Friday, August 25, 2017

The grotesque and criminal privacy invasions promoted by the conglomerate couldn't be more fascist, totalitarian or elitist.

August 25, 2017

In 2010, the conglomerate formed around the sexual harassment of women, using references to wetness as code for vaginal fluid.  

On August 22, 2017, the band "30 Seconds To Mars" released the lyric video for the single "Walk On Water."  The title alone, in the context of conglomerate code, should offend everyone from Christian conservatives to feminists who object to the male domination of women in every major religion.  

The song is a joke about voyeurism and involuntary pornography.  What's worse is that all of the video for it is from footage that the band asked the public to film on July 4, 2017.  I'm sure that everyone who sent footage had to sign a consent form saying that the band could use the footage; people had no idea that what they filmed would be exploited to attack their rights.  

On August 20, 2017, I published this discussion of the demographics of the largest percentage of people whom the conglomerate's promotion of voyeurism and involuntary pornography has victimized for 6 years, since the first hidden, illegal cameras were installed in the shower room of a homeless shelter in Vermont where I lived for a few months, after leaving the Vermont State Hospital in 2011:

30 Seconds To Mars was, presumably, moderately shocked by the scope of the crime which it and the rest of the conglomerate have promoted; although they wouldn't change the lyrics of the song 2 days before its release, this is what the band wrote in the description section for the video at YouTube:

For years, I have said that the conglomerate's promotion of voyeurism and involuntary pornography has victimized a lot of people whom the conglomerate can't even pretend did anything to the sickening celebrities and other rich people whom the conglomerate has cast as heroes victimized by me.  I have published pages about it.  I have published videos talking about it.  The conglomerate DOESN'T CARE.  

The rich people do whatever they want, victimizing everyone else and laughing about it, while their targets can't do anything about it, and the powers that be lie to the public about who the enemies of freedom are.  

Plus ça change.

Copyright, with noted exceptions, L. Kochman, August 25, 2017 @ 8:35 a.m.