HIDDEN, ILLEGAL CAMERAS IN THE SHOWERS OF THE WOMEN'S LOCKER ROOM sent me in 2015:
August 29, 2017
I didn't send him information about my blog; it was probably a stalker who was trying to make me seem crazy who told him about it.
How many times am I going to be punished as if I am a criminal when I'm doing what I can to stop crime?
What about tenants at the TWO APARTMENT BUILDINGS IN A ROW WHERE I WAS VICTIMIZED AND THEN CALLED A CRAZY LIAR AND FORCED INTO HOMELESSNESS FOR SAYING THAT THE VICTIMIZATION WAS HAPPENING? At least when I lived at those buildings, I turned off the lights in the bathroom and to change my clothes, and I never had sex (or friends, or anything else that someone whose life isn't FORCED TO BE TOTALLY ABNORMAL 24 HOURS A DAY HAS). Other tenants don't know what's happening to them. How many unsuspecting people are being filmed in their homes? What about their children? How many children has the conglomerate's promotion of voyeurism, involuntary pornography and child molestation victimized?
What about all of the college students in Vermont, Massachusetts, and everywhere else that voyeurism and involuntary pornography are being treated as if they're funny jokes?
What's even more sickening is that the conglomerate, which encourages crime to be inflicted on the public, is dependent on the public for a living. The entertainment industry, the media, governments, corporations, cultural institutions; they have all turned into predators, and their victims don't know what's happening to them or what's going to happen to them.
Copyright, with noted exceptions, L. Kochman, August 29, 2017 @ 7:05 p.m.