Sunday, June 5, 2016

If women who are 35 are considered by Hollywood to have aged out of being love interests for actors their age, it's not because 35-year-old women are less physically attractive than 35-year-old men.

June 5, 2016

It's because most 35-year-old women are much less easily impressed, lied to, controlled and pushed around by men who are 35 and older than younger women are.

For women in movies and television to have equal say in their relationships, for them to have requisites for dating and marriage that involve higher standards of male behavior than women being treated like little girls when they do what they're told and denounced as whores when they don't; that would change everything in the entertainment industry, which is why that industry wants me dead.

If the industry can't cause my death, it wants me to be as miserable, hated and stymied as possible, for the rest of my life, and so does every other misogynist in the world.

The Camera In The Bathroom:  A Cautionary Tale About Feminism

That's the only narrative that the conglomerate wants the world to know about what has happened to me.

Copyright L. Kochman, June 5, 2016 @ 5:12 p.m.