Thursday, March 17, 2016

"I can't imagine being that thoughtless and careless and so empty inside."

March 17, 2016

That's a quote from Jennifer Lawrence from a 2014 Vanity Fair article.  She was talking about people who electronically stole nude pictures of her and put them on the Internet.  She said that during the interview, and then did a photo in a pool showing the tops of her breasts for the 2014 article.  The quote from the 2014 article is above the 2014 photo in another Vanity Fair article from yesterday that's about the felony guilty plea of one of the men who violated her privacy.  The article says that he could get 5 years in jail.

That's the address of the Vanity Fair article from March 16, 2016.

I'm glad he got arrested.  I hope he goes to jail.

Are these celebrities this hypocritical, though, or are they without awareness of their double standards for themselves and the rest of the world?  I have never consented to having one nude photo taken of me; all of that public imagery was produced by criminal voyeurism taken by hidden cameras in bathrooms and showers, and people who have helped to publicize it and who have condemned me for being a bad person talk about the people who violated THEM as if those violators are nothing like them.  

Crime is only crime when it happens to rich people who are coddled by the system that makes money off their fame, not when it happens to someone who is impoverished and whom the system bullies; the stars of that system don't know that's what they think.  What they think is that they are good and I am bad. They are people, and I'm not a person.  Their rights and their feelings matter, and I have no rights and my feelings are to be publicly ridiculed.  They have the right to have friends and I don't.  If I dislike them, it's because I'm jealous of them, not because they're bad people.  

The conglomerate has distorted language for years, so I can't say something like "Earth to Celebrities.  Do you read?"

Copyright, with noted exceptions, L. Kochman, March 17, 2016 @ 10:57 a.m.