The New York Times has responded by calling me a racist, even though it's not the only media source that accused me off and on of being a terrorist since 2010, for the hell of it, for something negative and dishonest to say about me.
I'm old and ugly but everyone should want to see illegal, naked video of me that was filmed without my consent.
I'm old and ugly but everyone should be afraid because I'm a manstealer.
I'm a lesbian and a manstealer.
I'm mentally ill so everyone should be afraid of me and disgusted by me, and should also want to watch illegal video of me naked that was filmed without my consent and in total, criminal violation of my privacy in the showers and bathrooms of psychiatric facilities.
These are only a few examples of the logic of the New York Times and the rest of the conglomerate since 2010.
Copyright L. Kochman, February 8, 2017 @ 10:32 a.m.